Project description:Comparison of gene expression profiles of J1 embryonic stem cells and J1 embryoid bodies. This study should reveal genes that, when expressed, are responsible for the maintenance of the stem cell phenotype. Keywords: other
Project description:We have demonstrated AICAR can maintain J1 mouse ES cells pluripotency in our previous research, yet its effects on ES cells miRNAs expression remain a mystery. In this study, we performed small RNA (sRNA) High-throughput sequencing using Illumina HiSeq 2000 to investigate the influence of AICAR on J1 mouse ES cells miRNAs expression and further found the mechanism of how miRNAs affect ES cells pluripotency maintenance. Samples that treated by DMSO is used as a control.
Project description:RNase J1 is the first nuclease with 5’-3’ exonuclease activity in bacteria and plays an important role in the maturation and degradation of mRNA. RNase J1 could also play a role in transcription termination of aberrant complexes. RNase J1 could bind to nascent RNA in such complexes, degrade the nascent RNA, and upon catching up with RNA polymerase (RNAP) dissociate the complex. Similar model was showed in eukaryotes. We did ChIP-seq to confirm our hypothesis.