Project description:The aim of this experiment was to compare the transciptome of the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae) clone 4106a (a laboratory insecticide-susceptible standard collected from potato in Scotland in 2000) with clone 5191A (an insecticide resistant aphid clone collected from tobacco in Greece in 2007) to identify which genes are over or underexpressed in the resistant phenotype.
Project description:The aim of this experiment was to compare the transciptome of the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae) clone 4106a (a laboratory insecticide-susceptible standard collected from potato in Scotland in 2000) with clone FRC (an insecticide resistant aphid clone collected from peach in France in 2009) to identify which genes are over or underexpressed in the resistant phenotype. The custom microarray used in this study was designed using the Agilent eArray platform (Agilent Technologies) by the Georg Jander Lab and is based on a previously described array containing probes for >10, 000 M. persicae unigenes produced by Sanger sequencing (Ramsey, Wilson et al. 2007) augmented with an additional 30, 517 probe set designed on EST unigene sequences identified in a 454 sequencing project (Ramsey, Rider et al. 2010). The final slide layout consists of four arrays of 45, 220 60-mer probes and these are produced by Agilent by in situ oligonucleotide synthesis. References: Ramsey, J. S., D. S. Rider, et al. (2010). "Comparative analysis of detoxification enzymes in Acyrthosiphon pisum and Myzus persicae." Insect Molecular Biology 19: 155-164. Ramsey, J. S., A. C. C. Wilson, et al. (2007). "Genomic resources for Myzus persicae: EST sequencing, SNP identification, and microarray design." BMC Genomics 8.