Project description:Our project focuses on retinoic acid (RA) effect on hepatic lipid homeostasis. Even though RA has more than one receptor including retinoids x receptor (RXR) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR), most probably, RA effect on lipid homeostasis is mediated by RXR and its partners such as PXR, FXR, and PPAR. So we treated the wild type and RXRα-knockout mice by retinoic acid to check the global gene expression especially for lipid homeostasis genes. We used microarrays to observe the global gene expression underlying hepatic lipid homeostasis.
Project description:Instability in the composition of gut bacterial communities, referred as dysbiosis, has been associated with important human intestinal disorders such as CrohnM-bM-^@M-^Ys disease and colorectal cancer. Here, we show that dysbiosis coupled to Nod2 or Rip2 deficiency suffices to cause an increased risk for intestinal inflammation and colitis-associated carcinogenesis in mice. Aggravated epithelial lesions and dysplasia upon chemical-induced injury associated with loss of Nod2 or Rip2 can be prevented by antibiotics or anti-IL6R treatment. Nod2-mediated risk for intestinal inflammation and colitis-associated tumorigenesis is communicable through maternally-transmitted microbiota even to wild-type hosts. Disease progression was identified to drive complex NOD2-dependent changes of the colonic-associated microbiota. Reciprocal microbiota transplantation rescues the vulnerability of Nod2-deficient mice to colonic injury. Altogether, our results unveil an unexpected function for NOD2 in shaping a protective assembly of gut microbial communities, providing a rationale for intentional manipulation of genotype-dependent dysbiosis as a causative therapeutic principle in chronic intestinal inflammation. Analysis used RNA extracted from colonic mucosa of untreated, antibiotics-treated or metronidazole-treated C57Bl/6J and Nod2-deficient mice in CAC model. Direct comparisons were performed as follow: C57Bl/6J untreated mice vs Nod2-deficient untreated mice, C57Bl/6J antibiotics-treated mice vs Nod2-deficient antibiotics-treated mice, C57Bl/6J metronidazole-treated mice vs Nod2-deficient metronidazole-treated mice, C57Bl/6J untreated mice vs C57Bl/6J antibiotics-treated mice, C57Bl/6J untreated mice vs C57Bl/6J metronidazole-treated mice, Nod2-deficient untreated mice vs Nod2-deficient antibiotics-treated mice, Nod2-deficient untreated mice vs Nod2-deficient metronidazole-treated mice. Indirect comparisons with control data were made across multiple arrays with raw data pulled from different channels for data analysis.
Project description:Our project focuses on retinoic acid (RA) effect on hepatic lipid homeostasis. Even though RA has more than one receptor including retinoids x receptor (RXR) and retinoic acid receptor (RAR), most probably, RA effect on lipid homeostasis is mediated by RXR and its partners such as PXR, FXR, and PPAR. So we treated the wild type and RXRα-knockout mice by retinoic acid to check the global gene expression especially for lipid homeostasis genes. We used microarrays to observe the global gene expression underlying hepatic lipid homeostasis. We treated both the wild type and RXRα-KO mice with normal diet and RA-containing diet for 7 days. For each group, three replicates were done. Liver total RNA were used to test global gene expression by microarray.
Project description:Retinoic acid (RA) plays a pivotal role in different biological processes including inducing differentiation of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). We first knocked out one or both of RA receptors- Rarα and Rxrα to partially abolish the RA signaling, and then overexpressed one of them separately to hyper activation of RA signaling pathway. By transcriptome analysis, we show that RA signaling effects multi-lineage differentiation, particularly the endoderm, and identify RA signaling target genes, interesting, there are two family cluster genes- Hoxb and Cyp26. Chromosome immunoprecipitation (ChIP-seq) shows that RA induces novel proximal and distal enhancers around the cluster target genes and these enhancers are dependent of RA receptors(Rarα/Rxrα). 4C-seq reveals enhancer-enhancer and enhancer-promoter interactions in their regions and shows a decrease in the relative frequency of contact relative to WT after Rarα/Rxrα-knockout, suggesting Rarα/Rxrα participate in mediating chromatin interaction. We also identify that enhancers significantly maintain expression of RA-induced Hoxb and Cyp26 family genes and regulate multi-lineage marker genes. At the same time, we reveal that disrupting RA-response elements (RAREs) in the enhancer affects the expression of the target gene. Our study provides mechanistic insight into RA-induced early ESC differentiation to endoderm and potential regular regulation of downstream target genes.
Project description:To identify RA regulated genes in endoderm, we did microarray analysis comparing gene expression levels between wild-type and RA-deficient embryos, which were treated with BMS453 at the beginning of gastrulation and were collected at stages 23.
Project description:Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting synovial joints and leading to cartilage damage and bone loss. This destruction is promoted by activated fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) that show an invasive and migratory phenotype. The mechanisms of FLS activation are unknown, but evidence suggests that pre-damaged extracellular matrix (ECM) of the cartilage can trigger FLS activation. Integrin α11β1 might be involved in the activation, as it is highly increased in the synovium of RA patients and hTNFtg mice, an RA mouse model. Since TNFα is the major cytokine induced in RA, we treated murine chondrocytes with TNFα to produce a damaged, RA-like matrix. Comparison to healthy chondrocyte matrix revealed decreased ECM proteins, including several collagens and proteoglycans, increased matrix-degrading proteins and elevated levels of inflammatory cytokines. FLS responded to those differences in the damaged chondrocyte matrix with a matrix-remodeling and pro-inflammatory phenotype characterized by expressing genes involved in matrix degradation and increased production of CLL11 and CCL19. Damaged chondrocyte matrix induced increased Itga11 expression in FLS, which correlates with the increased α11β1 amounts in RA patients. FLS deficient in integrin α11β1 released lower amounts of inflammation-associated cytokines but did not reveal significant differences from the response of wild type FLS to a damaged, RA-like matrix. Our results demonstrate differences in healthy and RA-like chondrocyte ECM and distinctly different responses of wt FLS to damaged versus healthy ECM.