Project description:The identification of early-expressed pathogen effectors and early-modulated host functions is currently a major goal to understand the molecular basis of biotrophic lifestyle. Melampsora larici-populina isolates 98AG31 and 93ID6, respectively virulent and avirulent on the hybrid P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides poplar cultivar M-bM-^@M-^XBeauprM-CM-)M-bM-^@M-^Y were used in this study. Inoculations were performed on 5 cm2 leaf disks. The following conditions were used for oligoarrays: Incompatible 18, 21 and 24 hpi, Compatible 18, 24 and 48hpi. One aim of this study was to compare RNA-Seq and hybridization-based approaches, therefore the cDNA templates were used for whole-genome poplar oligoarrays and 454-pyrosequencing. We performed 6 hybridizations (Nimblegen) with samples derived from incompatible (18, 21 and 24hpi) and compatible (18, 24 and 48hpi) interactions of Melampsora larici-populina with P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides poplar cultivar M-bM-^@M-^XBeauprM-CM-)M-bM-^@M-^Y leaves. All samples were labeled with Cy3.
Project description:The transcriptome of Melampsora-larici-populina was analysed in urediniospores, germlings and during poplar leaf infection. The array probes were designed from gene models taken from the Joint Genome Institute (JGI, Department of Energy) Melampsora larici-populina genome sequence version 1. One aim of this study was to verify the expression of the automatically annotated gene models in various tissues and development stages. Another goal was to monitor gene expression profiles during poplar leaf infection and to highlight tissue-specific transcripts, e.g. in planta up-regulated transcripts for further analyses.
Project description:The transcriptome of Melampsora-larici-populina was analysed in urediniospores, germlings and infected Poplar leaves. The array probes were designed from gene models taken from the Joint Genome Institute (JGI, Department of Energy) Melampsora larici-populina genome sequence version 1. One aim of this study was to verify the expression of the automatically annotated gene models in various tissues and development stages. Another goal was to monitor gene expression at different developmental stages and to highlight tissue-specific transcripts, e.g. in planta up-regulated transcripts for further analyses.
Project description:The identification of early-expressed pathogen effectors and early-modulated host functions is currently a major goal to understand the molecular basis of biotrophic lifestyle. Melampsora larici-populina isolates 98AG31 and 93ID6, respectively virulent and avirulent on the hybrid P. trichocarpa x P. deltoides poplar cultivar ‘Beaupré’ were used in this study. Inoculations were performed on 5 cm2 leaf disks. The following conditions were used for oligoarrays: Incompatible 18, 21 and 24 hpi, Compatible 18, 24 and 48hpi. One aim of this study was to compare RNA-Seq and hybridization-based approaches, therefore the cDNA templates were used for whole-genome poplar oligoarrays and 454-pyrosequencing.