Project description:To understand how the qDTY12.1 interacts with other genes within the genome to give better yield under drought; the spikelets transcriptome of DTY12.1 parents (Vandana , Way Rarem) and DTY12.1 NIL (481-B) were compared under control and drought conditions. Drought induced gene expression was studied in the spikelets of the rice plants subjected to severe reproductive stage drought. Seeds of Vandana, Way Rarem, and 481-B were sown into rotovated soil at a rate of 2.0 g m-1 into plots of 3 rows X 3 m. The three genotypes were sown in three replications in a randomized complete block design.
Project description:The severity of impact of drought on crops is contingent on the developmental stage of the plant, with the most sensitive stage being the reproductive stage. Hence, gene expression profiling has been used to understanding drought response and resistance mechanism in rice. Here we present drought transcriptomes of rice in three developmental stages and gain insights into the processes and regulatory mechanisms involved in common and stage specific drought responses. Total RNA was isolated from the rice seedlings, vegetative (V4) and reproductive (R4) tissues of both control and stress treated plants for hybridization on Affymetrix microarrays. Two independent replicates for seedling and reproductive stages, and three replicates for vegetative stages were generated, for both control and stress samples. For drought treatments, plants were gradually subjected to field drought conditions in order to reach 50% field capacity (FC) by regulating water supply, whereas control plants were maintained at 100% FC.
Project description:Global gene expression analysis of AtDREB1A transgenic rice line (TL4) at reproductive stage under drought stress was conducted using microarray to explore the drought stress-responsive transcription pathways. Drought stress was imposed at late vegetative stage till booting of the plants. Flag leaf was collected on 14th day of the drought stress. Drought stress was imposed on T3 plants of two homozygous transgenic rice events of PS2 and NT plants by withholding irrigation for 14 days in the National Phytotron Facility, IARI.
Project description:To understand how the qDTY12.1 interacts with other genes within the genome to give better physiological adaptations and better yield; the leaves transcriptome of DTY12.1 parents (Vandana , Way Rarem) and DTY12.1 NIL (481-B) were compared under control and drought conditions. Drought induced gene expression was studied in the leaves of the rice plants subjected to severe reproductive stage drought. Seeds of Vandana, Way Rarem, and 481-B were sown into rotovated soil at a rate of 2.0 g m-1 into plots of 3 rows X 3 m. The three genotypes were sown in three replications in a randomized complete block design.
Project description:Comparative transcriptional profiling of two contrasting rice genotypes,IRAT109 (drought-resistant japonica cultivar) and ZS97 (drought-sensitive indica cultivar), under drought stress during the reproductive stage
Project description:Comparative transcriptional profiling of two contrasting rice genotypes,IRAT109 (drought-resistant japonica cultivar) and ZS97 (drought-sensitive indica cultivar), under drought stress during the reproductive stage Four samples with RWC in the range of 94–95% (no stress, D0), 83–88% (slight drought in which leaves were slightly rolled, D1), 74–78% (moderate drought in which about half of each leaf was rolled, D2), and 65–69% (severe drought in which all leaves were completely rolled, D3) were collected for expression profiling analysis using an Affymetrix GeneChip.
Project description:Plants show a high degree of developmental plasticity in response to external cues, including day length and environmental stress. Water scarcity in particular can interfere with photoperiodic flowering, resulting in the acceleration of the switch to reproductive growth in several species, a process called drought escape. However, other strategies are possible and drought stress can also delay flowering, albeit the underlying mechanisms have never been addressed at the molecular level. We investigated these interactions in rice, a short day species in which drought stress delays flowering. A protocol that allows the synchronization of drought with the floral transition was set up to profile the transcriptome of leaves subjected to stress under distinct photoperiods. We identified clusters of genes that responded to drought differently depending on day length. Exposure to drought stress under floral-inductive photoperiods strongly reduced transcription of EARLY HEADING DATE 1 (Ehd1), HEADING DATE 3a (Hd3a) and RICE FLOWERING LOCUS T 1 (RFT1), primary integrators of day length signals, providing a molecular connection between stress and the photoperiodic pathway. However, phenotypic and transcriptional analyses suggested that OsGIGANTEA (OsGI) does not integrate drought and photoperiodic signals as in Arabidopsis, highlighting molecular differences between between long and short day model species.
Project description:The biological functions of differently expressed proteins between superior and inferior spikelet grains were investigated based on the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification to further clarify the mechanism of rice grain filling at the proteomic level, as well as the response of inferior spikelets to drought dress (-20 kPa or -40 kPa). Compared with superior spikelets, inferior ones had lower sink strength due to the lower sink activities (lower expressions of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, granule-bound starch synthase, starch branching enzyme and pullulanase) and smaller sink sizes (lower abundances of structural proteins). The slower and later grain filling resulted from the weaker decomposition and conversion of photoassimilate and the slower cell division. Moderate drought stress (-20 kPa) promoted the grain filling of inferior spikelets through regulating the proteins associated with photoassimilate supply and conversion. These proteins may be important targets for rice breeding programs that raise the rice yield under drought condition. The findings offer new insights into rice grain-filling and provide theoretical evidences for better quality control and scientific improvement of super rice in practice.
Project description:Drought is a major environmental constraint affecting physiological, biochemical and molecular changes of crops, causing loss in crop productivities. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of drought tolerance is important for crop biotechnology. Here, we report that the rice (Oryza sativa) homeodomain-leucine zipper class IV transcription factor gene, Rice outermost cell-specific gene 10 (Roc10), improves drought tolerance and grain yield by increasing lignin accumulation in ground tissues of rice plants. Overexpression of Roc10 significantly enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic rice plants at the vegetative stages of growth with highly effective photosystem and reduction of water loss rate as compared with non-transgenic control and RNAi plants. More importantly, Roc10 overexpression plants had higher drought tolerance at the reproductive stage of growth with higher grain yield over controls under field-drought conditions. We identified downstream and putative target genes of Roc10 by using RNA-seq and ChIP-seq data of rice shoots. Roc10 overexpression elevated the expression levels of lignin biosynthetic genes in shoots with a concomitant increase in accumulation of lignin. The overexpression and RNAi lines showed opposite patterns of lignin accumulation. The Roc10 is mainly expressed in the outer cell layers including epidermis and vasculature of shoots that coincides with areas of increased lignification. Furthermore, the Roc10 was found to directly bind to the promoter of PEROXIDASEN/PEROXIDASE38, a key gene in lignin biosynthesis. Together, our findings suggested that the Roc10 confers drought stress tolerance by enhancing lignin biosynthesis in ground tissues of rice plants.