Project description:Unraveling the mechanisms underlying early neural differentiation of ESCs is crucial to the cell-based therapies of neurodegenerate diseases. Neural fate acquisition is proposed to be controlled by a âdefaultâ mechanism, for which the molecular regulation is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional roles of Mediator Med23 in pluripotency and lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Unexpectedly we found that, despite the largely unchanged pluripotency and self-renewal of ESCs, Med23-depletion rendered the cells prone to neural differentiation in different differentiation assays. Knockdown of other Mediator subunit, Med1 or Med15, did not alter the neural differentiation of ESCs; and Med15 knockdown selectively inhibited endoderm differentiation, suggesting the specificity of cell fate control by distinctive Mediator subunits. Gene profiling revealed that Med23-depletion attenuated the BMP signaling in ESCs. Mechanistically, MED23 modulated Bmp4 expression by controlling the activity of ETS1 that is involved in the Bmp4 promoter-enhancer communication. Interestingly, Med23 knockdown in zebrafish embryos also enhanced the neural development at early embryogenesis, which could be reversible by coinjection of bmp4 mRNA. Taken together, our study reveals an intrinsic, restrictive role of MED23 in early neural development, thus providing new molecular insights for neural fate determination. We used microarrays to detail the global gene expression after MED23 knockout We examined the gene expression level in WT and MED23 knockout ES cells in steady culture condition.
Project description:Unraveling the mechanisms underlying early neural differentiation of ESCs is crucial to the cell-based therapies of neurodegenerate diseases. Neural fate acquisition is proposed to be controlled by a “default” mechanism, for which the molecular regulation is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the functional roles of Mediator Med23 in pluripotency and lineage commitment of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). Unexpectedly we found that, despite the largely unchanged pluripotency and self-renewal of ESCs, Med23-depletion rendered the cells prone to neural differentiation in different differentiation assays. Knockdown of other Mediator subunit, Med1 or Med15, did not alter the neural differentiation of ESCs; and Med15 knockdown selectively inhibited endoderm differentiation, suggesting the specificity of cell fate control by distinctive Mediator subunits. Gene profiling revealed that Med23-depletion attenuated the BMP signaling in ESCs. Mechanistically, MED23 modulated Bmp4 expression by controlling the activity of ETS1 that is involved in the Bmp4 promoter-enhancer communication. Interestingly, Med23 knockdown in zebrafish embryos also enhanced the neural development at early embryogenesis, which could be reversible by coinjection of bmp4 mRNA. Taken together, our study reveals an intrinsic, restrictive role of MED23 in early neural development, thus providing new molecular insights for neural fate determination. We used microarrays to detail the global gene expression after MED23 knockout
Project description:The Mediator complex functions as a control center orchestrating diverse signalings, gene activities, and biological processes. However, how Mediator subunits determine distinct cell fates remains to be fully elucidated. Here, we show that Mediator MED23 controls the cell fate preference that directs differentiation into smooth muscle cells (SMCs) or adipocytes. Med23-deficiency facilitates SMC differentiation but represses adipocyte differentiation from the multipotent mesenchymal stem cells. Gene profiling revealed that the presence or absence of Med23 oppositely regulates two sets of genes: the RhoA/MAL-targeted cytoskeleton/SMC genes and the Ras/ELK1 targeted growth/adipocyte genes. Mechanistically, MED23 favors ELK1-SRF binding to SMC gene promoters for repression, whereas the lack of MED23 favors MAL-SRF binding to SMC gene promoters for activation. Remarkably, the effect of MED23 on SMC differentiation can be recapitulated in zebrafish embryogenesis. Collectively, our data demonstrate the dual, opposing roles for MED23 in regulating the cytoskeleton/SMC and growth/adipocyte gene programs, suggesting its “Ying-Yang” function in directing adipogenesis vs. SMC differentiation. Examination of SRF enrichment in sictrl and si23 10T1/2 cells
Project description:The dorsoventral gradient of BMP signaling plays an essential role in embryonic patterning, with high BMP signal activating ventral-lateral mesoderm markers directly, and low BMP signal inducing neural tissues. The Zinc finger SWIM domain-containing protein 4 (zswim4) is expressed in the dorsal blastopore lip at the onset of Xenopus gastrula and then enriched at the forming neuroectoderm at mid-gastrula stages. Overexpression of zswim4 in Xenopus embryos causes inhibition of the anterior axis and shortened, curved body, and knockdown or knockout of zswim4 disturbed embryonic body axis formation and head development. The expression of ventral-lateral mesoderm marker genes was reduced after zswim4 overexpression and increased in embryos with zswim4 knockdown. Neural marker genes were repressed in zswim4 morphant. Mechanistically Zswim4 attenuates BMP signal through reducing protein stability of Smad1 in both Xenopus embryos and HEK293T cells. Zswim4 interacts with Smad1 and promotes ubiquitination of Smad1 in HEK293T cells. To identify the interaction partner of Zswim4 in regulating Smad1 stability, we performed SILAC based IP in HEK293T cells, and the precipitates were analyzed by Mass Spectrometry.
