Project description:The impact of sesamin, episesamin and sesamolin (sesame lignans) on hepatic gene expression profiles was compared with a DNA microarray. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed experimental diets containing 0.2% sesamin, episesamin or sesamolin, and a control diet free of lignans for 15 d. Compared to a lignan-free diet, a diet containing sesamin, episesamin and sesamolin caused 1.5- and 2-fold changes in the expression of 128 and 40, 526 and 152, and 516 and 140 genes, respectively. The lignans modified not only the mRNA levels of many enzymes involved in hepatic fatty acid oxidation, but also those of proteins involved in the transportation of fatty acids into hepatocytes and their organelles, and regulate hepatic concentrations of carnitine, CoA and malonyl-CoA. It is apparent that sesame lignans stimulate hepatic fatty acid oxidation by affecting the gene expression of various proteins regulating hepatic fatty acid metabolism. We also observed that lignans modified the gene expression of various proteins involved in hepatic lipogenesis, cholesterogenesis and glucose metabolism. The changes were generally greater with episesamin and sesamolin than with sesamin. In terms of the amounts accumulated in serum and the liver, the lignans ranked in the order sesamolin, episesamin and sesamin. The differences in bio-availability among these lignans appear to be important to their divergent physiological activities.
Project description:The impact of sesamin, episesamin and sesamolin (sesame lignans) on hepatic gene expression profiles was compared with a DNA microarray. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed experimental diets containing 0.2% sesamin, episesamin or sesamolin, and a control diet free of lignans for 15 d. Compared to a lignan-free diet, a diet containing sesamin, episesamin and sesamolin caused 1.5- and 2-fold changes in the expression of 128 and 40, 526 and 152, and 516 and 140 genes, respectively. The lignans modified not only the mRNA levels of many enzymes involved in hepatic fatty acid oxidation, but also those of proteins involved in the transportation of fatty acids into hepatocytes and their organelles, and regulate hepatic concentrations of carnitine, CoA and malonyl-CoA. It is apparent that sesame lignans stimulate hepatic fatty acid oxidation by affecting the gene expression of various proteins regulating hepatic fatty acid metabolism. We also observed that lignans modified the gene expression of various proteins involved in hepatic lipogenesis, cholesterogenesis and glucose metabolism. The changes were generally greater with episesamin and sesamolin than with sesamin. In terms of the amounts accumulated in serum and the liver, the lignans ranked in the order sesamolin, episesamin and sesamin. The differences in bio-availability among these lignans appear to be important to their divergent physiological activities. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups with equal mean body weights consisting of 7 animals each and fed either a diet free of lignan or diets containing 0.2% lignan (sesamin, episesamin or sesamolin) for 15 d. RNA extracted from the livers of 5 rats from each group was subjected to microarray analyses. Rats with the highest and lowest body weights in each group at the time of killing were eliminated from microarray analyses.
Project description:Oligodendrocytes undergo extensive changes as they differentiate from progenitors into myelinating cells. To better understand the; molecular mechanisms underlying this transformation, we performed a comparative analysis using gene expression profiling of A2B5+; oligodendrocyte progenitors and O4+ oligodendrocytes. Cells were sort-purified ex vivo from postnatal rat brain using flow cytometry. Using Affymetrix microarrays, 1707 transcripts were identified with a more than twofold increase in expression inO4+oligodendrocytes. Many genes required for oligodendrocyte differentiation were upregulated in O4+ oligodendrocytes, including numerous genes encoding; myelin proteins. Transcriptional changes included genes required for cell adhesion, actin cytoskeleton regulation, and fatty acid and; cholesterol biosynthesis. At the O4+ stage, there was an increase in expression of a novel proline-rich transmembrane protein (Prmp). Localized to the plasma membrane, Prmp displays adhesive properties that may be important for linking the extracellular matrix to the; actin cytoskeleton. Together, our results highlight the usefulness of this discovery-driven experimental strategy to identify genes relevant; to oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination. Experiment Overall Design: Whole brain dissociates were prepared from one litter of 10 male postnatal day 7 rat pups for each of the 5 A2B5 bioligcal replicates and the 4 O4+ bioligical replicates. Total RNA was extracted from single A2B5+ and single O4+ cells sorted directly from postnatal day7 rat whole brain dissociates using flow cytometry.
Project description:In order to establish a rat embryonic stem cell transcriptome, mRNA from rESC cell line DAc8, the first male germline competent rat ESC line to be described and the first to be used to generate a knockout rat model was characterized using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis.
