Project description:Somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations contribute to the pathogenesis of age-related disorders, including myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The accumulation of mitochondria harboring mtDNA mutations in patients with these disorders suggests a failure of normal mitochondrial quality-control systems. The mtDNA-mutator mice acquire somatic mtDNA mutations via a targeted defect in the proofreading function of the mtDNA polymerase, PolgA, and develop macrocyticanemia similar to that of patients with MDS. We observed an unexpected defect in clearance of dysfunctional mitochondria at specific stages during erythroid maturation in hematopoietic cells from aged mtDNA-mutator mice. Mechanistically, aberrant activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling and phosphorylation of uncoordinated 51-like kinase (ULK) 1 in mtDNA-mutator mice resulted in proteasome mediated degradation of ULK1 and inhibition of autophagy in erythroid cells. To directly evaluate the consequence of inhibiting autophagy on mitochondrial function in erythroid cells harboring mtDNA mutations in vivo, we deleted Atg7 from erythroid progenitors of wildtype and mtDNA-mutator mice. Genetic disruption of autophagy did not cause anemia in wild-type mice but accelerated the decline in mitochondrial respiration and development of macrocytic anemia in mtDNA-mutator mice. These findings highlight a pathological feedback loop that explains how dysfunctional mitochondria can escape autophagy-mediated degradation and propagate in cells predisposed to somatic mtDNA mutations, leading to disease. We used microarrays to identify expression profiles and pathways that are differentially activated or suppressed in Ter119+ bone marrow cells isolated from phlebotomized wildtype or Polg mutant mice
Project description:Somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations contribute to the pathogenesis of age-related disorders, including myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). The accumulation of mitochondria harboring mtDNA mutations in patients with these disorders suggests a failure of normal mitochondrial quality-control systems. The mtDNA-mutator mice acquire somatic mtDNA mutations via a targeted defect in the proofreading function of the mtDNA polymerase, PolgA, and develop macrocytic anemia similar to that of patients with MDS. We observed an unexpected defect in clearance of dysfunctional mitochondria at specific stages during erythroid maturation in hematopoietic cells from aged mtDNA-mutator mice. Mechanistically, aberrant activation of mechanistic target of rapamycin signaling and phosphorylation of uncoordinated 51-like kinase (ULK) 1 in mtDNA-mutator mice resulted in proteasome mediated degradation of ULK1 and inhibition of autophagy in erythroid cells. To directly evaluate the consequence of inhibiting autophagy on mitochondrial function in erythroid cells harboring mtDNA mutations in vivo, we deleted Atg7 from erythroid progenitors of wildtype and mtDNA-mutator mice. Genetic disruption of autophagy did not cause anemia in wild-type mice but accelerated the decline in mitochondrial respiration and development of macrocytic anemia in mtDNA-mutator mice. These findings highlight a pathological feedback loop that explains how dysfunctional mitochondria can escape autophagy-mediated degradation and propagate in cells predisposed to somatic mtDNA mutations, leading to disease.
Project description:Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations may contribute to aging and age-related disorders. Previously, we created mice expressing a proofreading-deficient version of the mtDNA polymerase gamma (Polg) which accumulate age-related mtDNA mutations and display premature aging. Here we performed microarray gene expression profiling to identify mtDNA mutation-responsive genes in the cochlea of aged mitochondrial mutator mice. Age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations was associated with transcriptional alternations consistent with reduced inner ear function, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurodegeneration, and reduced cell structural modulation. Hearing assessment and histopathological results confirmed that aged PolgD257A/D257A (D257A) mice exhibited moderate hearing loss and severe cochlear degenerations. Age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations also resulted in alternations in gene expression consistent with induction of apoptosis, proteolysis, stress response, and reduced DNA repair. TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) assay confirmed that the cochleae from aged D257A mice showed significantly more TUNEL positive cells compared to wild-type (WT) mice. The levels of cleaved caspase-3 were also found to increase in the cochleae of aged D257A mice. These observations provide evidence that age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations is associated with apoptotic cell death in aged cochlea. Our results provide the first global view of molecular events associated with mtDNA mutations in postmitotic tissue, and suggest that apoptosis is the major mechanism of mtDNA mediated cell death in the development of age-related hearing disorder. Keywords: disease state analysis
Project description:Replication of mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is an essential process that requires high fidelity and control at multiple levels to ensure proper mitochondrial function. Mutations in the mitochondrial genome maintenance exonuclease 1 (MGME1) gene were recently reported in mitochondrial disease patients. Here, to study disease pathophysiology, we generated Mgme1 knockout mice and report that homozygous knockouts develop depletion and multiple deletions of mtDNA. The mtDNA replication stalling phenotypes vary dramatically in different tissues of Mgme1 knockout mice. Mice with MGME1 deficiency accumulate a long linear subgenomic mtDNA species, similar to the one found in mtDNA mutator mice, but do not develop progeria. This finding resolves a long-standing debate by showing that point mutations of mtDNA are the main cause of progeria in mtDNA mutator mice. We also propose a role for MGME1 in the regulation of replication and transcription termination at the end of the control region of mtDNA.
