Project description:Many animal species employ a chromosome-based mechanism of sex determination, which has led to coordinate evolution of dosage compensation systems. Dosage compensation not only corrects the imbalance in the number of X-chromosomes between the sexes, but is also hypothesized to correct dosage imbalance within cells due to mono-allelic X expression and bi-allelic autosomal expression, by upregulating X-linked genes (termed ‘Ohno’s hypothesis’). It is unknown whether any epigenetic mark or protein is involved in X upregulation in mammals. Ser-5 phosphorylated RNA polymerase II (PolII S5p) is required for transcription initiation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA tiling array analysis (ChIP-chip) of PolII S5p in mouse female ES cells with two active X chromosomes demonstrated a greater enrichment of RNA polymerase II on X-linked genes relative to autosomal genes, suggesting that enhanced transcription initiation may play a role in X upregulation. Comparison of RNA PolII S5p enrichment on the X versus autosomes in mouse
Project description:Many animal species employ a chromosome-based mechanism of sex determination, which has led to coordinate evolution of dosage compensation systems. Dosage compensation not only corrects the imbalance in the number of X-chromosomes between the sexes, but is also hypothesized to correct dosage imbalance within cells due to mono-allelic X expression and bi-allelic autosomal expression, by upregulating X-linked genes (termed ‘Ohno’s hypothesis’). It is unknown whether any epigenetic mark or protein is involved in X upregulation in mammals. Ser-5 phosphorylated RNA polymerase II (PolII S5p) is required for transcription initiation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA tiling array analysis (ChIP-chip) of PolII S5p in mouse female ES cells with two active X chromosomes demonstrated a greater enrichment of RNA polymerase II on X-linked genes relative to autosomal genes, suggesting that enhanced transcription initiation may play a role in X upregulation.
Project description:Phf5a regulates transcription elongation in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs), through regulation of the Paf1 complex. In this study we assayed for genome-wide localization of Ser-5-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II and Ser-2-phosphorylated RNA polymerase II in mouse ESCs under conditions of shControl and shPhf5a knockdown. These results revealed that downregualtion of Phf5a results in the increase of the initiating form of RNA polymerase II (Ser5-phosphorylated) and in the aberrant loss of the elongating form of RNA polymerase II (Ser2-phosphorylated) of pluripotency genes in ESCs.
Project description:Many animal species employ a chromosome-based mechanism of sex determination, which has led to coordinate evolution of dosage compensation systems. Dosage compensation not only corrects the imbalance in the number of X-chromosomes between the sexes, but is also hypothesized to correct dosage imbalance within cells due to mono-allelic X expression and bi-allelic autosomal expression, by upregulating X-linked genes (termed ‘Ohno’s hypothesis’). To identify molecular mechanisms of X upregulation in mammals we established genome-wide profiles for the initiation and elongation forms of RNA polymerase II (PolII), PolII-S5p (phosphorylated at serine 5) and PolII-S2p (phosphorylated at serine 2), and for histone modifications in mouse cell lines and tissues. We found that in addition to being enriched in PolII-S5p but not in PolII-S2p, X-linked promoters were also enriched in two epigenetic marks, H4K16ac and H2AZ, dependent on expression levels. To address the function of the H4K16 acetyltransferase MOF occupancy profiles were established and knockdowns of MOF and MSL1 were done in mouse ES cells. Our results support a conserved role for the MSL complex to enhance transcription initiation of X-linked genes.
