Project description:This experiment analyzes the changes in expression of twelve days old Arabidopsis roots after 10 hours of beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii treatment
Project description:Cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae) can be attracted by wheat roots before infestation, while largely is unknown underlying this phenomenon. Here, we examined the transcriptional responses of both wheat roots and nematodes during the attraction stage by mRNA sequencing analysis (with and without reference genome, respectively). We found that consistent with their respective mobility, the immobile host wheat root only had 93 DEGs (27 up-regulated and 66 down-regulated), while the mobile plant parasitic nematode H. avenae reacted much more actively with 879 DEGs (867 up-regulated and 12 down-regulated). Among the DEGs, a number of wheat DEGs (most down-regulated) were involved in biotic stress pathways, while several putative effector genes (up-regulated) were found in the nematode DEGs. Results of the experiments demonstrated that nematode responds more actively than wheat during the attraction stage of parasitism, and the parasite responses mainly involved up-regulation whereas the host responses mainly involved down-regulation.
Project description:We compared the gene expression of wild-type Col-0, tcp9, tcp20, and the double mutant tcp9tcp20. We either infected or mock-infected the plants with the beet cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii and measured the root transcriptome after 24, 48, and 72 hours post infection using RNA-seq. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether the tcp mutatants affected gene expression patterns induced by nematode infection.
Project description:This experiment analyzes the changes in expression of twelve days old Arabidopsis roots at ten hours post inoculation upon cyst nematode H. schachtii infection.
Project description:Arabidopsis Affymetrix ATH1 GeneChips were used to compare the mRNA profiles of root tissues of the transgenic plants overexpressing 4D09 effector gene from the cyst nematode Heterodera schachtii and the wild-type (C24). Also, Arabidopsis Affymetrix ATH1 GeneChips were used to compare the mRNA profiles of root tissues of the transgenic plants overexpressing 14-3-3Ɛ gene from Arabidopsis and the wild-type (Col-0). Wild-type (Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotypes C24 and Col-0 ), and the transgenic plants overexpressing 4D09 effector gene or overexpressing 14-3-3Ɛ gene from Arabidopsis were grown in vertical culture dishes on modified Knop’s medium for 2 weeks and then root tissues were collected for RNA extraction. ****[PLEXdb( has submitted this series at GEO on behalf of the original contributor, Tarek Hewezi. The equivalent experiment is AT144 at PLEXdb.]
Project description:The cereal cyst nematode (CCN, Heterodera avenae) is a major pest of wheat (Triticum spp) that reduces crop yields in many countries. Cyst nematodes are obligate sedentary endoparasites that reproduce by amphimixis. Here, we report the first transcriptome analysis of two parasitic stages of H. avenae.
Project description:Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes induce the formation of hypermetabolic feeding sites, termed syncytia, as their sole source of nutrients. The formation of the syncytium is orchestrated by the nematode in part by modulation of phytohormone responses, including cytokinin. In response to infection by the nematode H. schachtii, cytokinin signaling is transiently induced at the site of infection and in the developing syncytium. Arabidopsis lines with reduced cytokinin sensitivity show reduced susceptibility to nematode infection, indicating that cytokinin signaling is required for optimal nematode development. Furthermore, lines with increased cytokinin sensitivity also exhibit reduced nematode susceptibility. To ascertain why cytokinin hypersensitivity reduces nematode parasitism, we examined the transcriptomes in wild-type and a cytokinin-hypersensitive type-A arr Arabidopsis mutant in response to H. schachtii infection. Genes involved in the response to biotic stress and defense response were elevated in the type-A arr mutant in the absence of nematodes and were hyper-induced following H. schachtii infection, which suggests that the Arabidopsis type-A arr mutants impede nematode development because they are primed to respond to pathogen infection. These results suggest that cytokinin signaling is required for optimal H. schachtii parasitism of Arabidopsis, but that elevated cytokinin signaling triggers a heightened immune response to nematode infection.
Project description:Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris) is an economically important crop and provides nearly one third of the global sugar production annually. The beet cyst nematode (BCN), Heterodera schachtii, causes major yield losses in sugar beet worldwide. The most effective and economic approach to control this nematode is growing tolerant or resistant cultivars. To identify candidate genes involved in susceptibility and resistance, the transcriptome of sugar beet and BCN in compatible and incompatible interactions at two time points, was studied using mRNA-seq. In total, 16 cDNA libraries were constructed and 442 691 707raw reads were obtained. In the compatible interaction, many alterations in phytohormone-related genes were detected. The effect of exogenous application of methyl jasmonate and ethephon was therefore investigated and the results revealed significant reduction of J2s infection and female development rates in treated susceptible plants. Our results revealed candidate genes putatively involved in the Hs1pro1-induced resistance, such as genes related to phenylpropanoid pathway, putative R genes and genes encoding F-box proteins, zinc finger and NAC transcription factors, ABC transporters, BURP and CYSTM proteins. Also, the transcriptome of BCN in the infected root samples was analyzed and several nematode effector genes were found. Our study is the first investigation of the transcriptome profile in the compatible and incompatible interactions between sugar beet and BCN.
Project description:Background Heterodera schachtiia is an economically important plant parasitic nematode that forms a syncytium from a cell superficial to the formed vascular bundle by progressive recruitment of other cells into the structure. The pattern of plant gene expression changes dramatically inside the syncytium. The pathogen probably plays a major role in defining the plant response by choice of initial plant cell during precise behaviour in planta and/or by the secretions it releases. The modified plant cells enable a high feeding rate by the female nematode so enhancing its rate of development and subsequent daily egg production. Arabidopsis is widely used as a model plant to characterise molecular responses to nematodes (e.g. Sijmons et al., 1991 Plant J. 1:245-254.). A complete overview of the changes in plant gene expression when sedentary nematodes establish has not yet been gained using Arabidopsis or any other host plant. Experimental Approaches Our initial studies will focus on the H. schachtii/Arabidopsis interaction. To assure reliable microarray screening care has been taken to minimise extraneous differences between samples (see "Growth conditions" section). At 21 days (Growth stage 3.2-3.5 Boyes et al., 2001 Plant Cell 13:1499-1510) Arabidopsis plants were challenged with rigorously sterilised, infective nematodes of H. schachtii as before (Urwin et al., (1997) Plant Journal 12: 455-461.). 35 sterile J2s were pipetted onto small ~0.5mm2 squares of sterile GF/A filter paper. The GF/A paper was left in direct contact with the zone of elongation on 3 lateral roots per plant for 48 hours. Control plants were mock inoculated with sterile water. Sections of root containing syncytia have been excised from the thin and transparent roots of Arabidopsis and collected into RNAlater solution (Ambion) at 21 days post infection (Growth Stage 6.1 Boyes et al. 2001). The female nematode has been removed with watch-maker's forceps. Equivalent sections of root have been harvested from non-infected plants. Material has been collected from c. 1000 plants for each of the two samples and the uninfected material serves as an internal control. Total RNA has been prepared from the reference and test root material using an RNeasy plant RNA preparation kit (Qiagen) according to methods required by GARNET.