Project description:Maize (Zea mays L.) was hydroponically grown for 14 days and then stressed with hypoxia. Maize roots were sampled after 24 hours and analyzed by mass spectrometry.
Project description:The exxpression profilling of chilling responsive and growth regulated microRNAs of maize hybrid ADA313 was conducted. Maize seedling were subjected to chilling temperature then meristem, elongation and mature growth zones were sampled. 321 known maize microRNA expression level were determined and compared between meristem, elongation and mature zones. Determining and validating of chilling responsive microRNAs associated with leaf growth of hybrid maize (Zea mays L.) ADA313
Project description:Peroxidase (POD) activity was found to be positively correlated with insect resistance in maize kernels. Thus, we purified active PODs from (Zea mays, p84C3) kernels and subjected to LC-MS/MS analyses. To verify the identified putative plant PODs, we produced them by recombinant expression in E. coli. Whereas B4FFK9 did not display in vitro activity, B6T173 (ZmPrx35) was active and also exhibits a heme cofactor. B6T173 accounts for about 80% of the POD activity in the kernel, according to densitometric evaluation.
Project description:Lysine malonylation is a kind of post-translational modifications (PTMs) discovered in recent years, which plays an important regulatory role in plants. Maize (Zea mays L.) is a major global cereal crop. We therefore performed a global malonylome analysis of maize. In total, 1722 uniquely malonylated lysine residues were obtained in 810 proteins. The modified proteins were involved in various biological processes such as photosynthesis, ribosome and oxidative phosphorylation. Notably, a large proportion of the modified proteins (45%) were located in chloroplast, suggesting an indispensable regulatory role of malonylation in photosynthesis and carbon fixation.
Project description:In this work, we performed high throughput sequencing of small RNA libraries in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and teosinte (Zea mays ssp. parviglumis) to investigate the response mediated by miRNAs in these plants under control conditions, submergence, drought and alternated drought-submergence or submergence-drought stress. After Illumina sequencing of 8 small RNA libraries, we obtained from 16,139,354 to 46,522,229 raw reads across the libraries. Bioinformatic analysis identified 88 maize miRNAs and 76 miRNAs from other plants differentially expressed in maize and/or in teosinte in response to at least one of the treatments, and revealed that a larger set of miRNAs were regulated in maize than in teosinte in response to submergence and drought stress.
Project description:RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) in plants is a well-characterized example of RNA interference-related transcriptional gene silencing. To determine the relationships between RdDM and heterochromatin in the repeat-rich maize (Zea mays) genome, we performed whole-genome analyses of several heterochromatic features: dimethylation of lysine 9 and lysine 27 (H3K9me2 and H3K27me2), chromatin accessibility, DNA methylation, and small RNAs; we also analyzed two mutants that affect these processes, mediator of paramutation1 and zea methyltransferase2.
Project description:Papain-like cysteine proteases (PLCPs) play important roles in plant defense mechanisms. Previous work identified a set of five apoplastic PLCPs (CP1A, CP1B, CP2, XCP2 and CatB) which are crucial for the orchestration of SA-dependent defense signaling and vice versa in maize (Zea mays). One central question from these findings is which mechanism is triggered by apoplastic PLCPs to induce SA-dependent defenses. By a mass spectrometry approach we discovered a novel peptide (Zip1 = Zea mays immune signaling peptide) to be enriched in apoplastic fluid upon SA treatment. Zip1 induces PR-gene expression when applied to naїve maize leaves. Moreover, it activates apoplastic PLCPs similar as SA does, suggesting Zip1 to play an important role in SA-mediated defense signaling. In vitro studies using recombinant protein showed that CP1A and CP2, but not XCP2 and CatB, release Zip1 from its pro-peptide (PROZIP1) in vitro. Strikingly, metabolite analysis showed direct induction of SA de novo synthesis by Zip1 in maize leaves. In line with this, RNA sequencing revealed that Zip1-mediated changes in maize gene expression largely resemble SA-induced responses. Consequently, Zip1 increases maize susceptibility to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea. In summary, this study identifies the PLCP-released peptide signal Zip1, which triggers SA signaling in maize.
Project description:In this study RNA-sequencing was used to monitor gene expression changes in four tissues (meristematic zone, elongation zone, and cortex and stele of the mature zone) of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots in response to water deficit to gain a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying drought tolerance.