ABSTRACT: Life Span Analysis of Brain Development, Gene Expression and Behavioral Phenotypes in the Ts1Cje, Ts65Dn and Dp16 Mouse Models of Down Syndrome
Project description:Down syndrome (DS), a genetic condition leading to intellectual disability, is characterized by triplication of human chromosome 21. Neuropathological hallmarks of DS include abnormal central nervous system development that manifests during gestation and extends throughout life. As a result, newborns and adults with DS exhibit cognitive and motor deficits and fail to meet typical developmental and lack independent life skills. A critical outstanding question is how DS-specific prenatal and postnatal phenotypes are recapitulated in different mouse models. To begin answering this question, we developed a life span approach to directly compare differences in embryonic brain development, cellularity, gene expression, neonatal and adult behavior behavior in three cytogenetically distinct mouse models of DS—Ts1Cje, Ts65Dn and Dp16/1Yey (Dp16). In the last two decades multiple therapeutic trials have been attempted to improve cognition in humans with DS but the results of these interventions lacked efficacy despide their succes in the Ts65Dn mouse model of DS. To better understand how phenotypic changes in humans in DS are recapitulated in different mouse models, we copared embryonic brain development and gene expression, perinatal behavior and brain excitatoty/inhibitory cell distribution, and adult behavior and gene expression in the Dp16, Ts65Dn and Ts1Cje mouse models of DS. The objectives of this study were to determine the best model(s) for prenatal and postnatal therapeutic trials and to identify treatment endpoints that can be used to evaluate the fficacy of these therapies prior to human clinical trials. Our data showed that, at embryonic day 15.5, Ts65Dn mice are the most profoundly and consistently affected with respect to somatic growth, brain morphogenesis, and neurogenesis compared to Ts1Cje and Dp16 embryos. However, gene expression results show that both Ts65Dn and Ts1Cje embryonic forebrains have a relatively high number of differentially expressed genes compared to Dp16, with little overlap in gene identities and genomic distribution observed among these models. Additionally, postnatal histological analyses show varying degrees of cell population and brain histogenesis abnormalities among the three strains. Behavioral testing also highlights differences among the models in their ability to meet various developmental milestones. At adulthood, Ts65Dn and Ts1Cje showed hyperactive behavior in the open field test but not Dp16 mice. In the fear conditioning test, all three strains showed lower freezing versus eupploid mice; Dp16 were the most severely affected. In the Morris water maze, Ts65Dn showed significant delays in the hidden platform, probe and reversal trials. Dp16 mice showed milder deficits in the hidden platform trial but severe deficits in reversal. Ts1Cje mice had no spatial memory deficits. In the rotarod test, Dp16 performed poorly in fixed and accelerating speed trials, while Ts1Cje was only abnormal at high speeds. Ts65Dn rotarod performance was unaffected. Compared to euploid, Ts65Dn had a higher number of differentially expressed (DEX) genes in cortex and cerebellum, while Ts1Cje had more DEX genes in hippocampus and cerebellum. Dp16 had the lowest number of DEX genes in all regions analyzed. Pathway analyses highlighted commonly dysregulated pathways, including G-protein signaling, oxidative stress, interferon signaling, glycosylation and disulfide bonds.
Project description:Down syndrome is characterized by a complex phenotype that includes developmental disabilities and congenital anomalies emerging during fetal life. The molecular origin of these abnormalities is poorly understood. Despite the evidence of prenatal onset of the phenotype, most therapeutic trials have been conducted in affected adults. This study presents evidence for fetal brain molecular and neonatal behavioral abnormalities in the Ts1Cje mouse model of Down syndrome. Gene expression changes were more pronounced in the Ts1Cje fetal brains than adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Functional pathway analyses showed that Ts1Cje embryonic brains display significant up-regulation of cell cycle and down-regulation of Solute-carrier amino acid transport pathways. Several cellular processes, including apoptosis, inflammation, Jak/Stat signaling, G-protein signaling and oxidoreductase activity were consistently dysregulated at both stages. Fetal brain gene expression changes were associated with early behavioral deficits in surface righting, cliff aversion, negative geotaxis, forelimb grasp, ultrasonic vocalization and homing tests. In combination with the human studies, this suggests that the Down syndrome phenotype manifests prenatally and provides a rationale for prenatal therapy to improve perinatal brain development and postnatal neurocognition. In the present study, we demonstrated that significant gene expression abnormalities were already present in the embryonic day 15 forebrain of the Ts1Cje mouse model of DS. The abnormal Ts1Cje embryonic molecular signature was associated with early postnatal developmental milestones and behavioral changes. These data provide a comprehensive picture of the genotype-phenotype relationship the Ts1Cje model of Down syndrome.
