Project description:Colorectal cancer often arises from adenomatous polyps. Polyps can grow and progress to cancer, but may also remain static in size, regress, or resolve. Prediciting which progress to cancer and which remain benign is difficult. We developed a long-lived murine model of colorectal cancer with tumors that can be followed by colonoscopy. Our aim was to assess whether these tumors have similar growth patterns and histologic fates to human colorectal polyps to identify features to aid in risk stratification of colonic tumors. Long-lived Apcin/+ mice were treated with 4% dextran sodium sulfate to promote colonic tumorigenesis. Tumor growth patterns were characterized by serial colonoscopy, and pathology was determined. Serial biopsies of tumors were obtained for immunohistochemistry and gene expression profiling by microarray analysis with Affymetrix Whole Genome array. Tumors (n=424) grew, remained static, regressed, or resolved over time with different relative frequencies. Newly developed tumors demonstrated dynamic growth patterns with higher rates of growth and resolution, while more established tumors tended to remain static in size. Colonic tumors were hyperplastic lesions (3%), adenomas (73%), intramucosal carcinomas (20%), or adenocarcinomas (3%). Differentially expressed genes between adenomas and intramucosal carcinomas were identified. We did not identify differentially expressed genes between early and late biopsies from the same tumor. This novel murine model of intestinal tumorigenesis develops colonic tumors that can be monitored by serial colonoscopy, mirror growth patterns seen in human colorectal polyps, and progress to colorectal cancer. Further characterization of cellular and molecular features are needed to determine which features can be used to risk-stratify polyps for progress to colorectal cancer and potentially guide prevention strategies. F1 (SWR x C57BL/6) Apcin/+ mice who had been given two treatments of 4% dextran sodium sulfate in drinking water at weaning underwent colonoscopy around 80 days of age. Those with distal colonic tumors amenable to biopsy had two biopsies taken at that time. Tumors were monitored by colonoscopy every 14 days. Every 28 days, two additional biopsies were taken of each tumor. This protocol was repeated until mice were moribund. Six tumors were removed after sacrifice. The earliest and latest biopsies of each tumor were selected for RNA extraction and Affymetrix hybridization.
Project description:Colorectal cancer often arises from adenomatous polyps. Polyps can grow and progress to cancer, but may also remain static in size, regress, or resolve. Prediciting which progress to cancer and which remain benign is difficult. We developed a long-lived murine model of colorectal cancer with tumors that can be followed by colonoscopy. Our aim was to assess whether these tumors have similar growth patterns and histologic fates to human colorectal polyps to identify features to aid in risk stratification of colonic tumors. Long-lived Apc^Min/+ mice were treated with 4% dextran sodium sulfate to promote colonic tumorigenesis. Tumor growth patterns were characterized by serial colonoscopy, and pathology was determined. Serial biopsies of tumors were obtained for immunohistochemistry and gene expression profiling by microarray analysis with Affymetrix Whole Genome array. Tumors (n=424) grew, remained static, regressed, or resolved over time with different relative frequencies. Newly developed tumors demonstrated dynamic growth patterns with higher rates of growth and resolution, while more established tumors tended to remain static in size. Colonic tumors were hyperplastic lesions (3%), adenomas (73%), intramucosal carcinomas (20%), or adenocarcinomas (3%). Differentially expressed genes between adenomas and intramucosal carcinomas were identified. We did not identify differentially expressed genes between early and late biopsies from the same tumor. This novel murine model of intestinal tumorigenesis develops colonic tumors that can be monitored by serial colonoscopy, mirror growth patterns seen in human colorectal polyps, and progress to colorectal cancer. Further characterization of cellular and molecular features are needed to determine which features can be used to risk-stratify polyps for progress to colorectal cancer and potentially guide prevention strategies.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:We examined the ability of Gal-9 to inhibit cell proliferation via apoptosis, and the effects of Gal-9 on cell cycle-related molecules in various human colon and colorectal cancer cell lines. In addition, Gal-9-mediated changes of activated tyrosine kinase receptors and angiogenic molecules were assessed using protein array chips in colon and colorectal cancer cells. Moreover, miRNA array analysis was performed to examine Gal-9-induced miRNA expression profiles. We also elucidated if Gal-9 inhibited tumor growth murine in vivo model.
Project description:Colorectal adenomas are precursor lesions of colorectal cancers and represent clonal amplifications of single cells from colonic crypts. DNA methylation patterns specify cell-type identity during cellular differentiation and therefore provide novel opportunities for the molecular analysis of tumors. We have now analyzed DNA methylation patterns in colorectal adenomas and identified three biologically defined subclasses that describe different intestinal crypt differentiation stages. Importantly, colorectal carcinomas could be classified into the same methylation subtypes, reflecting their shared cell-types of origin with adenomas. Further data analysis also revealed significantly reduced overall survival for one of the subtypes. Our results establish a novel concept for understanding the methylation patterns observed in colorectal cancer and provide opportunities for tumor subclassification and patient stratification.