Project description:We did whole-genome methylation sequencing for 21 Vaccinium samples. This project attempts to analyze the improvement breeding process of cultivated blueberry from two aspects of heredity and epigenetic inheritance.
Project description:Blueberry is one of the most desirable and nutritious fruits. During fruit development, the blueberry’s organoleptic properties and phytonutrient composition are ever-changing [1]. Blueberry fruit development is typically described in five phases: pads, cups, green, pink, and blue (ripe) [2]. The former two phases are referred to as the initial “expansion”. During expansion, young fruit is generally hard, dark green and distinguishable by size [3]. The latter three phases are referred to as maturation. Green fruit are hard and fully rounded green berries; pink berries are partially pigmented; blue (ripe) berries are fully colored and soft. Fruit maturation has attracted considerable research attention, and typically, the characteristics fruit softening, coloring, and sweetening are assessed [4].