Project description:The Mediator complex functions as a control center orchestrating diverse signalings, gene activities, and biological processes. However, how Mediator subunits determine distinct cell fates remains to be fully elucidated. Here, we show that Mediator MED23 controls the cell fate preference that directs differentiation into smooth muscle cells (SMCs) or adipocytes. Med23-deficiency facilitates SMC differentiation but represses adipocyte differentiation from the multipotent mesenchymal stem cells. Gene profiling revealed that the presence or absence of Med23 oppositely regulates two sets of genes: the RhoA/MAL-targeted cytoskeleton/SMC genes and the Ras/ELK1 targeted growth/adipocyte genes. Mechanistically, MED23 favors ELK1-SRF binding to SMC gene promoters for repression, whereas the lack of MED23 favors MAL-SRF binding to SMC gene promoters for activation. Remarkably, the effect of MED23 on SMC differentiation can be recapitulated in zebrafish embryogenesis. Collectively, our data demonstrate the dual, opposing roles for MED23 in regulating the cytoskeleton/SMC and growth/adipocyte gene programs, suggesting its “Ying-Yang” function in directing adipogenesis vs. SMC differentiation.
Project description:K-RAS activating mutations occur frequently in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), leading to aberrant activation of Ras-MAPK signaling pathway that contributes to the malignant phenotype. However, the development of Ras-targeted therapeutics remains challenging. Here, we show that MED23, a component of the multisubunit Mediator complex that is known to integrate signaling and gene activities, is selectively important for Ras-active lung cancer. By screening a large panel of human lung cancer cell lines with or without a Ras mutation, we found that Med23 RNAi specifically inhibits the proliferation and tumorigenicity of lung cancer cells with hyperactive Ras activity. Med23-deficiency in fibroblasts selectively inhibited the oncogenic transformation induced by Ras but not by c-Myc. Transcription factor ELK1, which is phosphorylated by MAPK for relaying the Ras signaling to MED23, was also required for the Ras-driven oncogenesis. Transcriptiome analysis revealed that MED23 and ELK1 co-regulate a common set of target genes enriched in regulating cell cycle and proliferation to support the Ras-dependency. Furthermore, correlated with the strength of Ras signaling as indicated by the ELK1 phosphorylation level, MED23 was up-regulated by Ras-transformation, and was found to be overexpressed in both Ras-mutated lung cancer cell lines and primary tumor samples. Remarkably, lower Med23 expression predicts better survival in Ras-active lung cancer patients and xenograft mice. Collectively, our findings demonstrate a critical role for MED23 in enabling the 'Ras-addiction' of lung carcinogenesis, thus providing a vulnerable target for the treatment of Ras-active lung cancer. To gain a genome-wide understanding of how MED23 and ELK1 control gene expression in Ras-active lung cancer cells, we performed gene profiling experiments to analyze the transcriptomes from control, si-Med23, or si-Elk1 A549 cells. The si-Ctrl, si-Med23 and si-Elk1 A549 cells were cultured in the normal condition. Then the cells were harvested for RNA extraction and hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. The analysis contain 9 samples. si-Ctrl cells have three replicates (si-Ctrl#1, si-Ctrl#2 and si-Ctrl#3), and the si-Med23 or si-Elk1 group contains three different cell lines that harbor three different RNAi oligos against Med23 or Elk1 (si-Med23A, B, C and si-Elk1A, B, C).
