Project description:Organs consist of not only parenchyma but also stroma, the latter of which coordinates generation of organotypic structures. Despite recent advances in organoid technology, induction of organ-specific stroma and recapitulating the complex organ configurations from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) has remained challenging. For the kidney, the stromal progenitor coordinates differentiation of the two parenchymal progenitors: nephron progenitor and ureteric bud. By identifying the origin and dorsoventral patterning of the renal stromal progenitor, we established its induction protocol from mouse PSCs. When the three types of progenitors were differentially induced from PSCs and assembled, the all PSC-derived organoids reproduced the complex kidney structures, with multiple types of stromal cells distributed around differentiating nephrons and branching ureteric buds. Thus, integration of PSC-derived stroma into the conventional organoids enables recapitulation of organotypic architecture.
Project description:The aim of this study is to address the functional role of miRNAs in the FoxD1+ renal stroma progenitors and derivatives during embryonic kidney development. To achieve this, we generated transgenic mice that lack miRNAs in the renal stroma lineage (FoxD1 Cre;Dicer), and performed a microarray analysis on E18.5 whole kidneys to determine the transcriptional changes.
Project description:The aim of this study is to address the functional role of miRNAs in the FoxD1+ renal stroma progenitors and derivatives during embryonic kidney development. To achieve this, we generated transgenic mice that lack miRNAs in the renal stroma lineage (FoxD1 Cre;Dicer), and performed a microarray analysis on E15.5 whole kidneys to determine the transcriptional changes.
Project description:We investigated the expression profiles of microRNAs (miRNA) in 27 renal cell carcinoma (RCC) FFPE tissues (3 chRCC, 5 papRCC and 18 ccRCC), 4 upper urinary tract-urothelial cell carcinomas of the renal pelvis-ureter (UUT-UCCs) and 20 normal kidneys by using the miRCURY LNAM-bM-^DM-" microRNA Array, 6th gen (Exiqon, Woburn MA), containing capture probes that target all miRNAs for all species registered in the miRBASE version 16.0. Real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) using appropriate endogenous controls was performed in order to validate the microarray results of the 27 most differentially expressed (DE) miRNAs. We identified 434 miRNAs that were significantly deregulated in all kidney tumours compared to the normal tissues. A total of 126 miRNAs (29%) had increased expression while 303 (69.8%) had decreased expression in RCC. Out of the 434 DE miRNAs, we detected 94 co-up-regulated and 218 co-down-regulated microRNAs among chRCC, papRCC and ccRCC. Of these, 89 and 203 were co-up- and co-down-regulated between RCCs and UUT-UCCs, respectively. We detected 11, 44 and 24 up-regulated miRNAs, which were specific for ccRCC, chRCC and papRCC, respectively. Moreover, 19, 18 and 8 miRNAs were uniquelly down-regulated in ccRCC, chRCC and papRCC, respectively. We also detected 89 and 203 co-up- and co-down-regulated miRNAs between kidney cancer and UUT-UCCs. Five miRNAs were up-regulated specifically in renal tumours and 49 in UUT-UCCs, whereas 15 miRNAs were down-regulated specifically in renal tumours and 89 in UUT-UCCs, respectively. Our data validicate that expression of miRNAs tends to be down-regulated renal cell carcinomas compared with normal kidney. We used 18 ccRCC, 3 chRCC, 5 papRCC, 4 UUT-UCC, 1 undifferentiated carcinoma and 19 normal tissue samples for miRNA profiling. Total RNA (0.5 M-BM-5g) from each sample and reference was labeled with Hy3M-bM-^DM-" fluorescent label, using the miRCURY LNAM-bM-^DM-" microRNA Hi-Power Labeling Kit (Exiqon, Woburn MA). The Hy3M-bM-^DM-\"-labeled samples were hybridized to the miRCURY LNAM-bM-^DM-" microRNA Array, 6th gen (Exiqon, Woburn MA), using an Agilent hybridization SureHyb chamber and gasket slide kits. After hybridization, the microarray slides were scanned at 10 M-NM-<m using the High-Resolution Microarray Scanner (Agilent Technologies) and stored in an ozone free environment. The image analysis was carried out using the ImaGene 8.0 software (BioDiscovery, Inc., USA). Raw microarray data were filtered, background corrected and quantile normalizated. Normalized data were further extracted, pre-processed and sorted with Microsoft ExcelM-BM-.. MicroRNAs were considered to be significantly differentially expressed if they obtained a p-value<0.05 and a FDRM-bM-^IM-$0.05.
Project description:The aim of this study is to address the functional role of miRNAs in the FoxD1+ renal stroma progenitors and derivatives during embryonic kidney development. To achieve this, we generated transgenic mice that lack miRNAs in the renal stroma lineage (FoxD1 Cre;Dicer), and performed a microarray analysis on E18.5 whole kidneys to determine the transcriptional changes. 3 litters of E18.5 FoxD1 Cre;Dicer and control littermate kidneys were used for the microarray analysis. Each litter consists of kidneys pooled from 2 embryos per genotype for the RNA extraction.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been implicated as fine-tuning regulators controlling diverse biological processes at the level of posttranscriptional repression. Dysregulation of miRNAs has been described in various disease states, including inflammatory autoimmune diseases. By using high-throughput microRNA profiling analysis, we identified a series of miRNAs dysregulated in local inflammatory lesions of human patients with autoimmune diseases such as SLE. We isolated the renal biopsy samples from eight SLE patients as well as tumor adjacent kidney tissues from four kidney cancer patients as controls for comparison. Total RNA was extracted for the TaqManM-BM-. Low Density Assay v3.0