Project description:Down syndrome is characterized by a complex phenotype that includes developmental disabilities and congenital anomalies emerging during fetal life. The molecular origin of these abnormalities is poorly understood. Despite the evidence of prenatal onset of the phenotype, most therapeutic trials have been conducted in affected adults. This study presents evidence for fetal brain molecular and neonatal behavioral abnormalities in the Ts1Cje mouse model of Down syndrome. Gene expression changes were more pronounced in the Ts1Cje fetal brains than adult cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Functional pathway analyses showed that Ts1Cje embryonic brains display significant up-regulation of cell cycle and down-regulation of Solute-carrier amino acid transport pathways. Several cellular processes, including apoptosis, inflammation, Jak/Stat signaling, G-protein signaling and oxidoreductase activity were consistently dysregulated at both stages. Fetal brain gene expression changes were associated with early behavioral deficits in surface righting, cliff aversion, negative geotaxis, forelimb grasp, ultrasonic vocalization and homing tests. In combination with the human studies, this suggests that the Down syndrome phenotype manifests prenatally and provides a rationale for prenatal therapy to improve perinatal brain development and postnatal neurocognition. In the present study, we demonstrated that significant gene expression abnormalities were already present in the embryonic day 15 forebrain of the Ts1Cje mouse model of DS. The abnormal Ts1Cje embryonic molecular signature was associated with early postnatal developmental milestones and behavioral changes. These data provide a comprehensive picture of the genotype-phenotype relationship the Ts1Cje model of Down syndrome. We analyzed the forebrain whole transcriptome from embryonic day 15.5 (E15.5) Ts1Cje (n=5) and wild-type (n=5) using Affymetrix mouse gene 1.0 ST array. Data were normalized and analyzed to identify and accurately map genes that are significantly differentially expressed. Functional analyses were performed using GSEA and DAVID and DFLAT to better characterize cellular processes and pathways that are consistently affected in both brain regions. In separate experiments, the Fox scale, ultrasonic vocalization and homing tests were used to investigate postnatal behavioral deficits in Ts1Cje pups (n=29) versus WT littermates (n=64) at days 3 to 21.
Project description:We designed a large scale gene expression study in cerebellar external granular layer in Ts1Cje mice at P0 in order to measure the effects of trisomy 21 on in a enriched cell population (dissected layer) that is affected in Down syndrome in order to correlate gene expression changes to the phenotype observed. Keywords: Down syndrome, Ts1Cje, EGL, hypoplasia
Project description:Down syndrome neurophenotypes are characterized by mental retardation and a decreased brain volume. In order to identify whether deficits in proliferation, differentiation or survival could be responsible for this phenotype, neural precursor cells (NPCs) were isolated from the developing E14 neocortex of Down syndrome partial trisomy Ts1Cje mice and euploid (WT) littermates. Proliferation, cell differentiation and cell death assays revealed that Ts1Cje NPCs proliferated at a slower rate, due to a longer cell cycle and that a greater number of cells were positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein. An increase in Ts1Cje NPC cell death was also noted. Gene expression profiling was conducted on RNA extracted from Ts1Cje and WT NPCs. Approximately 54% of triploid gene expression ratios were significantly greater than the expected diploid gene ratio of 1.0. A number of diploid genes associated with differentiation, glial function and proliferation were dysregulated. The evidence points to a delay in cellular cycling that could exert stress on the NPC population, which might result in cellular death and a mobilization of glial cell survival responses. Importantly, these phenotypic changes, which mimic those seen in Down syndrome individuals, do not require over-expression of amyloid precursor protein (App) or soluble superoxide dismutase 1 (Sod1). In conclusion, early developmental proliferation deficits in Down syndrome result in secondary morphological changes that can impact on cognitive development and function. Keywords: Down syndrome, Neocortical precursor cells, transcriptome, proliferation Neural precursor cells (NPCs) were isolated from mouse E14 neocortex of Down syndrome Ts1Cje mice and euploid littermates. We compared gene expression profiles from trisomic and wild-type cells using pangenomic microarrays.
