Project description:Although the estrogen receptor (ER) positive variant of breast cancer is touted as the most indolent and favorable, the majority of breast cancer deaths are in fact from this subtype. There are several features of this category of breast cancers that likely account for this outcome. The first is that metastatic relapse can occur many years after initial diagnosis of primary disease. The second is that once the cancer cells awaken into full-blown metastatic disease, they are largely resistant to ER-directed therapies (i.e. hormonal therapy, HT). The third is that when metastases do occur, they are invariably in many locations. This observation suggests that these dormant/sleeping metastatic cells are “globally” awakened as if by a “systemic” infection. We suggest that these three processes be not only linked, but underlie the lethal features of metastatic disease. We hypothesized that mtDNA is necessary for the escape from therapy induced tumor dormancy of luminal breast cancer cells
Project description:Molecular signaling that regulates differentiation, survival and proliferation of the prostate luminal epithelial cells has not been thoroughly understood. Herein, we show that increased canonical Notch1 activity suppresses terminal differentiation of prostate luminal epithelial cells but is insufficient to transform. Augmented Notch1 activity delays anoikis of luminal epithelial cells by augmenting NF-κB activity independent of Hes-1, stimulates luminal cell proliferation by potentiating the PI3K-AKT signaling, and rescues the capacities of a fraction of prostate luminal epithelial cells for unipotent differentiation in vivo and short-term self-renewal in vitro. Epithelial cell-autonomous AR signaling is dispensable for the Notch-mediated cellular survival and proliferation. This study reveals a previously unappreciated role of Notch in prostatic luminal epithelial cell differentiation, supports the presence of a lineage hierarchy within the prostate luminal epithelial cells, and implies a pro-metastatic function of Notch signaling during prostate cancer progression. Two group comparison (WT and Mut)
Project description:Acquired resistance to endocrine therapy occurs with high frequency in patients with luminal breast cancer (LBC). We report here the establishment of four patient-derived xenograft models of LBC with acquired resistance in vivo to tamoxifen and estrogen deprivation. CEL files represent expresison data generated from 5 replicates (independent mice) of the following tumor models: HBCx22 (parental), HBCx22 TamR (tamoxifen-resistant), HBCx22 OvaR (ovariectomy-resistant), HBCx34 (parental), HBCx34 TamR (tamoxifen-resistant), HBCx34 OvaR (ovariectomy-resistant)
Project description:Molecular signaling that regulates differentiation, survival and proliferation of the prostate luminal epithelial cells has not been thoroughly understood. Herein, we show that increased canonical Notch1 activity suppresses terminal differentiation of prostate luminal epithelial cells but is insufficient to transform. Augmented Notch1 activity delays anoikis of luminal epithelial cells by augmenting NF-κB activity independent of Hes-1, stimulates luminal cell proliferation by potentiating the PI3K-AKT signaling, and rescues the capacities of a fraction of prostate luminal epithelial cells for unipotent differentiation in vivo and short-term self-renewal in vitro. Epithelial cell-autonomous AR signaling is dispensable for the Notch-mediated cellular survival and proliferation. This study reveals a previously unappreciated role of Notch in prostatic luminal epithelial cell differentiation, supports the presence of a lineage hierarchy within the prostate luminal epithelial cells, and implies a pro-metastatic function of Notch signaling during prostate cancer progression.
Project description:The paper describes a basic model of immune-induced cancer dormancy and immune evasion.
Created by COPASI 4.25 (Build 207)
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical models of immune-induced cancer dormancy and the emergence of immune evasion
Kathleen P. Wilkie and Philip Hahnfeldt
Interface Focus 3: 20130010
Cancer dormancy, a state in which cancer cells persist in a host without sig- nificant growth, is a natural forestallment of progression to manifest disease and is thus of great clinical interest. Experimental work in mice suggests that in immune-induced dormancy, the longer a cancer remains dormant in a host, the more resistant the cancer cells become to cytotoxic T-cell-mediated killing. In this work, mathematical models are used to analyse the possible causative mechanisms of cancer escape from immune-induced dormancy. Using a data-driven approach, both decaying efficacy in immune predation and immune recruitment are analysed with results suggesting that decline in recruitment is a stronger determinant of escape than increased resistance to predation. Using a mechanistic approach, the existence of an immune- resistant cancer cell subpopulation is considered, and the effects on cancer dormancy and potential immunoediting mechanisms of cancer escape are analysed and discussed. The immunoediting mechanism assumes that the immune system selectively prunes the cancer of immune-sensitive cells, which is shown to cause an initially heterogeneous population to become a more homogeneous, and more resistant, population. The fact that this selec- tion may result in the appearance of decreasing efficacy in T-cell cytotoxic effect with time in dormancy is also demonstrated. This work suggests that through actions that temporarily delay cancer growth through the targeted removal of immune-sensitive subpopulations, the immune response may actually progress the cancer to a more aggressive state.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide.
Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:The paper describes a model of immune-induced cancer dormancy and immune evasion with resistance.
