Project description:Transcription profiling of E. coli MG1655, representing the effect of G181D/R258C NusA in comparison to WT NusA Agilent one-color experiment,Organism: Escherichia coli ,Agilent Custom Ecoli Gene Expression Microarray 2x400k designed by Genotypic Technology Private Limited. (AMADID:72220)
Project description:Transcription profiling of E. coli MG1655, representing the effect of G181D/R258C NusA in comparison to WT NusA Agilent one-color experiment,Organism: Escherichia coli ,Agilent Custom Escherichia coli Gene Expression Microarray 8x60K (AMADID: 48792) designed by Genotypic Technology Private Limited. , Labeling kit: Agilent Quick-Amp labeling Kit (p/n5190-0442)
Project description:Mapping the occupancy of ArcA throughout the genome of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12 using an affinity purified antibody under anaerobic and aerobic growth conditions. As a control, we also performed ChIP-chip onArcA in a ∆arcA mutant strain of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12. Described in the manuscript The response regulator ArcA uses a diverse binding site architechture to globally regulate carbon oxidation in E. coli
Project description:Mapping the occupancy of FNR, HNS, and IHF throughout the genome of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12 using an affinity purified antibody under anerobic growth conditions. We also mapped the binding of the ß subunit of RNA Polymerase under both aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions. As a control, we also performed ChIP-chip on FNR in a ∆fnr mutant strain of Escherchia coli MG1655 K-12. We also examined FNR immunoprecipitation at various FNR concentrations using IPTG and Ptac::fnr (PK8263). The ∆hns/∆stpA strains were also used. Descirbed in the manuscript Genome-scale Analysis of E. coli FNR Reveals the Complexity of Bacterial Regulon Structure