Project description:Comparisons of temperature sensitive mutants (ecdysoneless) at permissive and restrictive temperatures to identify genes under control of ecdysone hormone. Also, Wild Type Strain (Canton S), controls for temperature sensitive genes, are included at the temperature used for restrictive temperatures.
Project description:We have recently reported an allelic series of dominant, conditional, temperature-sensitive (DTS) mutations in the type IV collagen gene col4a1 in Drosophila and the onset of severe myopathy by massive degradation of striated muscle fibers, degeneration of epithelial and circular smooth muscle cells of the gut. In order to get a closer look at the molecular causes of the observed phenomena we have executed microarray experiments with the aforementioned mutant. Two growth temperatures for both DTS-3 and OreR flies with dye-swap technical control replicates.
Project description:We have recently reported an allelic series of dominant, conditional, temperature-sensitive (DTS) mutations in the type IV collagen gene col4a1 in Drosophila and the onset of severe myopathy by massive degradation of striated muscle fibers, degeneration of epithelial and circular smooth muscle cells of the gut. In order to get a closer look at the molecular causes of the observed phenomena we have executed microarray experiments with the aforementioned mutant.
Project description:Comparison of cDNA from RNA of mex67-5 temperature-sensitive mutant to RNA from Mex67 wildtype strain both at the non-permissive temperature of 37C Keywords: repeat sample
Project description:Comparison of cDNA from RNA of yra1-1 temperature-sensitive mutant to RNA from Yra1 wildtype strain both at the non-permissive temperature of 37C Keywords: repeat sample
Project description:Toxoplasma gondii temperature sensitive mutant 12-109C6 conditionally arrests in the G1 phase due to a single point mutation in a novel protein containing a single RNA-recognition-motif (TgRRM1). The resulting tyrosine to asparagine amino acid change in TgRRM1 causes severe temperature instability that generates an effective null phenotype for this protein when the mutant is shifted to the restrictive temperature. Orthologs of TgRRM1 are widely conserved in diverse eukaryote lineages, and the human counterpart (RBM42) can functionally replace the missing Toxoplasma factor. The interaction of TgRRM1 with factors of the tri-SNP complex (U4/U6 & U5 snRNPs) indicate this factor may be required to assemble an active spliceosome. Thus, the TgRRM1 family of proteins is an unrecognized and evolutionarily conserved class of splicing regulators. We describe transcriptome of the temperature sensitive mutant 12-109C6. Transcriptome studies demonstrated that gene expression is largely downregulated in the mutant at the restrictive temperature 40oC and is accompanied by a severe defect in splicing that affects both cell cycle and constitutively expressed mRNAs. RNA samples were isolated in duplicate from mutant 12-109C6 parasites grown for 24h at permissive (34oC) and 6h and 24h at non-permissive temperatures (40oC). Samples were hybridized to the Toxoplasma gondii Affymetrix microarray (ToxoGeneChip: Hybridization data was preprocessed with Robust Multi-array Average (RMA) and normalized using per chip and per gene median polishing and analyzed using the software package GeneSpring GX (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara CA).
Project description:The ts-p53 E285K protein is a rare p53 mutant with temperature-sensitive (ts) loss of function characteristics. In cancer cells, which express ts-p53 E285K intrinsically, endogenous wild type p53 activity is reconstituted by appropriate cultivation temperature (permissive condition). At non-appropriate cultivation temperature (restrictive condition) this p53 mutant is inactive. The present study took advantage of this mechanism and employed IPH-926 lobular breast cancer cells and BT-474 ductal breast cancer cells, which both harbor endogenous ts-p53 E285K, for the transcriptional profiling of p53-responsive genes. This new approach eliminated the need for genetic modification or cytotoxic stimulation to achive a p53 response in the cells being investigated . Three subseqent passages of IPH-926 lobular breast cancer cells (harboring ts-p53 E285K) were seeded into two parallel culture dishes each and were allowed to adopt to restrictive and permissive condition for 24 h before analysis on Affymetrix U133 Plus 2.0 microarrays. Subsequently, this experiment was repeated with BT-474 ductal breast cancer cells (also harboring ts-p53 E285K). To gate out non-specific temperature effects, the same experiment was also performed with MCF-7 breast cancer cells (harboring wt p53). Probe sets differentially expressed at restrictive versus permissive condition in MCF-7 were considered as non-specifically regulated. These probe sets were excluded from the final statistical analysis of IPH-926 and BT-474 expression data. response to restored p53 activity
Project description:Transcriptome comparison of Bacillus subtilis Natto under sliding permissive (0.7% agar) and restrictive (1.5% agar or spo0A mutant strain) conditions.
Project description:We report the transcriptional profiling of Drosophila melanogaster gonadectomized adults following RNAi knockdown of grappa (gpp), lilliputian (lilli), or Suppressor of Triplolethal [Su(Tpl)], as well as induction of Dominant Negative (DN) allele of Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (Cdk9), or ectopic expression of stand still (stil), with a three-component temperature sensitive system. We also included the transcriptional profiling of testes and ovaries of gppRNAi, lilliRNAi, and Su(Tpl)RNAi flies under permissive temperature. All data includes induced and non-induced sham controls.
Project description:The ts-p53 E285K protein is a rare p53 mutant with temperature-sensitive (ts) loss of function characteristics. In cancer cells, which express ts-p53 E285K intriniscally, endogenous wild type p53 activity is reconstituted by appropriate cultivation temperature (permissive condition). At non-appropriate cultivation temperature (restrictive condition) this p53 mutant is inactive. The present study took advantage of this mechanism and employed IPH-926 lobular breast cancer cells and BT-474 ductal breast cancer cells, which both harbor endogenous ts-p53 E285K, for the transcriptional profiling of p53-responsive genes. This new approach eliminated the need for genetic modification or cytotoxic stimulation to achive a p53 response in the cells being investigated .