Project description:The experiment investigates bovine gene expression in response to LPS in uninfected and Theileria annulata-infected cell cultures A subset of genes are identified which are activated in response to LPS stimulation with further modulation due to parasite infection.
Project description:Investigation of parasite (T. annulata) gene expression over the course of the life-cycle (sporozoite->macroschizont->merozoite->piroplasm). The study focused on the expression of known and putative transcription factors, in particular members of the ApiAP2 gene family. Up-stream motifs associated with stage-specifically expressed genes were identified during the course of the analysis. The experiment investigates Theileria annulata gene expression over a differentiation time-course - sporozoite through to piroplasm. 20 samples were analyzed - 4 x sporozoite (replicates), 3 x macroschizont (replicates), 3 x day 4, 3 x day 7, 3 x day 9 (replicates) and 4 x piroplasm (replicates)
Project description:The experiment investigates bovine gene expression in response to LPS in uninfected and Theileria annulata-infected cell cultures A subset of genes are identified which are activated in response to LPS stimulation with further modulation due to parasite infection. Six experimental conditions with three replicates per condition. Total RNA prepared from cell cultures. BL20 (uninfected bovine lymphosarcoma cell line), BL20 4 hours post-LPS stimulation, BL20 18 hours post-LPS, TBL (T. annulata infected bovine cell line), TBL 4 hours post-LPS, TBL 18 hours post-LPS. Each hydridisation represents bovine and parasite gene expression on a single channel and 2 technical replicates of each probeset are represented on the chip.
Project description:Investigation of parasite (T. annulata) gene expression over the course of the life-cycle (sporozoite->macroschizont->merozoite->piroplasm). The study focused on the expression of known and putative transcription factors, in particular members of the ApiAP2 gene family. Up-stream motifs associated with stage-specifically expressed genes were identified during the course of the analysis.