Project description:Mammalian development is regulated by the interplay of tissue-specific and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp1. Sp1 knock-out mice die in utero with multiple phenotypic aberrations, but the underlying molecular mechanism of this differentiation failure has been elusive. Here we used conditional knock-out mice as well as the differentiation of mouse ES cells as a model to address this issue. To this end we examined differentiation potential, global gene expression patterns and Sp1 target regions in Sp1 wild-type and deficient cells representing different stages of hematopoiesis. Sp1-/- cells progress through most embryonic stages of blood cell development but cannot complete terminal differentiation. For most Sp1 target and non-target genes, gene expression is unaffected by Sp1 inactivation. However, Cdx and multiple Hox genes are stage-specific targets of Sp1 and are down-regulated at an early stage. As a consequence, expression of genes involved in hematopoietic specification are progressively deregulated, highlighting the regulatory hierarchy of hematopoietic specification. Our work demonstrates that the early absence of active Sp1 sets a cascade in motion that culminates in a failure of terminal hematopoietic differentiation and emphasizes the role of ubiquitously expressed transcription factors for tissue-specific gene regulation. Microarray expression data, 16 arrays with 2 independent biological replicates (8 arrays wildtype and 8 arrays knock out) obtained from differentiation of ES cells to study the transcription factor Sp1 activity at early stages of early hematopoietic specification.
Project description:Mammalian development is regulated by the interplay of tissue-specific and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp1. Sp1 knock-out mice die in utero with multiple phenotypic aberrations, but the underlying molecular mechanism of this differentiation failure has been elusive. Here we used conditional knock-out mice as well as the differentiation of mouse ES cells as a model to address this issue. To this end we examined differentiation potential, global gene expression patterns and Sp1 target regions in Sp1 wild-type and deficient cells representing different stages of hematopoiesis. Sp1-/- cells progress through most embryonic stages of blood cell development but cannot complete terminal differentiation. For most Sp1 target and non-target genes, gene expression is unaffected by Sp1 inactivation. However, Cdx and multiple Hox genes are stage-specific targets of Sp1 and are down-regulated at an early stage. As a consequence, expression of genes involved in hematopoietic specification are progressively deregulated, highlighting the regulatory hierarchy of hematopoietic specification. Our work demonstrates that the early absence of active Sp1 sets a cascade in motion that culminates in a failure of terminal hematopoietic differentiation and emphasizes the role of ubiquitously expressed transcription factors for tissue-specific gene regulation. Two ChIP-Seq data from Sp1 transcription factor obtained from FLK+ and progenitor cells
Project description:Mammalian development is regulated by the interplay of tissue-specific and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp1. Sp1 knock-out mice die in utero with multiple phenotypic aberrations, but the underlying molecular mechanism of this differentiation failure has been elusive. Here we used conditional knock-out mice as well as the differentiation of mouse ES cells as a model to address this issue. To this end we examined differentiation potential, global gene expression patterns and Sp1 target regions in Sp1 wild-type and deficient cells representing different stages of hematopoiesis. Sp1-/- cells progress through most embryonic stages of blood cell development but cannot complete terminal differentiation. For most Sp1 target and non-target genes, gene expression is unaffected by Sp1 inactivation. However, Cdx and multiple Hox genes are stage-specific targets of Sp1 and are down-regulated at an early stage. As a consequence, expression of genes involved in hematopoietic specification are progressively deregulated, highlighting the regulatory hierarchy of hematopoietic specification. Our work demonstrates that the early absence of active Sp1 sets a cascade in motion that culminates in a failure of terminal hematopoietic differentiation and emphasizes the role of ubiquitously expressed transcription factors for tissue-specific gene regulation.
Project description:Mammalian development is regulated by the interplay of tissue-specific and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp1. Sp1 knock-out mice die in utero with multiple phenotypic aberrations, but the underlying molecular mechanism of this differentiation failure has been elusive. Here we used conditional knock-out mice as well as the differentiation of mouse ES cells as a model to address this issue. To this end we examined differentiation potential, global gene expression patterns and Sp1 target regions in Sp1 wild-type and deficient cells representing different stages of hematopoiesis. Sp1-/- cells progress through most embryonic stages of blood cell development but cannot complete terminal differentiation. For most Sp1 target and non-target genes, gene expression is unaffected by Sp1 inactivation. However, Cdx and multiple Hox genes are stage-specific targets of Sp1 and are down-regulated at an early stage. As a consequence, expression of genes involved in hematopoietic specification are progressively deregulated, highlighting the regulatory hierarchy of hematopoietic specification. Our work demonstrates that the early absence of active Sp1 sets a cascade in motion that culminates in a failure of terminal hematopoietic differentiation and emphasizes the role of ubiquitously expressed transcription factors for tissue-specific gene regulation.