Project description:Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations may contribute to aging and age-related disorders. Previously, we created mice expressing a proofreading-deficient version of the mtDNA polymerase gamma (Polg) which accumulate age-related mtDNA mutations and display premature aging. Here we performed microarray gene expression profiling to identify mtDNA mutation-responsive genes in the cochlea of aged mitochondrial mutator mice. Age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations was associated with transcriptional alternations consistent with reduced inner ear function, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurodegeneration, and reduced cell structural modulation. Hearing assessment and histopathological results confirmed that aged PolgD257A/D257A (D257A) mice exhibited moderate hearing loss and severe cochlear degenerations. Age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations also resulted in alternations in gene expression consistent with induction of apoptosis, proteolysis, stress response, and reduced DNA repair. TUNEL (Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling) assay confirmed that the cochleae from aged D257A mice showed significantly more TUNEL positive cells compared to wild-type (WT) mice. The levels of cleaved caspase-3 were also found to increase in the cochleae of aged D257A mice. These observations provide evidence that age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations is associated with apoptotic cell death in aged cochlea. Our results provide the first global view of molecular events associated with mtDNA mutations in postmitotic tissue, and suggest that apoptosis is the major mechanism of mtDNA mediated cell death in the development of age-related hearing disorder. Experiment Overall Design: To determine the effects of age-related accumulation of mtDNA mutations, each WT sample (n = 5) was compared to each D257A sample (n = 5), generating a total of twenty-five pairwise comparisons. Genes with significantly altered expression levels were sorted into gene ontology biological process categories. Experiment Overall Design: Gene expression change was called statistically significant when at least one gene was called present in a group, the P value was < 0.0500, FC was > 1.1, and FDR was > 30.00 for identification of mtDNA mutations-induced genes. Experiment Overall Design: Affymetrix standard spike controls were used in all experiments (eukaryotic hybridization control kit). Quality control measures were not used. No replicates were done. Dye swap was not used.
Project description:Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in aging and aging-related disorders, such as neurodegenerative diseases and stroke. To study the effects of progressive mitochondrial dysfunction, a homozygous knock-in mouse expressing a proof-reading deficient version of the nucleus-encoded catalytic subunit of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymerase (PolgA) has been developed. In the mtDNA mutator mouse the proofreading activity of PolgA has been abolished by a single amino acid change. PolgA is the catalytic subunit of the polymerase gamma, which is involved in replicating and proofreading the mitochondrial DNA. As a result, mtDNA mutator mice develop high levels of point mutations and linear deletions, which lead to several human-like phenotypes associated with aging, including reduced lifespan (42-44 weeks), weight loss, alopecia, anemia, kyphosis, osteoporosis, sarcopenia, loss of subcutaneous fat, and reduced fertility. We investigate the molecular mechanism through which exercise may improve the phenotype of the mtDNA mutator mouse, which is a model of premature aging induced by mitochondrial dysfunction. Remarkably, forced endurance exercise has been shown to rescue the progeroid aging phenotypes of the mtDNA mutator mice, and to induce systemic mitochondrial rejuvenation. Here, using voluntary, rather than forced exercise, we investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying such a dramatic improvement, and also assess the effect of exercise on brain tissues, such as cortex and striatum in our model. The complete proteome of key tissues (muscle, brain cortex, brain striatum) from exercising and sedentary mtDNA mutator mice as well as exercising and sedentary wild type mice is quantified using peptide high-resolution isoelectric focusing (HiRIEF) coupled with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) with an isobaric tag (TMT10plex) strategy.
