Project description:Background: Eukaryotic cells must inhibit re-initiation of DNA replication at each of the thousands of origins in their genome because re-initiation events can generate genomic alterations with extraordinary frequency. To minimize the probability of re-initiation from so many origins, cells use a battery of regulatory mechanisms that reduce the activity of replication initiation proteins. Given the global nature of these mechanisms, it has been presumed that all origins are inhibited identically. However, transiently disabling these mechanisms causes replication origins to re-initiate with diverse efficiencies, which do not correlate with known differences in the efficiency or timing of origin initiation during normal DNA replication. These observations suggest an additional local layer of replication control that can differentially influence how re-initiation is regulated at distinct origins. Principal Findings: We have identified novel genetic elements that are necessary for preferential re-initiation of two origins and sufficient to confer preferential re-initiation on heterologous origins when the control of re-initiation is partially deregulated. The elements do not enhance the S phase timing or efficiency of adjacent origins and thus are specifically acting as re-initiation promoters (RIPs). We have mapped the two RIPs to ~60bp AT rich sequences that act in a distance- and sequence-dependent manner. During the induction of re-replication, Mcm2-7 re-associates both with origins that preferentially re-initiate and origins that do not, suggesting that the RIP elements can overcome a block to re-initiation imposed after Mcm2-7 associates with origins. Conclusions/Significance: We have uncovered a local level of control in the block to re-initiation. This local control creates a complex genomic landscape of re-replication potential that is revealed when global mechanisms preventing re-replication are peeled away. Hence, if re-replication does contribute to genomic alterations, as has been speculated for cancer cells, some regions of the genome may be more susceptible to these alterations than others. 142 array CGH experiments are presented. Each experiment is done in experimental replicate. Cells grown as described in Richardson CD and Li JJ PLoS Genetics 2014. Ch1 samples taken from replicating (S phase) or re-replicating (M phase + 3/6 hour induced). Ch2 samples taken from M phase arrested DNA.
Project description:Eukaryotic cells must inhibit re-initiation of DNA replication at each of the thousands of origins in their genome because re-initiation can generate genomic alterations with extraordinary frequency. To minimize the probability of re-initiation from so many origins, cells use a battery of regulatory mechanisms that reduce the activity of replication initiation proteins. Given the global nature of these mechanisms, it has been presumed that all origins are inhibited identically. However, origins re-initiate with diverse efficiencies when these mechanisms are disabled, and this diversity cannot be explained by differences in the efficiency or timing of origin initiation during normal S phase replication. This observation raises the possibility of an additional layer of replication control that can differentially regulate re-initiation at distinct origins. We have identified novel genetic elements that are necessary for preferential re-initiation of two origins and sufficient to confer preferential re-initiation on heterologous origins when the control of re-initiation is partially deregulated. The elements do not enhance the S phase timing or efficiency of adjacent origins and thus are specifically acting as re-initiation promoters (RIPs). We have mapped the two RIPs to ~60 bp AT rich sequences that act in a distance- and sequence-dependent manner. During the induction of re-replication, Mcm2-7 reassociates both with origins that preferentially re-initiate and origins that do not, suggesting that the RIP elements can overcome a block to re-initiation imposed after Mcm2-7 associates with origins. Our findings identify a local level of control in the block to re-initiation. This local control creates a complex genomic landscape of re-replication potential that is revealed when global mechanisms preventing re-replication are compromised. Hence, if re-replication does contribute to genomic alterations, as has been speculated for cancer cells, some regions of the genome may be more susceptible to these alterations than others.
Project description:Safeguards against excess DNA replication are often dysregulated in cancer, and driving cancer cells towards over-replication is a promising therapeutic strategy. We determined DNA synthesis patterns in cancer cells undergoing partial genome re-replication due to perturbed regulatory interactions ("re-replicating cells"). These cells exhibited slow replication, increased frequency of replication initiation events and a skewed initiation pattern that preferentially reactivated early-replicating origins. Unlike in cells exposed to replication stress, which activated a novel group of hitherto unutilized (”dormant”) replication origins, the preferred re-replicating origins arose from the same pool of potential origins as those activated during normal growth. Mechanistically, the skewed initiation pattern reflected a disproportionate distribution of pre-replication complexes on distinct regions of licensed chromatin prior to replication. This distinct pattern suggests that circumventing the strong inhibitory interactions that normally prevent excess DNA synthesis can occur via at least two pathways, each activating a distinct set of replication origins.
