Project description:The small molecule ONC201 is toxic in vitro to multiple cell lines and primary tumor samples of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and acute myeloid leukemia, even ones with unfavorable genetic features (notably including TP53 inactivation) or acquired resistance to other agents. Because the mechanism of action in these malignant hematologic cells appeared to differ from that in solid tumors, we performed gene expression profiling (GEP) studies on MCL lines treated with ONC201 and other agents with known mechanisms of action. Treatment of JeKo-1 cells with 5 uM ONC201 showed consistent and progressive increases or decreases over time in two sets of genes: upregulated genes, which implicated an ER stress response and mTOR pathway inhibition, and downregulated genes, which implicated reduced proliferation. These implicated effects of ONC201 were validated by confirmatory experiments. Similar GEP changes were observed in ONC201-naive Z138 cells after 24 hr of ONC201 treatment, but were not seen in Z138 cells made ONC201-resistant by chronic exposure. Finally, the GEP effects of ONC201 in JeKo-1 cells were mimicked by the ER stress inducer tunicamycin, but not by the direct MTOR inhibition rapamycin, further confirming an ER stress response and suggesting that inhibition of the mTOR pathway was by an indirect mechanism.
Project description:The small molecule ONC201 is toxic in vitro to multiple cell lines and primary tumor samples of mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) and acute myeloid leukemia, even ones with unfavorable genetic features (notably including TP53 inactivation) or acquired resistance to other agents. Because the mechanism of action in these malignant hematologic cells appeared to differ from that in solid tumors, we performed gene expression profiling (GEP) studies on MCL lines treated with ONC201 and other agents with known mechanisms of action. Treatment of JeKo-1 cells with 5 uM ONC201 showed consistent and progressive increases or decreases over time in two sets of genes: upregulated genes, which implicated an ER stress response and mTOR pathway inhibition, and downregulated genes, which implicated reduced proliferation. These implicated effects of ONC201 were validated by confirmatory experiments. Similar GEP changes were observed in ONC201-naive Z138 cells after 24 hr of ONC201 treatment, but were not seen in Z138 cells made ONC201-resistant by chronic exposure. Finally, the GEP effects of ONC201 in JeKo-1 cells were mimicked by the ER stress inducer tunicamycin, but not by the direct MTOR inhibition rapamycin, further confirming an ER stress response and suggesting that inhibition of the mTOR pathway was by an indirect mechanism. For each experiment, cells from a single stock culture of each cell line used were aliquoted into individual culture plate wells, establishing individual replicates, and drugs were added to start the experiment. Treated replicates were harvested after the times of treatment indicated, by pelleting cells, lysing pellets in TriZOL, and freezing TriZOL until RNA isolation. Untreated replicates, serving as controls, were either harvested at the beginning of the experiment or at later times, as specified below.