Project description:Karyotyping by SNP array of primary uveal melanoma samples, uveal melanoma cell lines and normal controls The Human660WQuad v1.0 DNA Analysis Bead Chip and kit were used for high resolution molecular karyotyping of DNA isolated from snap-frozen primary uveal melanoma tissue isolated from enucleated eyes.
Project description:MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of endogenous non-coding RNAs of about 22 nt in length. Uveal melanoma is the most common intraocular malignant tumor in adults. Our previous result of microarray analysis showed that miR-142-3p was distinctly downregulated in uveal melanoma cells on which miR-142-3p was speculated to have important regulatory effect. In order to better understand the function of miR-142-3p in uveal melanoma and identify its gene targets, we performed transcriptomic microarray analysis. This was done by comparing gene expression profile changes in uveal melanoma cells transfected with miR-142-3p with that transfected with a negative control.
Project description:Primary uveal melanomas show multiple chromosomal aberrations. To identify genome variation in six human primary uveal melanomas, genome wide copy number variation (CNV) analyses were carried out in human primary uveal melanoma samples using array comparative genome hybridization.
Project description:Karyotyping using SNP array of primary uveal melanoma cells, normal uveal melanocytes, neural crest stem cells, embryonic stem cells and uveal melanoma cell lines MUM2B and OCM1A