Project description:MqsR/MqsA is a well-characterized toxin/antitoxin system with several regulatory roles. Deletion of mqsRA reduced growth with deoxycholate stress. Here we performed a microarray to determine the expression profile with and without mqsRA under deoxycholate stress to determine transcriptional regulation. Escherichia coli K-12 BW25113 with and without mqsRA was exposed to deoxycholate stress.
Project description:RpoS, an alternative sigma factor, is critical for stress response in Escherichia coli.RpoS also acts as a global regulator for stress control of gene expression, and actually dose so in log stage and stationary stage. To further understand the effect of environmental stresses on in ethanologenic strains, DNA microarrys was used to analyze the expression profiles of E. coli and its rpoS mutant strain. BW25113(rpoS-)and BW25113 were selected at log stages and stationary stage of early development for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. To that end, we hand-selected BW25113 and BW25113(rpoS-) according at different treatments: BW25113(rpoS-)at log stage (BW25113(rpoS-) log), BW25113 at log stage (BW25113 log),BW25113(rpoS-)atstationary stage ( BW25113(rpoS-) stationary), BW25113 at stationary stage ( BW25113 stationary)
Project description:MqsR/MqsA is a well-characterized toxin/antitoxin system with several regulatory roles. Deletion of mqsRA reduced growth with deoxycholate stress. Here we performed a microarray to determine the expression profile with and without mqsRA under deoxycholate stress to determine transcriptional regulation.
Project description:Expression profile of E. coli BW25113 grown under standard laboratory atmosphere with a fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration of 17 mg m-3, under urban polluted atmosphere with a PM2.5 of 230 mg m-3 or under diesel exhaust atmosphere with a PM2.5 of 613 mg m-3. Expression profile of the diesel exhaust atmosphere-adapted E. coli strain T56-1 grown under diesel exhaust atmosphere.
Project description:This Series involves two studies: 1) The gene expression of E. coli K-12 BW25113 ompA mutant strain vs. wild type strain glasswool biofilm cells and E. coli K-12 BW25113 ompA mutant vs. wild type polystyrene biofilm cells. 2) The gene expression of E. coli BW25113 ompA/pCA24N_ompA vs. ompA/pCA24N suspension cells.
Project description:Glycerol is an attractive feedstock for biofuels since it accumulates as a byproduct during biodiesel operations; hence, it is interesting to consider converting glycerol to hydrogen using the formate hydrogen lyase system of Escherichia coli which converts pyruvate to hydrogen. Starting with Escherichia coli BW25113 frdC that lacks fumarate reductase to eliminate the negative effect of accumulated hydrogen on glycerol fermentation and by using both adaptive evolution and chemical mutagenesis combined with a selection method based on increased growth on glycerol, we obtained an improved strain, HW2, that produces 20-fold more hydrogen in glycerol medium (0.68 mmol/L/h) compared to that of frdC mutant. HW2 also grows 5-fold faster (0.25 1/h) than BW25113 frdC on glycerol, so it achieves a reasonable growth rate. Corroborating the increase in hydrogen production, glycerol dehydrogenase activity in HW2 increased 4-fold compared to BW25113 frdC. In addition, a whole-transcriptome study revealed that several pathways that would decrease hydrogen yields were repressed in HW2 (fbp, focA, and gatYZ) while a beneficial pathway, eno which encodes enolase was induced.
Project description:gene expression profiles by overexpressing Hha from pCA24N-hha using 2 mM IPTG induction in BW25113 wild type suspension cells in LB medium at 37C relative to BW25113 carrying the empty vector plasmid in the same test conditions. Keywords: overexpression, gene expression profiles