Project description:To maintain genomic stability, re-initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication within a single cell cycle is blocked by multiple mechanisms that inactivate or remove replication proteins after G1 phase. Consistent with the prevailing notion that these mechanisms are redundant, we previously showed that simultaneous deregulation of three replication proteins, ORC, Cdc6 and Mcm2-7, was necessary to cause detectable bulk re-replication in G2/M phase in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In this study, we used microarray comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to provide a more comprehensive and detailed analysis of re-replication. This genome-wide analysis suggests that re-initiation in G2/M phase primarily occurs at a subset of both active and latent origins, but is independent of chromosomal determinants that specify the use and timing of these origins in S phase. We demonstrate that re-replication can be induced within S phase, but differs in amount and location fr om re-replication in G2/M phase, illustrating the dynamic nature of DNA replication controls. Finally, we show that very limited re-replication can be detected by microarray CGH when only two replication proteins are deregulated, suggesting that the mechanisms blocking re-replication are not redundant. Therefore we propose that eukaryotic re-replication at levels below current detection limits may be more prevalent and a greater source of genomic instability than previously appreciated. Keywords: comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), DNA replication, re-replication
Project description:Cell cycle progression in mammals is modulated by two ubiquitin ligase complexes, CRL4 and SCF, which facilitate degradation of chromatin substrates involved in the regulation of DNA replication. One member of the CRL4 complex, RepID (DCAF14/PHIP), is a WD40-containing protein that selectively binds and activates a group of replication origins. We found that RepID recruits the CRL4 complex to chromatin prior to DNA synthesis, thus playing a crucial architectural role in the proper licensing of chromosomes for replication. In the absence of RepID, cells rely on the alternative ubiquitin ligase, SKP2-containing SCF, to progress through the cell cycle. RepID depletion markedly increases cellular sensitivity to SKP2 inhibitors, which triggered massive genome re-replication. Both RepID and SKP2 interact with distinct, non-overlapping groups of replication origins, suggesting that selective interactions of replication origins with specific CRL components execute the DNA replication program and maintain genomic stability by preventing re-initiation of DNA replication.
Project description:Multiple pathways prevent DNA replication from occurring more than once per cell cycle. These pathways block re-replication by strictly controlling the activity of pre-replication complexes, which assemble at specific sites in the genome called origins. Here we show that mutations in the homologous histone 3 lysine 27 (H3K27) monomethyltransferases, ARABIDOPSIS TRITHORAX-RELATED PROTEIN5 (ATXR5) and ATXR6, lead to re-replication of specific genomic locations. The vast majority of these locations correspond to transposons and other repetitive and silent elements of the Arabidopsis genome. These sites also correspond to high levels of H3K27 monomethylation, and mutation of the catalytic SET domain is sufficient to cause the re-replication defect. Mutation of ATXR5 and ATXR6 also causes upregulation of transposon expression and has pleiotropic effects on plant development. These results uncover a novel pathway that prevents over-replication of heterochromatin in Arabidopsis. Examination of genomic DNA content in endoreduplicating nuclei in wild type and atxr atxr6 mutant plants
Project description:The sources of genome instability, a hallmark of cancer, remain incompletely understood. One potential source is DNA re-replication, which arises when the mechanisms that prevent re-initiation of replication origins within a single cell cycle are compromised. Using the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we previously showed that DNA re-replication is extremely potent at inducing gross chromosomal alterations and that this arises in part because of the susceptibility of re-replication forks to break. Here, we examine the ability of DNA re-replication to induce nucleotide level mutations. During normal replication these mutations are restricted by three overlapping error avoidance mechanisms: the nucleotide selectivity of replicative polymerases, their proofreading activity, and mismatch repair. Using lys2InsEA14, a frameshift reporter that is poorly proofread, we show that re-replication induces up to a 30x higher rate of frameshift mutations and that this mutagenesis is due to passage of the re-replication fork, not secondary to re-replication fork breakage. Re-replication can also induce comparable rates of frameshift and base substitution mutations in a more general mutagenesis reporter CAN1, when the proofreading activity of DNA polymerase ε is inactivated. Finally, we show that the induction of lys2InsEA14 frameshift mutations by re-replication is dependent on mismatch repair. These results suggest that the mismatch repair associated with re-replication is attenuated, although at most sequences DNA polymerase proofreading provides enough error correction to mitigate the mutagenic consequences. Thus, re-replication can facilitate nucleotide level mutagenesis in addition to inducing gross chromosomal alterations, broadening its potential role in genome instability.
