Project description:Temperature is a crucial environmental signal that govers the occurrence of Vibrio cholerae and cholera outbreaks. To understand how temperature impacts the transcriptome of V. cholerae we performed whole-genome level transcriptional profiling using custom microarrays on cells grown at human body temperature (37 C) then shifted to temperatures V. cholerae experience in the environment (15 C and 25 C).
Project description:This study is an analysis of changes in gene expression during stringent response in Vibrio cholerae. V. cholerae cells in mid-log were treated with serine hydroxamate and gene expression was compared to untreated cells. Keywords: Stress response, stringent response
Project description:Whole genome sequencing to identify spontaneous nucleotide substitutions / deletions that allowed suppression of motility defect phenotype in ∆motV or ∆motW of Vibrio cholerae
Project description:Environmental isolates of Vibrio cholerae from California coastal water compared to reference strain N16961. A genotyping experiment design type classifies an individual or group of individuals on the basis of alleles, haplotypes, SNP's. Keywords: genotyping_design; array CGH
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Vibrio cholerae O395N1 delta-nqrA-F mutant, compared to the wild-type strain. Total RNA recovered from wild-type cultures of VIbrio cholerae O395N1 and its nqrA-F mutant strain. Each chip measures the expression level of 3,835 genes from Vibrio cholerae O1 biovar eltor str. N16961 with twenty average probes/gene, with five-fold technical redundancy.
Project description:Within this study, we aimed to investigate how enviornmental nitrate effects the transcription of the Vibrio cholerae genome. Here we performed RNASeq using static cultures of WT, dCrp, dHapR, & dhapR/Crp.
Project description:Investigation of whole genome gene expression level changes in a Vibrio cholerae O395N1 delta-nqrA-F mutant, compared to the wild-type strain.
Project description:These experiments were performed to show a serogroup conversion of Vibrio cholerae from O1 to O139. For this purpose, V. cholerae O1 El Tor (A1552) was grown on crab shell fragments to induce natural competence for transformation. Purified DNA (4 ug each) from strain MO10, an O139 serogroup strain, was added after 24h and the cells were further grown for 24h. After detachment from the crab shell fragments, bacteria were poured into soft-agar and overlaid onto LB plates. Mukerjeee's El Tor phage V (a gift of Dr. M.S. Islam) was dropped onto the surface of the bacteria containing soft-agar. The plaques formed by killing non-transformed A1552 cells possessed resistant clones which were picked and further selected for opaque morphotype and agglutination by O139-specific antiserum. Four clones were selected from each independent experiment and analyzed by microarray hybridization (BioPrime. Array CGH Genomic Labeling from Invitrogen). Two microarray replicates were done per clone. Strain Names: ApO139#2 / ApO139#4 / ApO139#6 / ApO139#8 are four clones analyzed after the first experiment; AIIpO139#3 / AIIpO139#4 / AIIpO139#5 / AIIpO139#6 are four clones analyzed after the second independent experiment. Two MA replicates for each clone were done. CGHs of A1552 versus MO10 are provided as control.
Project description:To determine transcriptome differences in Vibrio cholerae when grown as planktonic and biofilm cultures, whole-genome level transcriptional profiling was performed using RNAseq analysis. Transcriptomes of biofim and planktonic cultures were compared in this study.