Project description:Transcriptome analysis of Ts1Cje (mouse model of Down syndrome) and euploids murine cerebellum during postnatal development Keywords = Down syndrome Keywords = Chromosome 21 Keywords = Transcriptome Keywords = Microarray Keywords = Cerebellum Keywords = Development Keywords: other
Project description:Background: Despite successful preclinical treatment studies to improve neurocognition in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome (DS), translation to humans has failed. This raises questions about the appropriateness of the Ts65Dn mouse as the “gold standard” for DS research. Here we used the novel Ts66Yah mouse that carries both an extra chromosome and the identical segmental Mmu16 trisomy as Ts65Dn without the Mmu17 non-orthologous region. Methods: Forebrains from embryonic day 18.5 Ts66Yah and Ts65Dn mice, along with euploid littermate controls, were used for gene expression and pathway analyses. Behavioral experiments were performed in neonatal and adult mice. Since male Ts66Yah mice are fertile, parent of origin transmission of the extra chromosome was studied. Results: We mapped 45 protein coding genes to the Ts65Dn Mmu17 non-orthologous, among which 71-82 % are expressed during forebrain development. Several of these genes were uniquely overexpressed in Ts65Dn embryonic forebrain; this produced major differences in dysregulated genes and pathways. Despite these genome-wide differences, the primary Mmu16 trisomic effects were highly conserved in both models, resulting in several commonly dysregulated disomic genes and pathways. Delays in motor development, communication and olfactory spatial memory were present in Ts66Yah but more pronounced in Ts65Dn neonates. Adult Ts66Yah mice showed working memory deficits and sex-specific effects in exploratory behavior and spatial hippocampal memory, while long-term memory was preserved. These deficits were milder when compared to Ts65Dn mice. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that triplication of the non-orthologous Mmu17 genes significantly contributes to the phenotype of the Ts65Dn mouse and may explain why preclinical trials that used this model have unsuccessfully translated to human therapies.
Project description:We designed a large scale gene expression study in Ts1Cje mice between P0 and P10 in order to measure the effects of trisomy 21 on a large number of samples (56 in total) in a tissue that is affected in Down syndrome (the cerebellum) and to quantify the defect during development in order to correlate gene expression changes to the phenotype observed. Keywords: Down syndrome, Ts1Cje, cerebellum, development, hypoplasia
Project description:Trisomy is a form of aneuploidy associated with embryonic and postnatal abnormalities in mammals. Understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in mutant phenotypes is broadly important and may lead to new strategies to treat clinical manifestations in individuals with trisomies, such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). While increased gene dosage effects due to a trisomy may account for the mutant phenotypes, there is also the possibility that phenotypic consequences of a trisomy can arise because of the presence of a freely segregating extra chromosome with its own centromere, i.e., a ‘free trisomy’ independent of gene dosage effects. Presently, there are no reports of attempts to functionally separate these two types of effects. To fill this gap, here we describe a strategy that employed two new mouse models of Down syndrome, Ts65Dn;Df(17)2Yey/+ and Dp(16)1Yey/Df(16)8Yey. Both models carry triplications of the same 103 human chromosome 21 gene orthologs; however, only Ts65Dn;Df(17)2Yey/+ mice carry a free trisomy. Comparative analysis of these two models revealed the gene dosage-independent effect of an extra chromosome at the phenotypic level for the first time, as reflected by impairments of Ts65Dn;Df(17)2Yey/+ males in T-maze tests when compared with Dp(16)1Yey/Df(16)8Yey males. Results from the transcriptomic analysis suggest the extra chromosome may play a major role in trisomy-associated expression alterations of disomic genes beyond gene dosage effects. This model system can now be used to deepen our mechanistic understanding of this common human aneuploidy and obtain new insights into the effects of free trisomies in other human diseases such as cancers.