Project description:Investigation of gene expression level changes in Daphnia pulex MFP strain between in the presence or absence of Chaoborus kairomone.
Project description:Investigation of gene expression level changes in Daphnia pulex MFP strain between in the presence or absence of Chaoborus kairomone. 12 samples (4 conditions x 3 replicates) in one 12-plex NimbleGen array GPL11278
Project description:This SuperSeries is composed of the following subset Series: GSE25841: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment A GSE25843: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I, M-P GSE25845: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiments B-I GSE25850: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment J GSE25851: Evolutionary Diversification of Duplicated Genes; Experiment L, K GSE25852: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment B GSE25855: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment A GSE25856: Empirical Annotation of the Daphnia pulex genome; Experiment C Refer to individual Series
Project description:We report the application of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) on collections of Daphnia pulex individuals representing three major developmental states. This submission comes from a project of Michael Lynch and was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health entitled 'Population Genomics of Daphnia pulex' (Project Number: 1R01GM101672-01A1).
Project description:Although cyanobacteria produce a wide range of natural toxins that impact aquatic organisms, food webs and water quality, the mechanisms of toxicity are still insufficiently understood. Here, we implemented a whole-genome expression microarray to identify pathways, gene networks and paralogous gene families responsive to Microcystis stress in Daphnia pulex. Therefore, neonates of a sensitive isolate were given a diet contaminated with Microcystis to contrast with those given a control diet for sixteen days. The microarray revealed 2247 differentially expressed (DE) genes (7.6% of the array) in response to Microcystis, of which 17% are lineage specific and 49% are gene duplicates (paralogs). We identified four pathways/gene networks and eight paralogous gene families affected by Microcystis. Differential regulation of the ribosome including 3 paralogous gene families encoding 40S, 60S and mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, suggests an impact of Microcystis on protein synthesis of Daphnia. In addition, differential regulation of the oxidative phosphorylation pathway, including the NADH ubquinone oxidoreductase gene family, and trypsin paralogous gene family, major component of the digestive system in Daphnia, could explain why fitness is reduced based on energy budget considerations. For others (.e.g Neurexin IV), a link with fitness remains to be established.
Project description:We use a custom microarray for the crustacean Daphnia pulex to investigate gene expression in males, juvenile females and pregnant females. Keywords: sex-biased, developmental