Project description:Evaluation of different strategies to interpret metaproteomics data acquired on soil samples from a floodplain along the Seine River (France) incorporating sample-specific metagenomics data, soil genome catalogue database, and generic sequence database.
Project description:We investigated the toxicity of soil samples derived from a former municipal landfill site in the South of the Netherlands, where a bioremediation project is running aiming at reusing the site for recreation. Both an organic soil extract and the original soil sample was investigated using the ISO standardised Folsomia soil ecotoxicological testing and gene expression analysis. The 28 day survival/reproduction test revealed that the ecologically more relevant original soil sample was more toxic than the organic soil extract. Microarray analysis showed that the more toxic soil samples induced gene regulatory changes in twice as less genes compared to the soil extract. Consequently gene regulatory changes were highly dependent on sample type, and were to a lesser extent caused by exposure level. An important biological process shared among the two sample types was the detoxification pathway for xenobiotics (biotransformation I, II and III) suggesting a link between compound type and observed adverse effects. Finally, we were able to retrieve a selected group of genes that show highly significant dose-dependent gene expression and thus were tightly linked with adverse effects on reproduction. Expression of four cytochrome P450 genes showed highest correlation values with reproduction, and maybe promising genetic markers for soil quality. However, a more elaborate set of environmental soil samples is needed to validate the correlation between gene expression induction and adverse phenotypic effects.
Project description:Soil water repellency (SWR) (i.e. soil hydrophobicity or decreased soil wettability) is a major cause of global soil degradation and a key agricultural concern. This metabolomics data will support the larger effort measuring soil water repellency and soil aggregate formation caused by microbial community composition through a combination of the standard drop penetration test, transmission electron microscopy characterization and physico-chemical analyses of soil aggregates at 6 timepoints. Model soils created from clay/sand mixtures as described in Kallenbach et al. (2016, Nature Communications) with sterile, ground pine litter as a carbon/nitrogen source were inoculated with 15 different microbial communities known to have significantly different compositions based on 16S rRNA sequencing. This data will allow assessment of the direct influence of microbial community composition on soil water repellency and soil aggregate stability, which are main causes of soil degradation.
The work (proposal: conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy operated under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.