Project description:Deep sequencing of mRNA from Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Competent larvae of Crassostrea gigas were treated with epinephrine solution, and then sampled at different time intervals. For shell damage experiment, shell were broken and then tissues were sampled at different time intervals.
Project description:Marine intertidal organisms commonly face hypoxic stress during low tide emersion; moreover, eutrophic conditions and sediment nearness could lead to hypoxic phenomena; it is indeed important to understand the molecular processes involved in the response to hypoxia. In this study the molecular response of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas to prolonged hypoxia (2 mg O2 L-1 for 20 d) was investigated under experimental conditions. A transcriptomic approach was employed using a cDNA microarray of 9058 C. gigas clones to highlight the genetic expression patterns of the Pacific oyster under hypoxic conditions. Lines of oysters resistant (R) and susceptible (S) to summer mortality were used in this study. This is the first study employing microarrays to characterize the genetic markers and metabolic pathways responding to hypoxic stress in C. gigas.
Project description:Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas, or A. gigas) is a native fish species to Amazon basin and, economically important in the Brazilian Amazonian for its great potential to aquaculture. In the natural environment the A. gigas is captured only in the sustainable development reserves of the State of Amazonas by applying a system of rotation in fishing in order to avoid overfishing of this important fishing resource. The reproductive biology of A. gigas has long been intriguing; however, very little is known about the molecular pathways underlying their sexual differentiation and determination. Using the SOLiD sequencing platform, a total of 432,058,560 short sequencing reads were produced. An average of ~30% of sequencing reads could be mapped to Asian arowana reference cDNAs. 305 genes showed higher expression in female brain against 8 gene with higher expressing in male brain. In gonad, there are 120 genes higher expressed in female against 10 gene higher expressed in male.