Project description:We aimed to identify genes that are inhibited by Kctd15 overexpression during neural crest (NC) induction. Injection of RNAs encoding Wnt3a and chordin into the embryo followed by animal cap explant culture leads to the induction of NC marker genes as well as additional genes expressed in the neural plate border. Our previous study indicated that co-injection of kctd15 inhibits the induction of these markers. We injected four sets of RNAs, lacZ as control (L), wnt3a+chd (WC), wnt3a+chd+kctd15 (WCK), and kctd15 (K). After evaluation of marker gene expression with RT-PCR, we prepared probes with same RNA extract for Affymetrix DNA microarray. The hybridization, washing and scanning were perfomed following the manual from Affymetrix. Partek Genomics Suite was employed for data analysis. Xenopus embryos were injected with mRNAs at two-cell stage. When developing to stage 9, the animal caps were dissected for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. According to the mRNAs injected, the animal caps (AC) were divided into four groups, including (1) AC injected with lacZ; (2) AC injected with kctd15; (3) AC injected with chordin and wnt3a; (4) AC injected with chordin, wnt3a and kctd15. The injected animal caps were cultured till stage 15 and then collected for RT-PCR and microarray assay. Each group had three repeats.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Xenopus laevis embryos and ectoderm (animal caps) comparing embryos injected with control morpholino with embryos injected with the morpholino mixture PVD2, which knocks down all three Xenopus PouV proteins. Whole embryos (WE) or animal caps (AC) were collected at late blastula (9) or early gastrula (10) stages from Control and PVD2 morphants.
Project description:Transcriptional profiling of Xenopus laevis embryos and ectoderm (animal caps) comparing embryos injected with control morpholino with embryos injected with the morpholino mixture PVD2, which knocks down all three Xenopus PouV proteins. Whole embryos (WE) or animal caps (AC) were collected at late blastula (9) or early gastrula (10) stages from Control and PVD2 morphants. Two conditions: Control vs. PouV morpholino; Two tissues: whole embryos, animal caps .Two timepoints: stage 9 and 10. Biological replicates: 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for whole embryos, 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for animal caps, 2 PVD2 morpholino replicates at stage 9 and 10 for whole embryos, 2 control replicates at stage 9 and 10 for animal caps
Project description:Xenopus laevis embryos were injected with mRNA for EFTFs at 2-cell stage. Animal caps collected at stage 9, cultured to the equivalent of stage 15 and RNA extracted. Four biological replicates of the EFTF-injected and GFP-injected (control) caps were used to profile transcript expression patterns using Affymetrix Xenopus Laevis GeneChip microarrays. Experiment Overall Design: Xenopus laevis embryos were injected with mRNA for EFTFs at 2-cell stage. Animal caps collected at stage 9, cultured to the equivalent of stage 15 and RNA extracted. Four biological replicates of the EFTF-injected and GFP-injected (control) caps were used to profile transcript expression patterns using Affymetrix Xenopus Laevis GeneChip microarrays.
Project description:Transcriptional targets of Xenopus EBF3 in the absence of Noggin : Untreated animal caps vs. Dexamethasone (DEX) treated animal caps
Project description:Transcriptional targets of Xenopus EBF3 in the presence of Noggin : Untreated animal caps vs. Dexamethasone (DEX) treated animal caps
Project description:mRNa encoding for XtMyoD was overexpressed in animal caps and the transcriptional profile of uninjected and injected animal caps was compared.