Created by COPASI 4.25 (Build 207)
This model is described in the article:
Mathematical models of immune-induced cancer dormancy and the emergence of immune evasion
Kathleen P. Wilkie and Philip Hahnfeldt
Interface Focus 3: 20130010
Cancer dormancy, a state in which cancer cells persist in a host without sig- nificant growth, is a natural forestallment of progression to manifest disease and is thus of great clinical interest. Experimental work in mice suggests that in immune-induced dormancy, the longer a cancer remains dormant in a host, the more resistant the cancer cells become to cytotoxic T-cell-mediated killing. In this work, mathematical models are used to analyse the possible causative mechanisms of cancer escape from immune-induced dormancy. Using a data-driven approach, both decaying efficacy in immune predation and immune recruitment are analysed with results suggesting that decline in recruitment is a stronger determinant of escape than increased resistance to predation. Using a mechanistic approach, the existence of an immune- resistant cancer cell subpopulation is considered, and the effects on cancer dormancy and potential immunoediting mechanisms of cancer escape are analysed and discussed. The immunoediting mechanism assumes that the immune system selectively prunes the cancer of immune-sensitive cells, which is shown to cause an initially heterogeneous population to become a more homogeneous, and more resistant, population. The fact that this selec- tion may result in the appearance of decreasing efficacy in T-cell cytotoxic effect with time in dormancy is also demonstrated. This work suggests that through actions that temporarily delay cancer growth through the targeted removal of immune-sensitive subpopulations, the immune response may actually progress the cancer to a more aggressive state.
To cite BioModels Database, please use: BioModels Database: An enhanced, curated and annotated resource for published quantitative kinetic models .
To the extent possible under law, all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this encoded model have been dedicated to the public domain worldwide.
Please refer to CC0 Public Domain Dedication for more information.
Project description:HT induces an OXPHOS metabolic editing of ER+ breast cancers, paradoxically establishing HT-driven self-renewal of dormant CD133hi/ERlo cells mediating metastatic progression, which is sensitive to dual targeted therapy In this study, we demonstrated that CD133hi cells can mediate HT resistance and metastatic progression. Using human luminal breast cancer cell lines we have developed an in vivo model of spontaneous metastatic disease recapitulating what is observed in patients. Combining in vivo and in vitro studies we identified a de-novo cancer stem cell population (CSCs) “CD133hi/ERlo/Notch3hi/IL6hi”, which are generated from non-CSCs via the sustained suppression of ER activity. We provide evidence that an ER-IL6-IL6R-CD133 loop is a mechanism mediating HT-resistance.
Project description:Metastatic relapse of breast cancer and other tumor types usually occurs several years after surgical resection of the primary tumor. Early dissemination of tumor cells followed by an extended period of dormancy is thought to explain this prevalent clinical behavior. By using a gain-of-function retroviral cDNA screen in the mouse, we found that Coco, a secreted antagonist of TGF-beta ligands, induces solitary mammary carcinoma cells that have extravasated in the lung stroma to exit from dormancy. Mechanistic studies demonstrate that Coco awakens dormant metastasis-initiating cells by blocking stroma-derived Bone Morphogenetic Proteins. Inhibition of canonical BMP signaling reverses the commitment to differentiation of these cells and enhances their self-renewal and tumor-initiation capacity. Expression of Coco induces a discrete gene expression signature strongly associated with metastatic relapse to the lung but not to the bone or brain in primary patientsâ samples. Accordi ngly, silencing of Coco does not inhibit metastasis to the bone or brain in mouse models. These findings suggest that metastasis-initiating cells require the self-renewal capability typically associated with stem cells in order to exit from dormancy and identify Coco as a master regulator of this process. The Affymetrix HG-U133A and Agilent platforms, which were used to build MSK82 [GSE2603], EMC192 [GSE12276], EMC286 [GSE2034], and NKI295 [van 't Veer et al., 2002; van de Vijver et al.,2002; Fan et al., 2006] datasets, do not contain probes for Coco, preventing a direct analysis of the correlation of the expression of Coco with metastatic relapse. We therefore examined the changes in gene expression caused by silencing of Coco in MDA-MB231 cells in vitro and used the resulting signature as a proxy of Coco expression. Compare the gene expression profile between shscramble with shCoco knockingdown MDA-MB231 cells Coco shRNA #2 corresponds to TRCN0000149666 and Coco shRNA #4 corresponds to TRCN0000148148.
Project description:Mutations in ARID1A, a subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex, are the most common somatic alteration of the SWI/SNF complex across all cancers including oestrogen receptor positive (ER)+ breast cancer. We have recently reported that ARID1A inactivating mutations are present at a high frequency in advanced endocrine resistant ER+ breast cancer. In parallel, to identify mechanisms of resistance to endocrine therapy in breast cancer, we performed an epigenome CRISPR/CAS9 knockout screen that identified ARID1A as the top candidate whose loss determines resistance to the ER degrader fulvestrant. ARID1A knockout cells were found to be less responsive to endocrine therapy compared to intact ARID1A cells in vitro and in vivo. This set of observations in patients’ tumours and in unbiased CRISPR screens led us to explore the epigenetic mechanisms whereby loss of ARID1A may influence breast cancer progression and/or endocrine therapy resistance. ARID1A disruption in ER+ breast cancer cells led to widespread changes in chromatin accessibility converging on loss of the master transcription factors (TFs) that regulate gene expression programs critical for luminal lineage identity. Global transcriptome profiling of ARID1A knockout cell lines and patient samples harbouring ARID1A inactivating mutations revealed an enrichment for basal-like gene expression signatures. The state of increased cellular plasticity of luminal cells that acquire a basal-like phenotype upon ARID1A inactivation is enabled by loss of ARID1A-dependent SWI/SNF complex targeting to genomic sites of the major luminal-lineage determining transcription factors including ER, FOXA1, and GATA3. We also show that ARID1A regulates genome-wide ER-chromatin interactions and ER-dependent transcription. Altogether, we uncover a critical role for ARID1A in the determination of breast luminal cell identity and endocrine therapeutic response in ER+ breast cancer.