Project description:Differential transcriptome of Paramecium tetraurelia strain 51 undergoing RNAi by feeding against ICL7a (as a control) and RDR3 for nine days.
Project description:Paramecium cells in stationary phase were treated for deciliation and total mRNA extracted at two time points (45 and 130 minutes) after deciliation. Keywords: Time course analysis of expression during reciliation
Project description:Paramecium cells possess a few thousand trichocysts (big secretory granules of 3~4 um long) docked at their surface and whose discharge in the external medium can be triggered using aminoethyldextran (a modified dextran positively charged) without damage to the cells. After discharge, new trichocysts are re-synthesized by the cells. We studied the evolution of the transcriptome during this synthesis.
Project description:5-methyl-cytosine DNA methylation regulates gene expression and developmental programming in a broad range of eukaryotes. However, its presence and potential roles in ciliates, complex single-celled eukaryotes with germline-somatic genome specialization via nuclear dimorphism, are largely uncharted. While canonical cytosine methyltransferases have not been discovered in published ciliate genomes, recent studies performed in the stichotrichous ciliate Oxytricha trifallax suggest de novo cytosine methylation during macronuclear development. In this study, we applied bisfulfite genome sequencing, DNA mass spectrometry and antibody-based fluorescence detection to investigate the presence of DNA methylation in Paramecium tetraurelia. While the antibody-based methods suggest cytosine methylation, DNA mass spectrometry and bisulfite sequencing reveal that levels are actually below the limit of detection. Our results suggest that Paramecium does not utilize 5-methyl-cytosine DNA methylation as an integral part of its epigenetic arsenal.
Project description:To gain insight into how Paramecium cells reorganize their subcellular structure during endosymbiosis stage, we generated a comprehensive spatial proteomics map across aposymbiotic Paramecium and endosymbiotic Paramecium
Project description:Paramecium cells in stationary phase were treated for deciliation and total mRNA extracted at two time points (45 and 130 minutes) after deciliation. Keywords: Time course analysis of expression during reciliation Experimental design has two biological replications for the 45 and 130 minutes time points and only one sample for the reference (T0) time point.