Project description:We report the differential expression of circRNAs between T-BEAS-2B cells (cadmium-transformed BEAS-2B cells) and C-BEAS-2B cells (passage-matched control BEAS-2B cells) by high-throughput sequencing. T-BEAS-2B cells are BEAS-2B cells transformed by cadmium at 2.0 μM for twenty weeks, and C-BEAS-2B cells are their passage-matched control. RNAs were sequenced on Illumina HiSeq Xten platform in triplicates, and expressions of circRNAs were calculated by TPM (transcripts per kilobase of exon model per million mapped reads). Clean data per sample exceeds 10 GB. We find 235 significantly up-regulated circRNAs and 271 significantly down-regulated circRNAs in T-BEAS-2B cells relative to C-BEAS-2B cells. Our work provides clues and evidence for exploring the mechanism of circRNAs in cadmium carcinogenesis.
Project description:We reported the application of next generation sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of miRNA expression in bronchile epithelial cell line Beas-2b with epithelial or mesenchymal mophology. By comparation the expression aboundence of known miRNAs between epithelial type and mesenchymal type Beas-2b cells, we found both upregulated and downregulated miRNAs in bronchial epithelial cells during EMT. This study provides a basic condition for further investigation of the roles of the regulated miRNAs during EMT in bronchial epithelial cells.
Project description:We used mass spectrometry to profile changes in metabolites, proteins, and phosphorylation in silica-exposed BEAS-2B epithelial cells.
Project description:Human bronchial lung cells (BEAS-2B) were treated for 6 weeks with low doses (0.5 µg/mL) of Ni and NiO nanoparticles and NiCl2. At the end of the exposure control and treated samples were submitted for RNA-Seq analysis (Hiseq2500). The overall goal of this experiment was to gain an in-depth understanding of the transcriptomic changes induced by low-dose, long-term exposure of human lung cells to Ni and NiO nanoparticles as well as to NiCl2 and to generate hypotheses related to their mechanisms of toxicity.
Project description:Transcriptonal profiling of BEAS-2B cells: Control versus skin sensitizers; Control versus respiratory sensitizers; Control versus non-sensitizing irritants
Project description:Our previous studies proved that both epithelial inflammation and sub-epithelial remodeling were linked to deregulated PRMT1 expression in asthma patients. This sncRNA-seq data from the BEAS-2B cell line after over-expressed PRMT1 for 24h.
Project description:We established chromate transformed cell lines by chronic exposure of normal human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells to low doses of hexavalent chromium followed by anchorage-independent growth. The gene expression profiles were analyzed in the established cell lines. The gene expression profiles from six chromate transformed cell lines were remarkably similar to each other yet differed significantly from that of either control cell line or normal Beas-2B cells. A total of 409 differentially expressed genes were identified in chromate transformed cells compared to control cells.