Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE40969: Molecular profiling of activated neurons by phosphorylated ribosome capture [RNA-Seq] GSE40994: Molecular profiling of activated neurons by phosphorylated ribosome capture [Illumina BeadArray] Refer to individual Series
Project description:The lateral habenula (LHb) is a well-established brain region involved in depressive disorders. Synaptic transmission of the LHb neurons is known to be enhanced by stress exposure; however, little is known about genetic modulators within the LHb that respond to stress. Using recently developed molecular profiling methods by phosphorylated ribosome capture, we obtained transcriptome profiles of stress responsive LHb neurons during acute physical stress. Among such genes, we found that KCNB1 (Kv2.1 channel), a delayed rectifier and voltage-gated potassium channel, exhibited increased expression following acute stress exposure. To determine the roles of KCNB1 on LHb neurons during stress, we injected short hairpin RNA (shRNA) against the kcnb1 gene to block its expression prior to stress exposure. We observed that the knockdown of KCNB1 altered the basal firing pattern of LHb neurons. Although KCNB1 blockade did not rescue despair-like behaviors in acute learned helplessness (aLH) animals, we found that KCNB1 knockdown prevented the enhancement of synaptic strength in LHb neuron after stress exposure. This study suggests that KCNB1 may contribute to shape stress responses by regulating basal firing patterns and neurotransmission intensity of LHb neurons.
Project description:We report that phosphorylated ribosomes can be immunoprecipitated from mouse brain homogenates, enriching for mRNAs that were selectively expressed in activated neurons Mice were given an injection of concentrated salt solution (2M NaCl, 325 uL) or PBS, and then sacrificed 2h later and hypothalami dissected. Tissue homogenates were prepared from hypothalamus and phosphorylated ribosomes immunoprecipitated using pS6 244/247 antibodies. The immunoprecipitated RNA and total RNA from both control and salt treated animals were then purified and analyzed by Illumina Microarray.
Project description:We report that phosphorylated ribosomes can be immunoprecipitated from mouse brain homogenates, resulting in enrichment of transcripts expressed in activated neurons. Mice were either injected with a concentrated salt solution or vehicle, hypothalami dissected, and phosphorylated ribosomes immunoprecipitated. RNA was sequenced from the input and IP for each condition (4 samples total).