Project description:Triple negative breast tumours from archived formalin fixed paraffin embeded samples of the National Cancer Institute of Mexico were analyzed for differential gene expressión. Transcriptomic analysis of the 12 tumor samples was done with the FFPE-designed WG-DASL HT assay (Illumina) according to manufacturer’s instructions. This assay measures 29,285 annotated transcripts derived from the RefSeq database corresponding to 20,727 unique genes. Briefly, 200ng of total RNA were reverse-transcribed into biotinylated cDNA, which was then primer-extended with the Assay Specific Oligos. The cDNA was then amplified with universal primers and hybridized to Illumina Human WG DASL HT Expression BeadChip arrays. The Illumina Genome Studio V2010.2 was used to obtain the signal values (AVG-Signal), with no normalization and no background subtraction.The performance of hybridizations was evaluated by assessing the presence of outliers and the noise-to-signal ratios by calculating the ratio of centiles P95/P05 prior to normalisation for each sample. We defined outliers as samples with P95/P05 ratio <9.5. All samples were found to show a correct noise-to-signal ratio (P95/P05>9.6). For differential gene expression analysis, the public dataset GSE32124, which includes 33 fresh frozen tissue samples, generated on the Illumina HumanHT-12 v4.0 beadChip, and which contains 99.98% of the 29,285 probes of the Human WG DASL HT BeadChip was used as normal breast tissue control.
Project description:Hsa-miR-500a-5p (miR500a) activity has been associated with breast cancer survival. We used gene expression arrays (Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0) to discover relevant targets of miR500a.
Project description:Expression profiling of HCT116 colon cancer cells with different treatments. Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip was used to obtain expression profiles across more than 31,000 annotated genes.
Project description:Analysis of NSCLC development at gene expression level. Results shows that obvious activation of cell cycle pathway, and significant repression of cell-cell communication pathways. Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip
Project description:Microarray-based gene expression analysis of peripheral whole blood is a common strategy in the development of clinically relevant biomarker panels for a variety of human diseases. However, the results of such an analysis are often plagued by decreased sensitivity and reliability due to the effects of relatively high levels of globin mRNA in whole blood. Globin reduction assays have been shown to overcome such effects, but they require large amounts of total RNA and may induce distinct gene expression profiles. The Illumina whole-genome DASL (WG-DASL) assay can detect gene expression levels using partially degraded RNA samples and has the potential to detect rare transcripts present in highly heterogeneous whole blood samples without the need for globin reduction. We therefore assessed the utility of the WG-DASL assay in the analysis of peripheral whole blood gene expression profiles. We find that gene expression detection is significantly increased with the use of WG-DASL compared to the standard in vitro transcription-based direct hybridization (IVT), while globin-probe-negative WG-DASL did not exhibit significant improvements over globin-probe-positive WG-DASL. Globin reduction increases the detection sensitivity and reliability of both WG-DASL and IVT with little effect on raw intensity correlations: raw intensity correlations between total RNA and globin-reduced RNA were 0.970 for IVT and 0.981 for WG-DASL. Overall, the detection sensitivity of the WG-DASL assay is higher than the IVT-based direct hybridization assay, with or without globin reduction, and should be considered in conjunction with globin reduction methods for future blood-based gene expression studies.
Project description:Expression profiling of tumor and adjacent non-tumorous tissues of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) patients. Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0 expression beadchip was used to obtain expression profiles across more than 31,000 annotated genes. Samples included 59 tumors and 59 adjacent non-tumorous samples.