Project description:Sp1 and Sp3 belong to the Specificity proteins (Sp)/Krüppel-like transcription factor family. They are closely related, ubiquitously expressed and recognize G-rich DNA motifs. They are thought to regulate generic processes such as cell cycle and growth control, metabolic pathways and apoptosis. Ablation of Sp1 or Sp3 in mice is lethal, and combined haploinsufficiency results in hematopoietic defects during the fetal stages. Here, we show that in adult mice conditional ablation of either Sp1 or Sp3 has minimal impact on hematopoiesis, while the simultaneous loss of Sp1 and Sp3 results in severe macrothrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. We employed flow cytometry, cell culture and electron microscopy and show that although megakaryocyte numbers are normal in bone marrow and spleen, they display a less compact demarcation membrane system and a striking inability to form proplatelets. Through megakaryocyte transcriptomics and platelet proteomics we identified several cytoskeleton-related proteins and downstream effector kinases, including Mylk, that were downregulated upon Sp1/Sp3 depletion, providing an explanation for the observed defects in megakaryopoiesis. We show that Mylk is required for proplatelet formation and stabilization and for ITAM-receptor mediated platelet aggregation. Our data highlights the specific vs generic role of these ubiquitous transcription factors in the highly specialized megakaryocytic lineage. Megakaryocyte mRNA profiles of Sp1fl/fl::Sp3fl/fl (WTlox) and Pf4-Cre::Sp1fl/fl::Sp3fl/fl (dKO) mice were generated by deep sequencing, in triplicate.
Project description:Sp1 and Sp3 belong to the Specificity proteins (Sp)/Krüppel-like transcription factor family. They are closely related, ubiquitously expressed and recognize G-rich DNA motifs. They are thought to regulate generic processes such as cell cycle and growth control, metabolic pathways and apoptosis. Ablation of Sp1 or Sp3 in mice is lethal, and combined haploinsufficiency results in hematopoietic defects during the fetal stages. Here, we show that in adult mice conditional ablation of either Sp1 or Sp3 has minimal impact on hematopoiesis, while the simultaneous loss of Sp1 and Sp3 results in severe macrothrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. We employed flow cytometry, cell culture and electron microscopy and show that although megakaryocyte numbers are normal in bone marrow and spleen, they display a less compact demarcation membrane system and a striking inability to form proplatelets. Through megakaryocyte transcriptomics and platelet proteomics we identified several cytoskeleton-related proteins and downstream effector kinases, including Mylk, that were downregulated upon Sp1/Sp3 depletion, providing an explanation for the observed defects in megakaryopoiesis. We show that Mylk is required for proplatelet formation and stabilization and for ITAM-receptor mediated platelet aggregation. Our data highlights the specific vs generic role of these ubiquitous transcription factors in the highly specialized megakaryocytic lineage.
Project description:Development requires the cooperation of tissue-specifically and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp-family members. However, the molecular details of how ubiquitous factors participate in developmental processes are still unclear. We previously showed that during the differentiation of embryonic stem cells lacking Sp1 DNA binding activity (Sp1DDBD/DDBD cells), early blood progenitors are formed. However, gene expression during differentiation becomes progressively deregulated and terminal differentiation is blocked. Here we studied the cooperation of Sp1 and its homologue Sp3 in hematopoietic development and demonstrate that Sp1 and Sp3 binding sites largely overlap. Sp3 cooperates with Sp1DDBD/DDBD cells but is unable to support hematopoiesis in the complete absence of Sp1. Using single cell gene expression analysis, we show that the lack of Sp1 DNA binding leads to a distortion of cell fate decision timing, indicating that stable chromatin binding of Sp1 is required to maintain robust differentiation trajectories.
Project description:Development requires the cooperation of tissue-specific and ubiquitously expressed transcription factors, such as Sp-family members. However, the molecular details of how ubiquitous factors participate in developmental processes are still unclear. We previously showed that during the differentiation of embryonic stem cells lacking Sp1 DNA binding activity (Sp1deltaDBD/deltaDBD cells), early blood progenitors are formed. However, gene expression during differentiation becomes progressively deregulated and terminal differentiation is severely compromised. Here we studied the cooperation of Sp1 and its closest paralogue Sp3 in hematopoietic development and demonstrate that Sp1 and Sp3 binding sites largely overlap. Sp3 cooperates with Sp1deltaDBD/deltaDBD but is unable to support hematopoiesis in the complete absence of Sp1. Using single cell gene expression analysis, we show that the lack of Sp1 DNA binding leads to a distortion of cell fate decision timing, indicating that stable chromatin bi nding of Sp1 is required to maintain robust differentiation trajectories.