Project description:Exercise is a fundamental component of human health that is associated with greater life expectancy and reduced risk of chronic diseases. While the beneficial effects of endurance exercise on human health are well established, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these observations remain unclear. Endurance exercise reduces the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, alleviates multisystem pathology, and increases the lifespan of the mtDNA mutator mouse model of aging, in which the proof-reading capacity of mitochondrial polymerase gamma (POLG1) is deficient. Clearly, exercise recruited a POLG1-independent mtDNA repair pathway to induce these adaptations, a novel finding as POLG1 is canonically considered to be the sole mtDNA repair enzyme. Here we investigate the identity of this pathway, and show that endurance exercise prevents mitochondrial oxidative damage, attenuates telomere erosion, and mitigates cellular senescence and apoptosis in mtDNA mutator mice. Unexpectedly, we observe translocation of tumour suppressor protein p53 to mitochondria in response to endurance exercise that facilitates mtDNA mutation repair. Indeed, endurance exercise failed to prevent mtDNA mutations, induce mitochondrial biogenesis, preserve mitochondrial morphology, reverse sarcopenia, and mitigate premature mortality in mtDNA mutator mice with muscle-specific deletion of p53. Our data establish an exciting new role for p53 in exercise-mediated maintenance of the mtDNA genome, and presents mitochondrially-targeted p53 as a novel therapeutic modality for aging-associated diseases of mitochondrial etiology. Microarray analysis of gene expression from skeletal muscle (quadriceps femoris) from Mus musculus. N=23 samples per treatment were analysed for whole transcriptiome gene expression profile using NimbleGen Arrays. The treatment groups included wild-type C57Bl/6J mice as the control group, then two treatment groups which both contained homozygous knock-in mtDNA mutator mice (PolG; PolgAD257A/D257A). Once group of these heterozygous knock out mice received regular endurance exercise sessions while the other group remained sedentraty for 6 months. The control group specimens were wild-type litter mates to the transgenic knockout mice.
Project description:Exercise is a fundamental component of human health that is associated with greater life expectancy and reduced risk of chronic diseases. While the beneficial effects of endurance exercise on human health are well established, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these observations remain unclear. Endurance exercise reduces the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, alleviates multisystem pathology, and increases the lifespan of the mtDNA mutator mouse model of aging, in which the proof-reading capacity of mitochondrial polymerase gamma (POLG1) is deficient. Clearly, exercise recruited a POLG1-independent mtDNA repair pathway to induce these adaptations, a novel finding as POLG1 is canonically considered to be the sole mtDNA repair enzyme. Here we investigate the identity of this pathway, and show that endurance exercise prevents mitochondrial oxidative damage, attenuates telomere erosion, and mitigates cellular senescence and apoptosis in mtDNA mutator mice. Unexpectedly, we observe translocation of tumour suppressor protein p53 to mitochondria in response to endurance exercise that facilitates mtDNA mutation repair. Indeed, endurance exercise failed to prevent mtDNA mutations, induce mitochondrial biogenesis, preserve mitochondrial morphology, reverse sarcopenia, and mitigate premature mortality in mtDNA mutator mice with muscle-specific deletion of p53. Our data establish an exciting new role for p53 in exercise-mediated maintenance of the mtDNA genome, and presents mitochondrially-targeted p53 as a novel therapeutic modality for aging-associated diseases of mitochondrial etiology.
2015-12-11 | GSE75869 | GEO
Project description:Germline mtDNA mutations in PolG mutator female mice
Project description:The role of somatic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations in leukemogenesis remains poorly characterized. To determine the impact of somatic mtDNA mutations on the process, we assessed the leukemogenic potential of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) from mtDNA mutator mice (Polg D257A) with or without NMyc overexpression. We observed a higher incidence of spontaneous leukemogenesis in recipients transplanted with heterozygous Polg HPCs and a lower incidence of NMyc-driven leukemia in those with homozygous Polg HPCs compared to controls. Although mtDNA mutations in heterozygous and homozygous HPCs caused similar baseline impairments in mitochondrial function, only heterozygous HPCs responded to and supported altered metabolic demands associated with NMyc overexpression. Homozygous HPCs showed altered glucose utilization with pyruvate dehydrogenase inhibition due to increased phosphorylation, exacerbated by NMyc overexpression. The impaired growth of NMyc-expressing homozygous HPCs was partially rescued by inhibiting pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, highlighting a relationship between mtDNA mutation burden and metabolic plasticity in leukemogenesis.