Project description:Draft genome sequence of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium Roseobacter sp. OBYS 0001, isolated from a coastal seawater in Otsuchi Bay, Japan
Project description:An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and large volume underwater pumps were used to collect microbial biomass from offshore waters of the Sargasso Sea, from surface waters and into the deep ocean. Seawater collection was performed along a transect in the western North Atlantic Ocean beginning near Bermuda and ending off the coast of Massachusetts, capturing metabolic signatures from oligotrophic, continental margin, and productive coastal ecosystems.
Project description:This study is to decipher the effect of SUN overexpressed NIL on gene expression during fruit development in tomato. RNA libraries were sequenced through Illumina Nextseq500 at Georgia Genomics and Bioinformatics Core (GGBC) of University of Georgia for 75 bp single end sequencing. Clean reads were mapped to ITAG3.2. Processed data are normalized into TPM.
Project description:The fraction of dissolved dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPd) converted by marine bacterioplankton into the climate-active gas dimethylsulfide (DMS) varies widely in the ocean, with the factors that determine this value still largely unknown. One current hypothesis is that the ratio of DMS formation:DMSP demethylation is determined by DMSP availability, with 'availability' in both an absolute sense (i.e., concentration in seawater) and in a relative sense (i.e., proportionally to other labile organic S compounds) being proposed as the critical factor. We investigated these models during an experimentally-induced phytoplankton bloom using an environmental microarray targeting DMSP-related gene expression in the Roseobacter group, a taxon of marine bacteria known to play an important role in the surface ocean sulfur cycle. The array consisted of 1,578 probes to 431 genes, including those previously linked to DMSP degradation as well as core genes common in sequenced Roseobacter genomes. The prevailing pattern of Roseobacter gene expression showed depletion of DMSP-related transcripts during the peak of the bloom, despite the fact that absolute concentrations and flux of DMSP-related compounds were increasing. A likely interpretation is that DMSPd was assimilated by Roseobacter populations in proportion to its relative abundance in the organic matter pool (the “relative sense” hypothesis), and that it is not taken up in preference to other sources of labile organic sulfur or carbon produced during the bloom. The relative investment of the Roseobacter community in DMSP demethylation did not predict the fractional conversion of DMSP to DMS, however, suggesting a complex regulatory process that may involve multiple fates of DMSPd. DMSP-related gene expression in the Roseobacter group was investigated using an environmental microarray. Coastal seawater from the Gulf of Mexico was collected and dispensed into 20-L microcosms. Two replicate cubitainers were amended with nutrients (N and P) to stimulate phytoplankton bloom, while two untreated cubitainers served as controls. The microcosms were incubated at 27ºC in a temperature-controlled incubator on a 12 h light/dark cycle for total of 7 days. Ten RNA samples (Day 0: 2 conditions with 1 biological replicate each; Days 2 and 4: 2 conditions with 2 biological replicates each) were prepared for microarray hybridization. After total RNA extraction, rRNAs were removed and mRNA transcripts were amplified and labeled with Alexa Fluor 647. Two technical replicates were hybridized from each RNA sample. The microarray was designed based on selected Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 genes and their orthologs in 12 other sequenced Roseobacter genomes. Probes were designed from the orthologs using the Hierarchical Probe Design (HPD) algorithm.
Project description:Resistant Tiassale (Ivory Coast) strain compared to the lab susceptible N'Gousso. Tiassale was exposed to deltamethrin and the survivors were left for 48 hours prior to the array being performed.
Project description:Resistant M'Be (Ivory Coast) strain compared to the lab susceptible N'Gousso. M'Be was exposed to deltamethrin and the survivors were left for 48 hours prior to the array being performed.