Project description:Chromatin structure affects DNA replication patterns, but the role of specific chromatin modifiers in regulating the replication process is yet unclear. We report that phosphorylation of the human SIRT1 deacetylase on Threonine 530 (T530-pSIRT1) modulates DNA synthesis. T530-pSIRT1 associates with replication origins and inhibits replication from a group of ÒdormantÓ potential replication origins, which initiate replication only when cells are subject to replication stress. Although both active and dormant origins bind T530-pSIRT1, active origins are distinguished from dormant origins by their unique association with an open chromatin mark, histone H3 methylated on lysine 4. SIRT1 phosphorylation also facilitates leading and lagging strand coordination. SIRT1 T530 phosphorylation is essential to prevent DNA breakage upon replication stress and cells harboring SIRT1 that cannot be phosphorylated exhibit a high prevalence of extrachromosomal elements, hallmarks of perturbed replication. These observations suggest that SIRT1 phosphorylation modulates the distribution of replication initiation events to insure genomic stability.
Project description:Eukaryotic genomes are replicated in spatiotemporal patterns that are stereotypical for individual genomes and developmental profiles. In the model system S. cerevisiae, two primary mechanisms determine the preferential activation of replication origins during early S phase, thereby largely defining the consequent replication profiles of these cells. Both mechanisms are thought to act through specific recruitment of a rate-limiting initiation factor, Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK), to a subset of licensed replication origins. Fkh1/2 is responsible for stimulation of most early-firing origins, except for centromere (CEN)-proximal origins that recruit DDK via the kinetochore protein Ctf19, which is required for their early-firing. The C-terminus of Dbf4 has been implicated in its recruitment to origins via both the Fkh1/2 and Ctf19 mechanisms. Here, we show that the Zn-finger motif within the C-terminus is specifically required for Dbf4 recruitment to CENs to stimulate CEN-proximal/Ctf19-dependent origins, whereas stimulation of origins via the Fkh1/2 pathway remains largely intact. These findings re-open the question of exactly how Fkh1/2 and DDK act together to stimulate replication origin initiation.
Project description:In S. cerevisiae, replication timing is controlled by epigenetic mechanisms restricting the accessibility of origins to limiting initiation factors. About 30% of these origins are located within repetitive DNA sequences such as the ribosomal DNA (rDNA) array, but their regulation is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated how histone deacetylases (HDACs) control the replication program in budding yeast. This analysis revealed that two HDACs, Rpd3 and Sir2, control replication timing in an opposite manner. Whereas Rpd3 delays initiation at late origins, Sir2 is required for the timely activation of early origins. Moreover, Sir2 represses initiation at rDNA origins whereas Rpd3 counteracts this effect. Remarkably, deletion of SIR2 restored normal replication in rpd3 cells by reactivating rDNA origins. Together, these data indicate that HDACs control the replication timing program in budding yeast by modulating the ability of repeated origins to compete with single-copy origins for limiting initiation factors. BrdU-IP-chip analysis of origin usage in different yeast HDAC mutants