Project description:Molecular phylogenomics investigates evolutionary relationships based on genomic data. However, despite genomic sequence conservation, changes in protein interactions can occur relatively rapidly and may cause strong functional diversification. To investigate such functional evolution, we here combine phylogenomics with interaction proteomics. We develop this concept by investigating the molecular evolution of the shelterin complex, which protects telomeres, across 16 vertebrate species from zebrafish to humans covering 450 million years of evolution. Our phylointeractomics screen discovers previously unknown telomere-associated proteins and reveals how homologous proteins undergo functional evolution. For instance, we show that TERF1 evolved as a telomere-binding protein in the common stem lineage of marsupial and placental mammals. Phylointeractomics is a versatile and scalable approach to investigate evolutionary changes in protein function and thus can provide experimental evidence for phylogenomic relationships.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Since several miRNAs are known to affect the stability or translation of developmental regulatory genes, the origin of novel miRNAs may have contributed to the evolution of developmental processes and morphology. Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) is a species-rich clade with a well-established phylogeny and abundant genomic resources, thereby representing an ideal system in which to study miRNA evolution. We sequenced small RNA libraries from developmental stages of two divergent lepidopterans, Cameraria ohridella (Horse chestnut Leafminer) and Pararge aegeria (Speckled Wood butterfly), discovering 90 and 81 conserved miRNAs respectively, and many species-specific miRNA sequences. Mapping miRNAs onto the lepidopteran phylogeny reveals rapid miRNA turnover and an episode of miRNA fixation early in lepidopteran evolution, implying that miRNA acquisition accompanied the early radiation of the Lepidoptera. One lepidopteran-specific miRNA gene, miR-2768, is located within an intron of the homeobox gene invected, involved in insect segmental and wing patterning. We identified cubitus interruptus (ci) as a likely direct target of miR-2768, and validated this suppression using a luciferase assay system. We propose a model by which miR-2768 modulates expression of ci in the segmentation pathway and in patterning of lepidopteran wing primordia. Examination of the small RNA complements pooled across life cycle stages in each of Cameraria ohridella and Pararge aegeria.
Project description:Aposematic color pattern mimicry in Heliconius butterflies provides a well-known example of adaptation via selection on a few genes of large effect. To understand how selection at individual genes can drive the evolution of complex traits, we functionally characterized five novel enhancers of the color pattern gene, optix. In Heliconius erato we found that wing pattern enhancers are largely ancestral, pleiotropic, functionally interdependent, and introgressed between populations. Remarkably, many of these enhancers are also associated with regional pattern variation in the distantly related co-mimics Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius timareta. Our findings provide a case study of how parallel co-evolution of ancient, multifunctional regulatory elements can facilitate the rapid diversification of complex phenotypes, and provide a counterpoint to many widespread assumptions of cis-regulatory evolution.
Project description:Aposematic color pattern mimicry in Heliconius butterflies provides a well-known example of adaptation via selection on a few genes of large effect. To understand how selection at individual genes can drive the evolution of complex traits, we functionally characterized five novel enhancers of the color pattern gene, optix. In Heliconius erato we found that wing pattern enhancers are largely ancestral, pleiotropic, functionally interdependent, and introgressed between populations. Remarkably, many of these enhancers are also associated with regional pattern variation in the distantly related co-mimics Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius timareta. Our findings provide a case study of how parallel co-evolution of ancient, multifunctional regulatory elements can facilitate the rapid diversification of complex phenotypes, and provide a counterpoint to many widespread assumptions of cis-regulatory evolution.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are involved in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. Since several miRNAs are known to affect the stability or translation of developmental regulatory genes, the origin of novel miRNAs may have contributed to the evolution of developmental processes and morphology. Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) is a species-rich clade with a well-established phylogeny and abundant genomic resources, thereby representing an ideal system in which to study miRNA evolution. We sequenced small RNA libraries from developmental stages of two divergent lepidopterans, Cameraria ohridella (Horse chestnut Leafminer) and Pararge aegeria (Speckled Wood butterfly), discovering 90 and 81 conserved miRNAs respectively, and many species-specific miRNA sequences. Mapping miRNAs onto the lepidopteran phylogeny reveals rapid miRNA turnover and an episode of miRNA fixation early in lepidopteran evolution, implying that miRNA acquisition accompanied the early radiation of the Lepidoptera. One lepidopteran-specific miRNA gene, miR-2768, is located within an intron of the homeobox gene invected, involved in insect segmental and wing patterning. We identified cubitus interruptus (ci) as a likely direct target of miR-2768, and validated this suppression using a luciferase assay system. We propose a model by which miR-2768 modulates expression of ci in the segmentation pathway and in patterning of lepidopteran wing primordia.
2014-11-26 | GSE63644 | GEO
Project description:Phylogenomics of cactophagous moths species from Argentina