Project description:In this study, we have evaluated the proteomic changes that occur in Piper nigrum L.(black pepper) after infection by the pathogen Phytophthora capsici. We report novel leaf proteins from black pepper identified by an integrated transcriptome-assisted label-free quantitative proteomics pipeline. Several previously described methods were used to create this data set. Detached leaves were inoculated with either mock treatment, or the oomycete pathogen and small tissue samples only around the site of inoculation were collected for protein sample preparations. In order to quantify protein abundance in the samples being compared, we used a label free method of spiking samples with a known ratio of pre-digested peptide samples to normalize endogenous protein abundance in the MS detection. Our study attempts to explain the basal immune components of black pepper when challenged with P. capsici.
Project description:In this study, we used the illumina high throughput sequencing approach (Sequencing-By-Synthesis, or SBS) to develop the sequence resource of black pepper. To identify micro RNAs functioning in stress response of the black pepper plant, small RNA libraries were prepared from the leaf and root of Phytophthora capsici infected plants, leaves from drought stressed and control plants.