Project description:To provide insight into the systemic metabolic effects of S. enteritidis infection, liver samples were harvested 10 days post infection from broiler hens. Hepatic global gene expression levels were assessed using a chicken 44K Agilent microarray. Forty-four genes were differentially expressed at a significance level of q-value < 0.05. One hundred eighty-three genes were differentially expressed at a suggestive significance level of q-value < 0.1. A predominance of down-regulation existed among significantly differentially expressed genes. A cell morphology, cell cycle, organismal injury and abnormalities network and a metabolic disease, cardiovascular system development and function, and urological disease network were created from the differentially expressed genes. Apoptosis, electron transport, peptidase activity, vein constriction, cell differentiation, IL-2 signaling, Jak-Stat signaling, B-cell receptor signaling, GDP/GTP exchange, and cytokine suppression were among the functions of the differentially expressed genes that were down-regulated in response to S. enteritidis. The effects of S. enteritidis infection on the liver transcriptome profiles of broilers reflect a predominance of down-regulation of genes involved with metabolic, cell morphology, cell cycle, urological disease, and organismal injury functions. These results provide insight into important systemic metabolic mechanisms that are active in the chicken liver in response to S. enteritidis infection.
Project description:To provide insight into the systemic metabolic effects of S. enteritidis infection, liver samples were harvested 10 days post infection from broiler hens. Hepatic global gene expression levels were assessed using a chicken 44K Agilent microarray. Forty-four genes were differentially expressed at a significance level of q-value < 0.05. One hundred eighty-three genes were differentially expressed at a suggestive significance level of q-value < 0.1. A predominance of down-regulation existed among significantly differentially expressed genes. A cell morphology, cell cycle, organismal injury and abnormalities network and a metabolic disease, cardiovascular system development and function, and urological disease network were created from the differentially expressed genes. Apoptosis, electron transport, peptidase activity, vein constriction, cell differentiation, IL-2 signaling, Jak-Stat signaling, B-cell receptor signaling, GDP/GTP exchange, and cytokine suppression were among the functions of the differentially expressed genes that were down-regulated in response to S. enteritidis. The effects of S. enteritidis infection on the liver transcriptome profiles of broilers reflect a predominance of down-regulation of genes involved with metabolic, cell morphology, cell cycle, urological disease, and organismal injury functions. These results provide insight into important systemic metabolic mechanisms that are active in the chicken liver in response to S. enteritidis infection. Sixteen broiler hens of approximately 5 months (8 challenged orally with 1x108 S. enteritidis on each of three sequential days and 8 mock-challenged with phosphate buffered saline) were used. Livers were harvested at 10 days post infection and stored in RNALater (Ambion).
Project description:Salmonella enteritidis is suggested to translocate in the small intestine. Previously we identified that prebiotics, fermented in the colon, increased Salmonella translocation in rats, suggesting involvement of the colon in translocation. Effects of Salmonella on colonic gene expression in vivo are largely unknown. The aim of this study was to characterize time dependent Salmonella induced changes of colonic mucosal gene expression in rats using whole genome microarrays. Rats were orally infected with Salmonella enteritidis to mimic a foodbore infection and colonic gene expression was determined at day 1, 3 and 6 post-infection (n=8 per timepoint). Agilent rat whole genome microarray (G4131A Agilent Technologies) were used. Results indicate that colon is clearly a target tissue for Salmonella considering the abundant changes in mucosal gene expression observed. Keywords: Time point infection study, colon mucosa, Rat
Project description:With the development of the poultry industry, ammonia, as a main contaminant in the air, is causing increasing problems with broiler health. To date, most studies of ammonia toxicity have focused on the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract in mammals. However, few detailed studies have been conducted on the hepatic response to ammonia toxicity in poultry. The molecular mechanisms that underlie these effects remain unclear. In the present study, our group applied isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) - based quantitative proteomic analysis to investigate changes in the protein profile change in hepatic tissue of broilers exposed to high concentrations of atmospheric ammonia, with the goal of characterizing the molecular mechanisms of chronic liver injury from exposure to high ambient levels of ammonia. Overall, 30 differentially expressed proteins that are involved in nutrient metabolism (energy, lipid and amino acid), immune response, transcriptional and translational regulation, stress response and detoxification were identified. In particular, two of these proteins, beta-1 galactosidase (GLB1), and a kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 8-like (AKAP8 L), were previously suggested to be potential biomarkers of chronic liver injury. In addition to the changes in the protein profile, serum parameters and histochemical analyses of hepatic tissue also showed extensive hepatic damage in ammonia-exposed broilers. Altogether, these findings suggest that longtime exposure to high concentrations of atmospheric ammonia can trigger chronic hepatic injury in broilers via different mechanisms, providing new information that can be used for intervention using nutritional strategies in the future.
Project description:White leghorn layers were infected with Salmonella Enteritidis. The cecum were collected at 7 days post infection for total RNA isolation. The significantly expressed microRNAs between infected and non-infected chickens were identified through Solexa sequencing technology.
Project description:Salmonella enteritidis (SE) is a foodborne pathogen that causes high morbidity and mortality rates in poultry. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) proteomics was used to study the effects of Salmonella infection on spleen proteome in broiler chicks.
Control (CON; n=60) or Salmonella challenged (CON-SE; n=60) broilers were gavaged with sterile Tryptic soy agar broth or 7.46 x 108 colony-forming units (CFU) of SE. Weight gain and feed intake between 1 and 14 d post-hatching was determined. A subset of chicks was euthanized on D3 and D7 of age (n=4/group/day) and spleen was aseptically removed, and used for proteomic analysis. There was no difference in growth performance between CON and CON-SE. Across the 16 spleen samples 2625 proteins were measured of which 360 proteins were DAP between D3 and D7. Proteins decreased in abundance between days mediated cell cycle progression, those increased in abundance function in cytoskeleton and mRNA processing. Salmonella infection influenced the abundance of 216 proteins (FDR <0.05); increasing proteins involved in redox homeostasis, lysosomal activities, and energy production, while decreasing abundance of proteins involved in developmental progression.
Although SE infection did not affect growth performance of experimental chicks, the proteomics signatures of spleen suggest infection was metabolically costly, and energy was diverted from normal developmental processes to potentiate disease resistance mechanisms.
Project description:This is a dynamic mathematical model describing the development of the cellular branch of the intestinal immune system of poultry during the first 42 days of life, and of its response towards an oral infection with Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis.