Project description:Comparison of the transcriptome of immortalised mouse kidney epithelial cells either wt for Fh1 or Fh1-deficient. The cells were isolated from kidneys of P5 mouse(see Frezza et al, Nature 2011). Briefly, Fh1_fl (flox) are wt for Fh1 (floxed cassette not excised), clone 1 and clone 19 are two different Fh1-deificent clones (floxed cassette excised) and Rec are clone 19 with reconstituted Fh1 expression from exogenous plasmid.
Project description:To identify the transcriptional targets of Foxa2, we treated Fh1-WT or Fh1-KO cells with either siNT or siFoxa2 and subsequent RNA-sequencing.
Project description:RNA-seq analysis of Pseudomonas sp OST1909 exposed to various preparations of naphthenic acids samples led to the identiifcation of many NA-induced genes.