Project description:Corneal epithelial stem cells reside in the limbus that is the transitional zone between the cornea and conjunctiva, and are essential to maintain the homeostasis of corneal epithelium. However, their characterization is poorly understood. Therefore, we constructed gene expression profiles of limbal epithelial SP and non-SP cell using RNA-sequencing. As a result, limbal epithelial SP cells have immature cell phenotypes with endothelial/mesenchymal cell markers, while limbal epithelial non-SP cells have epithelial progenitor cell markers.
Project description:Targeted therapies against cancer stem cells which are enriched in side populations (SP) involves interruption of Wnt-signalling. Furthermore, EpCAM is a SP marker and modulator of Wnt-signalling. Therefore, the effects of an anti-EpCAM treatment on SP-cells and WNT/β-catenin signalling was studied. SP of the human lung adenocarcinoma cell line A549 was obtained by fluorescence activated cell sorting and whole genome scans helped to define their molecular phenotype after anti-EpCAM antibody treatment.
Project description:Targeted therapies against cancer stem cells which are enriched in side populations (SP) involves interruption of Wnt-signalling. Furthermore, EpCAM is a SP marker and modulator of Wnt-signalling. Therefore, the effects of an anti-EpCAM treatment on SP-cells and WNT/β-catenin signalling was studied. SP of the murine lung adenocarcinoma cell line A2C12 was obtained by fluorescence activated cell sorting and whole genome scans helped to define their molecular phenotype after anti-EpCAM antibody treatment.
Project description:In previous work in our group, shotgun genome sequencing of Arthrobacter sp. revealed potential new P450 monooxygenases and many other oxidoreductases with putative hydroxylation activity. A targeted approach to identify enzymes involved in the degradation of certain molecules is proteomic analysis. In the case of growth on certain substances, enzymes like P450s, which are responsible for the observed organism’s capabilities, might be overexpressed or initially induced.
Project description:Macrophages play fundamental roles in regulation of inflammatory responses to pathogens, resolution of inflammation and tissue repair, and maintenance of tissue homeostasis. The long (L) and short (S) isoforms of SP-R210/MYO18A, a macrophage receptor for surfactant protein A (SP-A) and C1q, regulate basal and inflammatory macrophage phenotype at multiple gene expression, translational, and subcellular levels in addition to their SP-A and C1q-mediated functions; disruption of L renders macrophages hyper-inflammatory, although the underlying mechanism had previously been unexplored. We questioned whether disruption of the L isoform would alter the global genomic responses. RNA sequencing analysis of SP-R210L(DN) macrophages revealed basal and influenza induced upregulation of genes associated with inflammatory pathways, including TLR, RIG-I, NOD, and cytoplasmic DNA signaling, whereas knockdown of both SP-R210 isoforms (L and S) only resulted in increased RIG-I and NOD signaling. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq) analysis showed increased genome-wide deposition of the pioneer transcription factor PU.1 in SP-R210L(DN) compared to WT cells. ChIP-seq analysis of histone H3 methylation showed alterations in both repressive (H3K9me3 and H3K27me3) and transcriptionally active (H3K9me3) histone marks. Influenza A virus (IAV) infection, which stimulates an array of cytosolic and TLR-mediated antiviral mechanisms, resulted in differential redistribution between proximal promoter and distal sites and decoupling of PU.1 binding from Toll-like receptor regulated gene promoters in SP-R210L(DN) cells. Our findings suggest that SP-R210L-deficient macrophages are poised with an open PU.1-primed chromatin conformation to rapidly respond to inflammatory and metabolic stimuli.
