Project description:We performed whole exome sequencing and copy number analysis for 15 triplets, each comprising normal colorectal tissue, primary colorectal carcinoma, and its synchronous matched liver metastasis. We analyzed the similarities and differences between primary colorectal carcinoma and matched liver metastases in regards to somatic mutations and somatic copy number alterationss (SCNAs). The genomic profiling demonstrated mutations in APC(73%), KRAS (33%), ARID1A and PIK3CA (6.7%) genes between primary colorectal and metastatic liver tumors. TP53 mutation was observed in 47% of the primary samples and 67% in liver metastatic samples. The grouped pairs, in hierarchical clustering showed similar SCNA patterns, in contrast to the ungrouped pairs. Many mutations (including those of known key cancer driver genes) were shared in the grouped pairs. The ungrouped pairs exhibited distinct mutation patterns with no shared mutations in key driver genes. Four ungrouped liver metastasis samples had mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes along with hypermutations and a substantial number of copy number of alterations. Genomically, colorectal and metastatic liver tumors were very similar. However, in a subgroup of patients, there were genetic variations in liver metastases in the loss of DNA mismatch repair genes.
Project description:We performed whole exome sequencing and copy number analysis for 15 triplets, each comprising normal colorectal tissue, primary colorectal carcinoma, and its synchronous matched liver metastasis. We analyzed the similarities and differences between primary colorectal carcinoma and matched liver metastases in regards to somatic mutations and somatic copy number alterationss (SCNAs). The genomic profiling demonstrated mutations in APC(73%), KRAS (33%), ARID1A and PIK3CA (6.7%) genes between primary colorectal and metastatic liver tumors. TP53 mutation was observed in 47% of the primary samples and 67% in liver metastatic samples. The grouped pairs, in hierarchical clustering showed similar SCNA patterns, in contrast to the ungrouped pairs. Many mutations (including those of known key cancer driver genes) were shared in the grouped pairs. The ungrouped pairs exhibited distinct mutation patterns with no shared mutations in key driver genes. Four ungrouped liver metastasis samples had mutations in DNA mismatch repair genes along with hypermutations and a substantial number of copy number of alterations. Genomically, colorectal and metastatic liver tumors were very similar. However, in a subgroup of patients, there were genetic variations in liver metastases in the loss of DNA mismatch repair genes. Copy number analysis of Affymetrix CytoScanHD arrays was performed for 15 primary colorectal carcinoma and 15 samples of their matched liver metastases. 15 normal samples prepared from each of the patient was used as the reference for the study. Nexus Copy number 6.1 software was used for somatic copy number alteration analysis.
Project description:The research focuses on the longitudinal analysis of phosphoproteomic profiles in patients with recurrent colorectal liver metastases. Twenty-four individuals who underwent initial and recurrent resections for colorectal liver metastases participated in the study. Tissue samples were systematically collected throughout the treatment period from the liver metastases and normal liver tissue of each of the 24 patients at two timepoints. To validate the therapeutic candidate, we conducted a phosphoproteomics analysis of cell lines treated with AZD6482 and xenograft samples treated with copanlisib. The analysis aimed to assess the pharmacological effects of these treatments.
Project description:About 50% of colorectal cancer patients develop liver metastases. Patients with metastatic colorectal cancer have 5-year survival rates below 20% despite new therapeutic regimens. Tumor heterogeneity has been linked with poor clinical outcome, but was so far mainly studied via bulk genomic analyses. In this study we performed spatial proteomics via MALDI mass spectrometry imaging on six patient matched CRC primary tumor and liver metastases to characterize interpatient, intertumor and intratumor hetereogeneity. We found several peptide features that were enriched in vital tumor areas of primary tumors and liver metastasis and tentatively derived from tumor cell specific proteins such as annexin A4 and prelamin A/C. Liver metastases of colorectal cancer showed higher heterogeneity between patients than primary tumors while within patients both entities show similar intratumor heterogeneity sometimes organized in zonal pattern. Together our findings give new insights into the spatial proteomic heterogeneity of primary CRC and patient matched liver metastases.