Project description:au13-06_fit - Fe-FIT-Diff - FIT (FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR) is a regulator of Fe deficiency responses in the root. FIT is a basic helix-loop-helix protein. Here, we investigated the transcriptome changes in response to Fe deficiency (- Fe) versus the control condition (+ Fe) in wild type, the fit-3 loss of function mutant and in FIT overexpression plants.
Project description:fe-fit-diff_6d-Differential gene expression in A. thaliana roots depending on iron supply and FIT (FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR) abundance
Project description:au15-01_iron-fit - fe-fit-diff_6d - Changes in gene expression profiles between fit knock-out, wild-type and FIT overexpressor seedlings under sufficient iron supply and under iron deficiency. - Col-0, HA-FIT and fit-3.
Project description:au15-01_iron-fit - fe-fit-diff_6d - Changes in gene expression profiles between fit knock-out, wild-type and FIT overexpressor seedlings under sufficient iron supply and under iron deficiency. - Col-0, HA-FIT and fit-3. 21 dye-swap - gene knock in (transgenic),gene knock out,treated vs untreated comparison
Project description:Comparison 39ox and wt samples with or without fe-bHLH039 overexpression results in iron accumulation dependent on the FER-LIKE IRON DEFICIENCY-INDUCED TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR (FIT)
Project description:PMID: 15539473. We compared the gene expression in roots between WT and fit mutant under +Fe and -Fe conditions using ATH1 microarray analysis to explore which genes are affected by the loss of FIT function.
Project description:Arabidopsis wild-type plants (Col-0 accession) were grown on control (+Fe+P) for 7 days on 0.1X MS then transferred to three different medium: control (+Fe+P), iron deficiency (-Fe+P), and iron and phosphate deficiency conditions (-Fe-P). Shoots were collected 39 h, 52 h and 76 h after the transfer. For RNA-seq experiments, three biological replicates were used for each time point (39h, 52h and 76h) and each condition (+Fe+P, -Fe+P and -Fe-P) for a total of 27 samples.
Project description:Iron (Fe) is an essential plant micronutrient, and its deficiency limits plant growth and development on alkaline soils. Under Fe deficiency, plant responses include upregulation of genes involved in Fe uptake from the soil. However, little is known about shoot responses to Fe deficiency. Using microarrays to probe gene expression in Kas-1 and Tsu-1 ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed conserved rosette gene expression responses to Fe deficiency. Fe regulated genes included known metal homeostasis-related genes, and a number of genes of unknown function.