Project description:Many animal species employ a chromosome-based mechanism of sex determination, which has led to coordinate evolution of dosage compensation systems. Dosage compensation not only corrects the imbalance in the number of X-chromosomes between the sexes, but is also hypothesized to correct dosage imbalance within cells due to mono-allelic X expression and bi-allelic autosomal expression, by upregulating X-linked genes (termed M-bM-^@M-^XOhnoM-bM-^@M-^Ys hypothesisM-bM-^@M-^Y). To identify molecular mechanisms of X upregulation in mammals we established genome-wide profiles for the initiation and elongation forms of RNA polymerase II (PolII), PolII-S5p (phosphorylated at serine 5) and PolII-S2p (phosphorylated at serine 2), and for histone modifications in mouse cell lines and tissues. We found that in addition to being enriched in PolII-S5p but not in PolII-S2p, X-linked promoters were also enriched in two epigenetic marks, H4K16ac and H2AZ, dependent on expression levels. To address the function of the H4K16 acetyltransferase MOF occupancy profiles were established and knockdowns of MOF and MSL1 were done in mouse ES cells. Our results support a conserved role for the MSL complex to enhance transcription initiation of X-linked genes. Comparison of the profiles of RNA PolII, the H4K16ac acetyltransferase MOF and histone active marks on the X versus autosomes in mouse
Project description:We report the application of single-molecule-based sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of RNA polymerase II phosphorylated at serine 5 (PolII-S5p; the transcription initiation form) in female mouse cultured hybrid cells and female hybrid brain derived from mouse systems with skewed X inactivation based on crosses between C57BL/6J (BL6) and M. spretus. In these systems, alleles can be differentiated by frequent SNPs between mouse species, and the active X (Xa) compared to the haploid set of autosomes from the same species. To examine PolII-S5p occupancy in vivo, ChIP-seq was done in brain from an adult female F1 mouse in which the BL6 X is always active and the spretus X inactive. Uniquely mapped reads containing informative SNPs were assigned to each haploid chromosome set (BL6 or spretus) and were counted to establish allele-specific PolII-S5p occupancy profiles. We found that PolII-S5p allele-specific occupancy with or without normalization by input genomic DNA sequencing data showed that expressed genes on the Xa (>1RPKM) had 30% higher PolII-S5p peak levels at their promoters compared to autosomal genes from the same species (BL6). This result was confirmed by performing an independent allele-specific ChIP-seq analysis on fibroblasts derived from embryonic kidney (Patski cell line) that have the opposite X inactivation pattern from the brain sample, i.e. an Xa from M. spretus and an Xi from BL6. These findings suggest that transcription initiation of X-linked genes is enhanced to contribute to X upregulation in cell lines and in vivo.
Project description:We report the application of single-molecule-based sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of RNA polymerase II phosphorylated at serine 5 (PolII-S5p; the transcription initiation form) in female mouse cultured hybrid cells and female hybrid brain derived from mouse systems with skewed X inactivation based on crosses between C57BL/6J (BL6) and M. spretus. In these systems, alleles can be differentiated by frequent SNPs between mouse species, and the active X (Xa) compared to the haploid set of autosomes from the same species. To examine PolII-S5p occupancy in vivo, ChIP-seq was done in brain from an adult female F1 mouse in which the BL6 X is always active and the spretus X inactive. Uniquely mapped reads containing informative SNPs were assigned to each haploid chromosome set (BL6 or spretus) and were counted to establish allele-specific PolII-S5p occupancy profiles. We found that PolII-S5p allele-specific occupancy with or without normalization by input genomic DNA sequencing data showed that expressed genes on the Xa (>1RPKM) had 30% higher PolII-S5p peak levels at their promoters compared to autosomal genes from the same species (BL6). This result was confirmed by performing an independent allele-specific ChIP-seq analysis on fibroblasts derived from embryonic kidney (Patski cell line) that have the opposite X inactivation pattern from the brain sample, i.e. an Xa from M. spretus and an Xi from BL6. These findings suggest that transcription initiation of X-linked genes is enhanced to contribute to X upregulation in cell lines and in vivo. Examination of allele-specific PolII-S5p occupancy in mouse hybrid cells and brain.
Project description:In this study, we performed ChIP-seq of RNA polymerase II, phosphorylated RNA polymerase II and related epigenetic modifications to elucidate transcriptional activities of mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Through analyzing epigenetic alterations of transgenically-modified growing oocytes, early embryos from aged female, and early embryos treated with drugs disturbing proteostasis, we identified critical roles of proteostasis in transcriptional regulation of mouse oocytes and early embryos.
Project description:ChIP-chip profiles of RNA Polymerase II phosphorylated on serine 2 in Drosophila S2 cells. RNA Polymerase II phosphorylated on serine 2 ChIP in Drosophila S2 cells. 3 biological replicates with dye-swaps.