Project description:CD19 + ER1 (B lymphocyte line) cells differentiated into CD45 + Ter119 + ter cells in vitro, we selected CD19 + ER1 cells (CD19+CD45+TER119-CD11b+), intermediate ER1 cells (CD19-CD45+TER119-CD11b+) and Ter119 + CD45 + CD19 - ER1 cells (CD19-CD45+TER119+CD11b+) for transcriptome analysis. We then performed gene expression profiling analysis using data obtained from RNA-seq of those 3 cell lines.
Project description:Mammary gland homeostasis is maintained by adult tissue stem-progenitor cells residing within the luminal and basal epithelia. Dysregulation of mammary stem cells is a key mechanism for cancer development. However, stem cell characterization is challenging because reporter models using cell-specific promoters do not fully recapitulate the mammary stem cell populations. We previously found that a 270-basepair Runx1 enhancer element, named eR1, marked stem cells in the blood and stomach. Here, we identified eR1 activity in a rare subpopulation of the ERα-negative luminal epithelium in mouse mammary glands. Lineage-tracing using an eR1-CreERT2 mouse model revealed that eR1+ luminal cells generated the entire luminal lineage and milk-secreting alveoli – eR1 therefore specifically marks lineage-restricted luminal stem cells. eR1-targeted-conditional knockout of Runx1 led to the expansion of luminal epithelial cells, accompanied by elevated ERα expression. Our findings demonstrate a definitive role for Runx1 in the regulation of the eR1-positive luminal stem cell proliferation during mammary homeostasis. Our findings identify a mechanistic link for Runx1 in stem cell proliferation and its dysregulation in breast cancer. Runx1 inactivation is therefore likely to be an early hit in the cell-of-origin of ERα+ luminal type breast cancer.