Project description:Porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping arrays (Illumina) are increasingly being applied in pig genomics to validate SNPs identified by re-sequencing or assembly-versus-assembly method. Here we report that more than 98% SNPs identified from the porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping array (Illumina) were consistent with the SNPs identified from the assembly-based method. This result demonstrates that whole-genome de novo assembly is a reliable approach to deriving accurate maps of SNPs.
Project description:Crossbreeding has been an effective method to improve crossbred performance in pig industry. To have a global view of a classic three-way crossbreeding system of Duroc x (Landrace x Yorkshire) (DLY), we identified SNPs for each pig breed and crossbred individual originated from a DLY pig family to estimate the influence of purebreds on crossbred offspring using whole-genome sequencing. To confirm the accuracy of the SNPs identified by whole-genome sequencing, therefore, we performed the porcine 60K BeadChip genotyping array (Illumina) for each sequenced pig individual.
Project description:We performed a pooled GWAS and individual genotyping in 269 children with allergic respiratory diseases comparing allergic children with and without asthma. We used a modular approach to identify the most significant loci associated with asthma by combining silhouette statistics and physical distance method with cluster-adapted thresholding. We found 97% concordance between pooled GWAS and individual genotyping, with 36 out of 37 top-scoring SNPs significant at individual genotyping level. The most significant SNP is located inside the coding sequence of C5, an already identified asthma susceptibility gene, while the other loci regulate functions that are relevant to bronchial physiopathology, as immune- or inflammation-mediated mechanisms and airway smooth muscle contraction. Integration with gene expression data (from mouse experimental asthma model taken from GSE6858 and GSE1301) showed that almost half of the putative susceptibility genes are differentially expressed in experimental asthma mouse models.
Project description:Using Illumina® BovineHD Genotyping BeadChip assay, we applied single sperms genotyping from one single Holstein bull to preliminarily describe its recombination map. We received 56 single sperms with qualified genotype information and totally detected 1,526 autosomal crossovers.
Project description:High density genotyping of 7 affected and 3 unaffected family members was performed using the Illumina Omni2.5-8 v1.3 BeadChip SNP.
Project description:A GWAS study was then performed in 52 non-adhesive and 68 strong adhesive pigs for F4ab/ac ETEC originating from 5 Belgian farms. A new refined candidate region (chr13: 144,810,100-144,993,222) for F4ac ETEC susceptibility was identified with MUC13 adjacent to the distal part of the region. All pigs were phenotyped for the presence of the F4ab/ac receptor (F4ab/acR) using the in vitro villous adhesion assay with 4×108 F4ac E. coli (strain GIS26, serotype O149:K91, F4ac+) or F4ab E. coli (strain G7, serotype O8:K87, F4ab+) . A total of 120 F4ab/acR phenotyped pigs were genotyped using the Porcine SNP60 BeadChip (Illumina) containing 62,163 SNPs, according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The position of the SNPs was based on the current pig genome assembly (Sscrofa10.2).