Project description:Non-targeted LC-MS/MS analysis of PPL extracts from marine community metabolomes from the California Current Ecosystem, collected in June 2017.
Project description:Non-targeted LC-MS/MS analysis of PPL extracts from marine community metabolomes from the California Current Ecosystem, collected in summer 2019
2020-07-30 | MSV000085852 | GNPS
Project description:Zooplankton metabarcoding in the California Current Ecosystem
Project description:Function Metabolomics (Native Spray + Metal Addition) of selecteted seawater samples (PPL extracts) from the California Current Ecosystems collected during 1706 LTER cruise.
Project description:Function Metabolomics (Native Spray + Metal Addition) of selecteted surface seawater samples (PPL extracts) from Cycle 1 and 2 from the California Current Ecosystems collected during 1706 LTER cruise.