Project description:Comr protein was found to be a major regulator of gene activity in drosophila spermatocytes. We obtained Comr binding profile to determine targets of Comr. Comr binding in drosophila male germ line cells was determined using DamID technique.
Project description:Comr protein was found to be a major regulator of gene activity in drosophila spermatocytes. We obtained Comr binding profile to determine targets of Comr. Comr binding in drosophila male germ line cells was determined using DamID technique. Comparison of Dam-Comr binding to Dam-alone signal in duplicate for each sample type.
Project description:Here we use DamID to identify Esg binding sites in Drosophila testes in order to investigate how it maintains somatic cyst stem cells.
Project description:To investigate the mechanisms of gene regulation during Drosophila spermatogenesis, we studied the effects of comr and can mutations on the chromatin of the cells in Drosophila testes by H3K27me3 ChIP-Seq.
Project description:The expression of a very large number of genes changes as male germ cells pass through differentiation into spermatids and then sperm. Much of this transcriptional programme requires the activity of the meiotic arrest genes. There are two principle classes, aly-class (including comr) and can-class, here we compare their effects on gene expression We extracted RNA from wild type testes, as well as comr mutants and can mutants, and used microarrays to compare gene expression profiles. We dissected testes from 0-1 day old Drosophila males, taking care to remove accessory glands and ejaculatory ducts. The control sample was red e, the background chromosome on which the can mutant was generated, and had normal testes. The comr mutants were comr[z1340] cn bw. The can mutants were w ; can[3] red e.