Project description:Hepatic gene expression analysis in mice fed control diet or diets supplemented with 1% Fraction 1 (haxane) or Fraction 2 (methanol) of Boswellia Serrata Keywords: other
Project description:The genomic distribution of sex-biased genes in Drosophila serrata: X-chromosome demasculanisation, feminisation, and hyper-expression in both sexes
Project description:Data from whole-body, head, thorax, abdomen, ovaries, testes and accessory glands was used to assess possible causes of a non-random distribution of sex-biased genes (sexually dimorphic expression). All samples were derived from virgin adult flies. We measured gene expression of male and female Drosophila serrata from 43 lines (whole-body) and multiple tissues sampled from outbred laboratory stock. All flies were originally samples from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Data from two replicates for each sex/line are presented, plus 3-5 replicates per sex/tissue. 24 adult whole-body samples were not used in analyses due to poor quality, giving a total of 176 arrays.