Project description:In humans there are two surfactant protein A (SP-A) functional genes SFTPA1 and SFTPA2 encoding innate immune molecules, SP-A1 and SP-A2, respectively, with numerous genetic variants each. SP-A interacts and regulates many of the functions of alveolar macrophages (AM). It is shown that SP-A variants differ in their ability to regulate the AM miRNome in response to oxidative stress (OxS). Because humans have both SP-A gene products, we were interested to determine the combined effect of co-expressed SP-A1/SP-A2 (co-ex) in response to ozone (O3) induced OxS on AM miRNome. Human transgenic (hTG) mice, carrying both SP-A1/SP-A2 (6A2/1A0, co-ex) and SP-A- KO were utilized. The hTG and KO mice were exposed to filtered air (FA) or O3 and miRNA levels were measured after AM isolation with or without normalization to KO. We found: (i) The AM miRNome of co-ex males and females in response to OxS to be largely downregulated after normalization to KO, but after Bonferroni multiple comparison analysis only in females the AM miRNome remained significantly different compared to control (FA); (ii) The targets of the significantly changed miRNAs were downregulated in females and upregulated in males; (iii) Several of the validated mRNA targets were involved in pro-inflammatory response, anti-apoptosis, cell cycle, cellular growth and proliferation; (iv) The AM of SP-A2 male, shown, previously to have major effect on the male AM miRNome in response to OxS, shared similarities with the co-ex, namely in pathways involved in the pro-inflammatory response and anti-apoptosis but also exhibited differences with the cell-cycle, growth, and proliferation pathway being involved in co-ex and ROS homeostasis in SP-A2 male. We speculate that the presence of both gene products versus single gene products differentially impact the AM responses in males and females in response to OxS.
Project description:A strain of a hyperthermophilic filamentous archaeon was isolated from a sample of Kamchatka hot spring sediment. Isolate 1807-2 grew optimally at 85 °C, pH 6.0-6.5, the parameters being close to those at the sampling site. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis placed the novel isolate in the crenarchaeal genus Thermofilum; Thermofilum pendens was its closest valid relative (95.7 % of sequence identity). Strain 1807-2 grew organothrophically using polysaccharides (starch and glucomannan), yeast extract or peptone as substrates. The addition of other crenarchaea culture broth filtrates was obligatory required for growth and could not be replaced by the addition of these organisms' cell wall fractions, as it was described for T. pendens. The genome of strain 1807-2 was sequenced using Illumina and PGM technologies. The average nucleotide identities between genome of strain 1807-2 and T. pendens strain HRK 5(T) and "T. adornatus" strain 1910b were 85 and 82 %, respectively. On the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequence phylogeny, ANI calculations and phenotypic differences we propose a novel species Thermofilum uzonense with the type strain 1807-2(T) (= DSM 28062(T)?=?JCM 19810(T)). Project information and genome sequence was deposited in Genbank under IDs PRJNA262459 and CP009961, respectively.
Project description:BACKGROUND: Human SP-A1 and SP-A2, encoded by SFTPA1 and SFTPA2 and their genetic variants differentially impact alveolar macrophage (AM) functions and regulation, including the miRNome. We investigated whether miRNome differences previously observed between AM from SP-A2 and SP-A1/SP-A2 mice are due to continued qualitative differences or a delayed response of mice carrying a single gene. METHODS: Human transgenic (hTG) mice, carrying SP-A2 or both SP-A genes and SP-A-KO mice were exposed to filtered air (FA) or O3. AM miRNA levels, target gene expression and pathways determined 18 h after O3 exposure. RESULTS: We found: (a) Differences in miRNome due to sex, SP-A genotype, and exposure; (b) miRNome of both sexes was largely downregulated by O3 ; co-ex had fewer changed (≥2X) miRNAs than either group. (c) the number and direction of expression of genes with significant changes in males and females in co-ex is almost the opposite of those in SP-A2; (iv) The same pathways were found in the studied groups; (e) O3 exposure attenuated sex differences; a higher number of genotype-dependent and genotype-independent miRNAs was common in both sexes after O3 exposure. CONCLUSION: Qualitative differences between SP-A2 and co-ex persist 18 h post-O3, and O3 attenuates sex differences.