Project description:The Mediator complex orchestrates multiple transcription factors with the Pol II apparatus for precise transcriptional control. However, its interplay with the surrounding chromatin remains poorly understood. Here, we analyze differential histone modifications between WT and MED23-/- (KO) cells and identify H2B mono-ubiquitination at lysine 120 (H2Bub) as a MED23-dependent histone modification. Using tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we find that MED23 associates with the RNF20/40 complex, the enzyme for H2Bub, and show that this association is critical for the recruitment of RNF20/40 to chromatin. In a cell-free system, Mediator directly and substantially increases H2Bub on recombinant chromatin through its cooperation with RNF20/40 and the PAF complex. Integrative genome-wide analyses show that MED23 depletion specifically reduces H2Bub on a subset of MED23-contolled genes. Importantly, MED23-coupled H2Bub levels are oppositely regulated during myogenesis and lung carcinogenesis. In sum, these results establish a mechanistic link between the Mediator complex and a critical chromatin modification in coordinating transcription with cell growth and differentiation. To examine the enrichment of H2B ubiquitination, Pol II, H3K4me3, H3K79me3 in WT and KO MED23 MEF cells, we performed H2Bub ChIP-seq, Pol II ChIP-seq, H3K4me3 ChIP-seq and H3K79me3 ChIP-seq assays. 10 high-throughput sequencing data were deposited and WT, KO input data were controls for peak calling.
Project description:Obesity impairs tissue insulin sensitivity and signaling, promoting type-2 diabetes. Although improving insulin signaling is key to reversing diabetes, the multi-organ mechanisms regulating this process are poorly defined. We screened the secretome and receptome in Drosophila to identify the hormonal crosstalk affecting diet-induced insulin resistance and obesity. We discovered a complex interplay between muscle, neuronal, and adipose tissues, mediated by Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) signaling and the hormone Bursicon, that enhances insulin signaling and sugar tolerance. Muscle-derived BMP signaling, induced by sugar, governs neuronal Bursicon signaling. Bursicon, through its receptor Rickets, a Leucine-rich-repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor (LGR), improves insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in adipose tissue, mitigating hyperglycemia. In mouse adipocytes, loss of the Rickets ortholog LGR4 blunts insulin responses, showing an essential role of LGR4 in adipocyte insulin sensitivity. Our findings reveal a muscle-neuronal-fat-tissue axis driving metabolic adaptation to high-sugar conditions, identifying LGR4 as a critical mediator in this regulatory network.
Project description:Mediator complex is an integrative hub for transcriptional regulation. Here we show that Mediator regulates alternative mRNA processing via its Med23 subunit. Combining tandem affinity purification and mass spectrometry, we identified a number of mRNA processing factors that bind to a soluble recombinant Mediator subunit MED23 but not to several other Mediator components. One of these factors, hnRNP L, specifically interacts with MED23 in vitro and in vivo. Consistently, Mediator partially colocalizes with hnRNP L and the splicing machinery in the cell. Functionally Med23 regulates a subset of hnRNP L-targeted alternative splicing (AS) and alternative cleavage and polyadenylation (APA) events as shown by minigene reporters and exon array analysis. ChIP-seq analysis revealed that Med23 can regulate hnRNP L occupancy at their co-regulated genes. Taken together, these results demonstrate a crosstalk between Mediator and the splicing machinery, suggesting a novel mechanism for coupling mRNA processing to transcription. Examination of hnRNP L and H3K36me3 enrichment in sictrl and si23 Hela cells