Project description:vanEunen2013 - Network dynamics of fatty acid β-oxidation (time-course model)
Lipid metabolism plays an important role in the development of metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This model gives insights into the response of lipid oxidation to dietart and medical interventions. The model predicts the rate of lipid oxidation and the time course of most acyl carnitines. There are two models described in the paper, (i) steady-state model [ BIOMD0000000505
], (ii) time-course model [ BIOMD0000000506
]. This model corresponds to the time-course model.
This model is described in the article:
Biochemical competition makes fatty-acid β-oxidation vulnerable to substrate overload.
van Eunen K, Simons SM, Gerding A, Bleeker A, den Besten G, Touw CM, Houten SM, Groen BK, Krab K, Reijngoud DJ, Bakker BM.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2013;9(8):e1003186.
Fatty-acid metabolism plays a key role in acquired and inborn metabolic diseases. To obtain insight into the network dynamics of fatty-acid β-oxidation, we constructed a detailed computational model of the pathway and subjected it to a fat overload condition. The model contains reversible and saturable enzyme-kinetic equations and experimentally determined parameters for rat-liver enzymes. It was validated by adding palmitoyl CoA or palmitoyl carnitine to isolated rat-liver mitochondria: without refitting of measured parameters, the model correctly predicted the β-oxidation flux as well as the time profiles of most acyl-carnitine concentrations. Subsequently, we simulated the condition of obesity by increasing the palmitoyl-CoA concentration. At a high concentration of palmitoyl CoA the β-oxidation became overloaded: the flux dropped and metabolites accumulated. This behavior originated from the competition between acyl CoAs of different chain lengths for a set of acyl-CoA dehydrogenases with overlapping substrate specificity. This effectively induced competitive feedforward inhibition and thereby led to accumulation of CoA-ester intermediates and depletion of free CoA (CoASH). The mitochondrial [NAD⁺]/[NADH] ratio modulated the sensitivity to substrate overload, revealing a tight interplay between regulation of β-oxidation and mitochondrial respiration.
This model is hosted on BioModels Database
and identified
by: BIOMD0000000506
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource
for published quantitative kinetic models
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public
domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain
for more information.
Project description:vanEunen2013 - Network dynamics of fatty acid β-oxidation (steady-state model)
Lipid metabolism plays an important role in the development of metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This model gives insights into the response of lipid oxidation to dietart and medical interventions. The model predicts the rate of lipid oxidation and the time course of most acyl carnitines. There are two models described in the paper, (i) steady-state model [ BIOMD0000000505
], (ii) time-course model [ BIOMD0000000506
]. This model corresponds to the steady-state model.
This model is described in the article:
Biochemical competition makes fatty-acid β-oxidation vulnerable to substrate overload.
van Eunen K, Simons SM, Gerding A, Bleeker A, den Besten G, Touw CM, Houten SM, Groen BK, Krab K, Reijngoud DJ, Bakker BM.
PLoS Comput Biol. 2013;9(8):e1003186.
Fatty-acid metabolism plays a key role in acquired and inborn metabolic diseases. To obtain insight into the network dynamics of fatty-acid β-oxidation, we constructed a detailed computational model of the pathway and subjected it to a fat overload condition. The model contains reversible and saturable enzyme-kinetic equations and experimentally determined parameters for rat-liver enzymes. It was validated by adding palmitoyl CoA or palmitoyl carnitine to isolated rat-liver mitochondria: without refitting of measured parameters, the model correctly predicted the β-oxidation flux as well as the time profiles of most acyl-carnitine concentrations. Subsequently, we simulated the condition of obesity by increasing the palmitoyl-CoA concentration. At a high concentration of palmitoyl CoA the β-oxidation became overloaded: the flux dropped and metabolites accumulated. This behavior originated from the competition between acyl CoAs of different chain lengths for a set of acyl-CoA dehydrogenases with overlapping substrate specificity. This effectively induced competitive feedforward inhibition and thereby led to accumulation of CoA-ester intermediates and depletion of free CoA (CoASH). The mitochondrial [NAD⁺]/[NADH] ratio modulated the sensitivity to substrate overload, revealing a tight interplay between regulation of β-oxidation and mitochondrial respiration.
This model is hosted on BioModels Database
and identified
by: BIOMD0000000505
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource
for published quantitative kinetic models
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or
neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public
domain worldwide. Please refer to CC0 Public Domain
for more information.
Project description:A time course of orotic acid induced fatty liver disease. Kyoto and Wistar strain rats were exposed to orotic acid for days 1, 3 and 14. Controls are also included.