Project description:We present the complete genome sequence and proteogenomic map for Acholeplasma laidlawii PG-8A (class Mollicutes, order Acholeplasmatales, family Acholeplasmataceae). The genome of A. laidlawii is represented by a single 1,496,992-bp circular chromosome with an average G+C content of 31 mol%. This is the longest genome among the Mollicutes with a known nucleotide sequence. It contains genes of polymerase type I, SOS response, and signal transduction systems, as well as RNA regulatory elements, riboswitches, and T boxes. This demonstrates a significant capability for the regulation of gene expression and mutagenic response to stress. Acholeplasma laidlawii and phytoplasmas are the only Mollicutes known to use the universal genetic code, in which UGA is a stop codon. Within the Mollicutes group, only the sterol-nonrequiring Acholeplasma has the capacity to synthesize saturated fatty acids de novo. Proteomic data were used in the primary annotation of the genome, validating expression of many predicted proteins. We also detected posttranslational modifications of A. laidlawii proteins: phosphorylation and acylation. Seventy-four candidate phosphorylated proteins were found: 16 candidates are proteins unique to A. laidlawii, and 11 of them are surface-anchored or integral membrane proteins, which implies the presence of active signaling pathways. Among 20 acylated proteins, 14 contained palmitic chains, and six contained stearic chains. No residue of linoleic or oleic acid was observed. Acylated proteins were components of mainly sugar and inorganic ion transport systems and were surface-anchored proteins with unknown functions.
Project description:For the first time, the phytopathogenicity of extracellular vesicles of Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 (a ubiquitous mycoplasma that is one of the five common species of cell culture contaminants and is a causative agent for phytomycoplasmoses) in Oryza sativa L. plants was studied. Data on the ability of extracellular vesicles of Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 to penetrate from the nutrient medium into overground parts of Oryza sativa L. through the root system and to cause alterations in ultrastructural organization of the plants were presented. As a result of the analysis of ultrathin leaf sections of plants grown in medium with A. laidlawii PG8 vesicles, we detected significant changes in tissue ultrastructure characteristic to oxidative stress in plants as well as their cultivation along with bacterial cells. The presence of nucleotide sequences of some mycoplasma genes within extracellular vesicles of Acholeplasma laidlawii PG8 allowed a possibility to use PCR (with the following sequencing) to perform differential detection of cells and bacterial vesicles in samples under study. The obtained data may suggest the ability of extracellular vesicles of the mycoplasma to display in plants the features of infection from the viewpoint of virulence criteria--invasivity, infectivity--and toxigenicity--and to favor to bacterial phytopathogenicity.
Project description:Acylation of the N-terminal Cys residue is an essential, ubiquitous, and uniquely bacterial posttranslational modification that allows anchoring of proteins to the lipid membrane. In gram-negative bacteria, acylation proceeds through three sequential steps requiring lipoprotein diacylglyceryltransferase, lipoprotein signal peptidase, and finally lipoprotein N-acyltransferase. The apparent lack of genes coding for recognizable homologs of lipoprotein N-acyltransferase in gram-positive bacteria and Mollicutes suggests that the final step of the protein acylation process may be absent in these organisms. In this work, we monitored the acylation state of eight major lipoproteins of the mollicute Acholeplasma laidlawii using a combination of standard two-dimensional gel electrophoresis protein separation, blotting to nitrocellulose membranes, and MALDI-MS identification of modified N-terminal tryptic peptides. We show that for each A. laidlawii lipoprotein studied a third fatty acid in an amide linkage on the N-terminal Cys residue is present, whereas diacylated species were not detected. The result thus proves that A. laidlawii encodes a lipoprotein N-acyltransferase activity. We hypothesize that N-acyltransferases encoded by genes non-homologous to N-acyltransferases of gram-negative bacteria are also present in other mollicutes and gram-positive bacteria.
Project description:Acholeplasma laidlawii is a well-suited model for study of the molecular basis of the adaptation of mollicutes to environmental conditions. Here we present the whole-genome sequences of four strains of A. laidlawii with differential sensitivity to ciprofloxacin.
Project description:Mollicutes are important cell culture contaminants which may eventually affect the results of biological assays or affect their interpretation. Acholeplasma laidlawii is one of the most frequent contaminants of cell cultures. Here, we report the complete genome sequence of A. laidlawii strain MDBK/IPV, recovered from Madin-Darby bovine kidney (MDBK) cells.
Project description:Acholeplasma laidlawii is a well-suited model for studying the molecular basis for adapting mollicutes to environmental conditions. Here, we present the whole-genome sequences of two strains of A. laidlawii with increased resistance to tetracycline and melittin.
Project description:The genes for 22 tRNA species from Acholeplasma laidawii, belonging to the class Mollicutes (Mycoplasmas), have been cloned and sequenced. Sixteen genes are organized in 3 clusters consisting of eleven, three and two tRNA genes, respectively, and the other 6 genes exist as a single gene. The arrangement of tRNA genes in the 11-gene, the 3-gene and the 2-gene clusters reveals extensive similarity to several parts of the 21-tRNA or 16-tRNA gene cluster in Bacillus subtilis. The 11-gene cluster is also similar to the tRNA gene clusters found in other mycoplasma species, the 9-tRNA gene cluster in M.capricolum and in M.mycoides, and the 10-tRNA gene cluster in Spiroplasma meliferm. The results suggest that the tRNA genes in mycoplasmas have evolved from large tRNA gene clusters in the ancestral Gram-positive bacterial genome common to mycoplasmas and B.subtilis. The anticodon sequences including base modifications of 15 tRNA species from A.laidlawii were determined. The anticodon composition and codon-recognition patterns of A.laidlawii resemble those of Bacillus subtilis rather than those of other mycoplasma species.
Project description:Acholeplasma (A.) laidlawii is an opportunistic pathogen with the ability to disseminate resistance determinants to antibiotics; however, its resistance to macrolides has been less studied. The aim of the present study was to characterize the mechanisms responsible for the resistance to macrolides, tiamulin and lincomycin found in a strain of A. laidlawii isolated from a pig with pneumonia. MICs of erythromycin, 15- and 16-membered macrolides, tiamulin and lincomycin were determined by microdilution method with and without reserpine, an inhibitor of ABC efflux pumps and regions of the genome were sequenced. Reserpine only decreased lincomycin MIC but it did not change the MICs of macrolides and tiamulin. The analysis of the DNA sequence of 23S rRNA showed nucleotide substitutions at eight different positions, although none of them were at positions previously related to macrolide resistance. Five mutations were found in the L22 protein, one of them at the stop codon. In addition, two mutations were found in the amino acid sequence of L4. The combination of multiple mutations in the ribosomal proteins L22 and L4 together with substitutions in 23S rRNA DNA sequence was associated with the resistance to macrolides, the pleuromutilin and lincomycin in the studied A. laidlawii strain.