Project description:Background: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 152 patients with stage I-III CRC were examined using microarray analysis. High expression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant recurrences, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. Thus, we identified eleven candidate genes, and selected Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase (TNIK), which was known to be associated with progression in CRC through Wnt signaling pathways. We analyzed the protein expression of TNIK using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and investigated the relationship between protein expression and patient characteristics in 220 stage I-III CRC patients. Results: Relapse-free survival was significantly worse in the TNIK high expression group than in the TNIK low expression group in stage II (p = 0.028) and stage III (p = 0.006) patients. In multivariate analysis, high TNIK expression was identified as a significant independent risk factor of distant recurrence in stage III patients. Conclusion: This study is the first to demonstrate the prognostic significance of intratumoral TNIK protein expression in clinical tissue samples of CRC, in that high expression of TNIK protein in primary tumors was associated with distant recurrence in stage II and III CRC patients. This TNIK IHC study might contribute to practical decision-making in the treatment of these patients. Gene expression profiles for 152 cancer tissues from colorectal cancer patients were measured by Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. Normalization was performed by robust multi-array average (RMA) method under R 2.12.1 statistical software with affy package from BioConductor. The normalized gene expression levels were presented as log2-transformed values by RMA.
Project description:Background: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Methods: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 152 patients with stage I-III CRC were examined using microarray analysis. High expression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant recurrences, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. Thus, we identified eleven candidate genes, and selected Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase (TNIK), which was known to be associated with progression in CRC through Wnt signaling pathways. We analyzed the protein expression of TNIK using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and investigated the relationship between protein expression and patient characteristics in 220 stage I-III CRC patients. Results: Relapse-free survival was significantly worse in the TNIK high expression group than in the TNIK low expression group in stage II (p = 0.028) and stage III (p = 0.006) patients. In multivariate analysis, high TNIK expression was identified as a significant independent risk factor of distant recurrence in stage III patients. Conclusion: This study is the first to demonstrate the prognostic significance of intratumoral TNIK protein expression in clinical tissue samples of CRC, in that high expression of TNIK protein in primary tumors was associated with distant recurrence in stage II and III CRC patients. This TNIK IHC study might contribute to practical decision-making in the treatment of these patients.
Project description:Introduction: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Experimental design: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 153 patients with CRC were examined using laser microdissection and oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Overexpression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant metastases, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. We analyzed the protein expression and localization of the candidate gene by immunohistochemical study and investigated the relationship between protein expression and clinicopathologic features in 271 CRC patients. Results: Using microarray analysis, we identified 11 candidate genes related to distant metastases in CRC patients. Among these genes, Traf2- and Nck- interacting kinase (TNIK) was known to be associated with aggressiveness in CRC through Wnt signaling. Absence of overexpression of TNIK protein was associated with significantly better overall survival (p < 0.001) and relapse-free survival (p < 0.001). Moreover, overexpression of TNIK protein was an independent risk factor for CRC recurrence (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Overexpression of TNIK might be a predictive biomarker of CRC recurrence. Copy number analysis was performed using LCM samples of 125 colorectal cancer patients by GeneChip Human Mapping 250k Sty arrays. Non-tumor tissues obtained from 47 patients were used as unpaired reference samples.
Project description:Introduction: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Experimental design: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 153 patients with CRC were examined using laser microdissection and oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Overexpression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant metastases, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. We analyzed the protein expression and localization of the candidate gene by immunohistochemical study and investigated the relationship between protein expression and clinicopathologic features in 271 CRC patients. Results: Using microarray analysis, we identified 11 candidate genes related to distant metastases in CRC patients. Among these genes, Traf2- and Nck- interacting kinase (TNIK) was known to be associated with aggressiveness in CRC through Wnt signaling. Absence of overexpression of TNIK protein was associated with significantly better overall survival (p < 0.001) and relapse-free survival (p < 0.001). Moreover, overexpression of TNIK protein was an independent risk factor for CRC recurrence (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Overexpression of TNIK might be a predictive biomarker of CRC recurrence. Gene expression profiles for 125 cancer tissues from colorectal cancer patients were measured by Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. Normalization was performed by robust multi-array average (RMA) method under R 2.12.1 statistical software with affy package from BioConductor. The normalized gene expression levels were presented as log2-transformed values by RMA.
Project description:Introduction: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Experimental design: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 153 patients with CRC were examined using laser microdissection and oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Overexpression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant metastases, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. We analyzed the protein expression and localization of the candidate gene by immunohistochemical study and investigated the relationship between protein expression and clinicopathologic features in 271 CRC patients. Results: Using microarray analysis, we identified 11 candidate genes related to distant metastases in CRC patients. Among these genes, Traf2- and Nck- interacting kinase (TNIK) was known to be associated with aggressiveness in CRC through Wnt signaling. Absence of overexpression of TNIK protein was associated with significantly better overall survival (p < 0.001) and relapse-free survival (p < 0.001). Moreover, overexpression of TNIK protein was an independent risk factor for CRC recurrence (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Overexpression of TNIK might be a predictive biomarker of CRC recurrence.
Project description:Introduction: The potential of expression profiling using microarray analysis as a tool to predict the prognosis for different types of cancer has been realized. This study aimed to identify a novel biomarker for colorectal cancer (CRC). Experimental design: The expression profiles of cancer cells in 153 patients with CRC were examined using laser microdissection and oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Overexpression in CRC cells, especially in patients with distant metastases, was a prerequisite to select candidate genes. We analyzed the protein expression and localization of the candidate gene by immunohistochemical study and investigated the relationship between protein expression and clinicopathologic features in 271 CRC patients. Results: Using microarray analysis, we identified 11 candidate genes related to distant metastases in CRC patients. Among these genes, Traf2- and Nck- interacting kinase (TNIK) was known to be associated with aggressiveness in CRC through Wnt signaling. Absence of overexpression of TNIK protein was associated with significantly better overall survival (p < 0.001) and relapse-free survival (p < 0.001). Moreover, overexpression of TNIK protein was an independent risk factor for CRC recurrence (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Overexpression of TNIK might be a predictive biomarker of CRC recurrence.
Project description:Recently, we found that a novel Traf2- and Nck-interacting kinase (TNIK) inhibitor, named NCB-0846, was capable of attenuating tumor-initiating cells among human colorectal cancer. The cross link between EMT and cancer stemness has been revealed in several studies and other group showed another TNIK inhibitor named KY-05009 had inhibited the TGF-β-induced EMT. Therefore we evaluated whether this small-molecule compound could have efficacy to inhibit TGF-β-induced EMT. NCB-0846 reduced the expression of mesenchymal markers (Vimentin and N-cadherin) and upregulated the expression of epithelial marker E-cadherin in A549 and H2228 non-small cell lung cancer cells. NCB-0846 suppressed the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of Smad proteins and also inhibited migration, invasion, and metastasis. NCB-0846 inhibited TGF-β1-induced EMT through the down-regulation of TGF-β receptor-1 (TβRI) in mRNA levels. MiR-186-5p and miR-320 family were identified as candidate miRNAs that could target TβRI and we found that miR-186-5p and miR-320s inhibited TβRI expression. NCB-0846 might be a novel therapeutics drugs that targets the invasion and metastasis through inhibiting TGF-β-induced EMT in lung cancer.