Project description:Analysis of the response to intracellular nucleic acid ligands in wild-type versus RNase L KO cells showed that RNase L KO cells demonstrated an enhanced type I interferon to RNA, but not DNA ligands. Previous studies suggest that mRNAs may be a target of RNase L regulation. To investigate the extent that RNase L activation regulates the antiviral response by targeting of mRNAs, we performed microarray analysis comparing wild-type and RNase L KO cells treated with RIG-I ligand or CT DNA for 6 hours.
Project description:Comparison of wild type and mutant strain with temperature-sensitive RNase E. Goal: to study the effect of RNase E on the transcriptome
Project description:The model is first model of tissue level cellular immune responses to H. pylori in the publication, "Modeling the role of lanthionine synthetase C-like 2 (LANCL2) in the modulation of immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection" in PlosOne by Leber, Bassaganya-Riera, Tubau-Juni, Zoccoli-Rodriguez, Viladomiu, Abedi, Lu, and Hontecillas.
Immune responses to Helicobacter pylori are orchestrated through complex balances of host-bacterial interactions, including inflammatory and regulatory immune responses across scales that can lead to the development of the gastric disease or the promotion of beneficial systemic effects. While inflammation in response to the bacterium has been reasonably characterized, the regulatory pathways that contribute to preventing inflammatory events during H. pylori infection are incompletely understood. To aid in this effort, we have generated a computational model incorporating recent developments in the understanding of H. pylori-host interactions. Sensitivity analysis of this model reveals that a regulatory macrophage population is critical in maintaining high H. pylori colonization without the generation of an inflammatory response. To address how this myeloid cell subset arises, we developed a second model describing an intracellular signaling network for the differentiation of macrophages. Modeling studies predicted that LANCL2 is a central regulator of inflammatory and effector pathways and its activation promotes regulatory responses characterized by IL-10 production while suppressing effector responses. The predicted impairment of regulatory macrophage differentiation by the loss of LANCL2 was simulated based on multiscale linkages between the tissue-level gastric mucosa and the intracellular models. The simulated deletion of LANCL2 resulted in a greater clearance of H. pylori, but also greater IFNγ responses and damage to the epithelium. The model predictions were validated within a mouse model of H. pylori colonization in wild-type (WT), LANCL2 whole body KO and myeloid-specific LANCL2-/- (LANCL2Myeloid) mice, which displayed similar decreases in H. pylori burden, CX3CR1+ IL-10-producing macrophages, and type 1 regulatory (Tr1) T cells. This study shows the importance of LANCL2 in the induction of regulatory responses in macrophages and T cells during H. pylori infection.
Project description:The model is the second model of the publication "Modeling the role of lanthionine synthetase C-like 2 (LANCL2) in the modulation of immune responses to Helicobacter pylori infection" published in PlosOne by Leber, Bassaganya-Riera, Tubau-Juni, Zoccoli-Rodriguez, Viladomiu, Abedi, Lu, and Hontecillas.
Immune responses to Helicobacter pylori are orchestrated through complex balances of host-bacterial interactions, including inflammatory and regulatory immune responses across scales that can lead to the development of the gastric disease or the promotion of beneficial systemic effects. While inflammation in response to the bacterium has been reasonably characterized, the regulatory pathways that contribute to preventing inflammatory events during H. pylori infection are incompletely understood. To aid in this effort, we have generated a computational model incorporating recent developments in the understanding of H. pylori-host interactions. Sensitivity analysis of this model reveals that a regulatory macrophage population is critical in maintaining high H. pylori colonization without the generation of an inflammatory response. To address how this myeloid cell subset arises, we developed a second model describing an intracellular signaling network for the differentiation of macrophages. Modeling studies predicted that LANCL2 is a central regulator of inflammatory and effector pathways and its activation promotes regulatory responses characterized by IL-10 production while suppressing effector responses. The predicted impairment of regulatory macrophage differentiation by the loss of LANCL2 was simulated based on multiscale linkages between the tissue-level gastric mucosa and the intracellular models. The simulated deletion of LANCL2 resulted in a greater clearance of H. pylori, but also greater IFNγ responses and damage to the epithelium. The model predictions were validated within a mouse model of H. pylori colonization in wild-type (WT), LANCL2 whole body KO and myeloid-specific LANCL2-/- (LANCL2Myeloid) mice, which displayed similar decreases in H. pylori burden, CX3CR1+ IL-10-producing macrophages, and type 1 regulatory (Tr1) T cells. This study shows the importance of LANCL2 in the induction of regulatory responses in macrophages and T cells during H. pylori infection.
Project description:The conserved endoribonuclease RNase E is essential in Rhodobacter sphaeroides and acts as global regulator of the transcriptome. By comparison of an RNase E mutant (showing reduced enzyme activity) with the Rhodobacter sphaeroides wild type, both grown under three different growth conditions, we analysed the impact of RNase E on the adaption of Rhodobacter sphaeroides to different growth conditions.