Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of female rat hypothalamic arcuate nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in epilepsy and recovery following different treatments. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone (or just saline for control) followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered infantile spasms. Pups were treated with either ATCH, PMX53 (a potent C5ar1 antagonist) or saline to act as a control, on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration to determine what effects each treatment had on transcriptome recovery. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission and that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics. Contrary to our findings in male rats, neither ACTH or PMX53 treatment recovered the normal synaptic transcriptomes. One tissue (hypothalamic arcuate nucleus) x two prenatal exposures (B = betamethasone, S = saline) x two conditions for the betamethasone expossed rats (with (Y) without (N) infantile spasms) x three postnatal treatments (A = ACTH, P = PMX53, S = saline) x one sex (M) . Biological replicates: 4 ASNSM, 4 ABNSM, 4 ABYSM, 4 ABYAM, 4 ABYPM. Please note that a the multiple yellow strategy has been adopted, in which differently labeled biological replicas are cohybridized, similarly labeled samples of distinct conditions are compared and the results of the green and red comparisons are averaged.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of male rat hypothalamic arcuate nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in epilepsy and recovery following different treatments. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone (or just saline for control) followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered infantile spasms. Pups were treated with either ATCH, PMX53 (a potent C5ar1 antagonist) or saline to act as a control, on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration to determine what effects each treatment had on transcriptome recovery. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission and that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics. However, ACTH treatment, which is effective in significantly improving seizure outcomes, recovered 49% of the normal transcriptome in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus. Surprisingly, PMX53 treatment recovered 64% of the normal transcriptome despite having no significant effect on behavioural seizure outcomes.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of female rat hypothalamic arcuate nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in epilepsy and recovery following different treatments. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone (or just saline for control) followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered infantile spasms. Pups were treated with either ATCH, PMX53 (a potent C5ar1 antagonist) or saline to act as a control, on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration to determine what effects each treatment had on transcriptome recovery. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission and that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics. Contrary to our findings in male rats, neither ACTH or PMX53 treatment recovered the normal synaptic transcriptomes.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of male and female rat hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in autism. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered the infantile spasms and autism spectrum disease behavior. Pups were treated with saline on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in autistic rats . The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission and that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of male and female rat hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in epilepsy and recovery following treatment with ACTH. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered infantile spasms. Pups were treated with ATCH on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration to determine what effects the treatment had on transcriptome recovery. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission and that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics. ACTH treatment induced a moderate recovery of the normal synaptic transcriptomes.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of male and female rat hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in epilepsy and recovery following treatment with PMX53. The rats were prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone followed by repeated adiministration of N-Methyl-D-Aspartic acid (NMDA) on postnatal days 12, 13 and 15 which triggered infantile spasms and autistic behavior. Pups were treated with PMX53 (a potent C5ar1 antagonist) on days 13, 14 and 15 prior to NMDA administration to determine what effects the treatment had on transcriptome recovery. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission, that NMDA-induced spasms strongly exacerbated the remodeling of these fabrics and that PMX53 treatment recovered partially the the normal synaptic transcriptomes.
Project description:We profiled the whole transcriptomes of male and female rat hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei to determine the remodeling of the genomic fabrics responsible for the glutamatergic, GABAergic, dopaminergic, cholinergic and serotonergic transmission in rats prenatally exposed (G15) to betamethasone. Pups were treated with saline on days 13, 14 and 15. Our Genomic Fabric Paradigm (GFP) is proposed as a transformative research approach to enhance the understanding of the brain transcriptomic alterations in epileptic rats and recovery following various treatments. The genomic fabric of a particular synapse is the structured transcriptome associated with the most interconnected and stably expressed gene network responsible for that type of neurotransmission. GFP refines the description of functional pathways by selecting the most prominent genes and determining their networking. Moreover, it quantifies the remodeling of functional pathways and their interplay in disease and recovery in response to a treatment. We found that priming with betamethasone had substantial consequences on the topology of the genomic fabrics of all kind of synaptic transmission.
Project description:Coupling the release of pituitary hormones to the developmental stage of the oocyte is essential for female fertility. It requires estrogen to restrain kisspeptin (Kiss1) neuron pulsatility in the arcuate hypothalamic nucleus, while also exerting a surge-like effect on Kiss1 neuron activity in the AVPV hypothalamic nucleus. However, a mechanistic basis for this region-specific effect has remained elusive. Here, we provide functional insight into hypothalamic estrogen sensing by analyzing estrogen receptor alpha (ERα/ESR1) DNA binding events in the arcuate and AVPV nuclei of the hypothalamus in female mice.